Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 819: gouging out the heart

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Tang Wang in the car leaned out when he heard the sound, but he didn't know Qian Qianyi, and he didn't even know what he said about entering the city first or visiting the mausoleum first, so he hesitated there and didn't know how to answer.

This can't blame Tang Wang. He and his father and brother were locked in a dark room by his grandfather since he was a child. He never even went to school, and he almost died of starvation. After finally being free, he began to live a life of displacement for more than ten years. In many cases, he could not even guarantee three meals a day. Where would he have the opportunity to study and know that what the old man outside the car said was his Yan Fan. The story of Emperor Chengzu's entry into Nanjing after "Jing Nan".

King Tang looked at Zhou Shixiang in astonishment, not knowing whether to visit the mausoleum first or enter the city first.

Zhou Shixiang didn't actually know the allusions to the ancestors, but Qian Qianyi's words reminded him that there is a huge political difference between visiting the Xiaoling Mausoleum first and entering the city first and then visiting the Xiaoling Mausoleum. If you visit the Xiaoling Mausoleum first and then enter the city to be enthroned, it is to repay the ancestors and declare to the world that the Tang King’s position is extremely positive, and it is not inherited from the Yongli; This is very detrimental to the legitimacy and legitimacy of the Tang Dynasty's regime in the future.

Therefore, Zhou Shixiang blurted out: "Your Highness is visiting Ye Mausoleum!"

Qian Qianyi said, "Your Highness, please visit the mausoleum!" Behind him, Wang Fuzhi, Huang Zongxi and other Confucian scholars who planned the mausoleum shouted at the same time, as did thousands of Taiping soldiers.

Emperor Taizu's Xiaoling Mausoleum is located in Zhongshan. As a descendant of Taizu, Tang Wang should go to Yeling Mausoleum. Seeing that Baiguan wanted him to visit the Mausoleum, Zhou Shixiang wanted him to visit the Mausoleum, and the army and the people wanted him to visit the Mausoleum first, so he agreed to visit the Mausoleum first. Re-enter the city.

King Tang didn't think much about it, he just thought it was an established example. If he knew that the Emperor Chengzu would ascend to the throne after his mausoleum, he probably wouldn't agree.

The Tang king agreed to visit the mausoleum first, and Zhou Shixiang did not delay, and ordered his own army to turn around.

Zhongshan turns yellow from the wind and rain!

Lush Zhongshan, the majestic city gate is in front of you. Zhou Shixiang raised his eyebrows slightly, held the reins, and looked at Zhongshan in the distance. The flags fluttered in the air, making a whirring sound, behind them was a mighty army of soldiers and horses, and in front of the road was a crowd of people who were prostrate and bowing, and they were full of emotion.

All this changed because of him!

On the way, Zhou Shixiang was reminded by Zhang Changgeng that since he was in charge of the country’s first visit to the tomb of filial piety, he quickly brought the six people from Yuele to the tomb in order to offer sacrifices to Emperor Gao. Zhou Shixiang agreed, and immediately ordered to bring Yue Le six people quickly.

The chariots and the civil and military officials came to the Xiaoling Mausoleum to offer sacrifices. Walking to the front of the mausoleum, Zhou Shixiang came forward to ask for prisoners, and the Tang king agreed. So he pulled out Yue Le, Sun Kewang, Lang Tingzuo, Zhu Guozhi, Liang Huafeng, and Eise Hei to the outside of the mausoleum gate.

"On the order of your highness, the six thieves will be cut alive, the blood and wine will be mixed, and the heart and liver will be cut out, in order to sacrifice the Taizu Gao Emperor!"

Zhou Shixiang shouted, and immediately there were several executioners from the former Nanjing Punishment Department and two good men selected from the army. One person and two assistants walked to the front of the bound six thieves.


Lang Tingzuo was stunned, he knew that he would die, but he didn't expect Zhou Shixiang to kill them alive!

Rao is that Zhu Guozhi gave up his mind for the Qing Dynasty, and he would tremble all over when he heard the word "cut alive".

His forehead and black legs were broken, and they were directly tied to a wooden stake with a rope. The sergeant Zuo Jin could see that the crotch of this Manchu university sergeant was already wet.

Liang Huafeng was stubborn, and was tied there without saying a word.

Sun Kewang closed his eyes and waited for death, and he was a bit heroic back then when he was about to die.

Yue Le's eyes were in a daze, and his six spirits were wandering. He didn't know his fate, and stood there foolishly looking at the executioner in front of him.

When the civil and military officials and the common people heard that Yue Le and other six people were going to be killed, they were excited, surprised, shocked, and disapproved. Before His Royal Highness the prisoner presented the tomb of the prisoners, he was beheaded according to the code, so why did he cut him alive? This is inconsistent with the ancestral system, and also makes the sacrifice to the mausoleum too cruel and bloody.

Tang Wang did not read, but he knew that it was Ling Chi. Yuan Chonghuan, the supervisor of the Chongzhen Dynasty, died of this torture. He was kind and kind by nature, and he couldn't bear the torture. He wanted to behead people directly, but Zhou Shixiang said that these six people took the lives of thousands of Han people.

Zhou Shixiang insisted on being cut alive, and Tang Wang could not speak any more. Tang Wang did not object, and no one dared to object. Qian Qianyi and the other gentry also understood that they wanted to kill the left and right. Since the Duke of Yue insisted on lingering the six thieves, then Lingchi would be fine. There is no need to conflict with the Duke of Yue over this trivial matter.

Zhang Huangyan was excited. He broke Manchuria that day, and he finally killed two Manchu Tartars himself, fulfilling his long-cherished wish. Today, I can see the Prince of Manzhou being executed by Ling Chi again. I think it is enough to rest his eyes when he comes to Dingxihou Quanxia.


Blind Li excitedly stepped forward and shouted, and the digital executioners immediately stepped forward. In fact, none of them had ever been sentenced to lingchi, but they only heard how this sentence was done. [Love ↑ Go △ Small ↓ Say △ Net WwW.AiQu] Ling Chi is divided into three classes, the first class requires 3,357 knives; the second class requires 2,896 Knife; third class, one thousand five hundred and eighty-five knives. No matter how many knives are cut, the criminal should be killed by the last knife. If the criminal dies before that, the executioner will be punished.

Such strict requirements mean that there can be no errors in the execution process. The size of each piece of meat must be the same, otherwise, the number of knives required for execution will not be enough. When executing the execution, the swordsman must be calm, and there must not be any fluctuations in his heart, let alone a dry heart, otherwise, the execution will not go on.

Fortunately, the Taiping Army has no rigid requirements for these swordsmen, and only allows them to cut alive, but how many swords are casual, which gives the swordsmen confidence, otherwise they can't finish it if they really set a standard number of swords.

After Zhou Shixiang left last night, the six thieves had a good meal, and in the jargon it was a meal. This will be pulled forward one by one, tied to a wooden stake as high as one person, unable to move.

Being cut alive is torture, but is there no more cruel criminal law in this world than cutting alive?

How was Chen Gongzizhuang killed by the big saw that day!

The torture in front of the mausoleum is to tell the Manchu Tartars and the Han people who are willing to be their lackeys. It’s not that God won’t take care of you, it’s just that the time has not come; when the time comes, your fate will be worse than death!

"Go on the knife!"

An older knifeman shouted at the top of his voice, and then with a sharp knife in his hand, he cut off a piece of flesh on the chest of the two governors in front of him. Lang Tingzuo hummed, but tried his best to look like he was dying, but his lips were trembling and he couldn't hide the fear on his face. The flesh of the chest flew out, and a line of blood shot out from the recess. Blood dripped down the edge of the knife, staining his body red. Knife after knife, slice after slice, and soon, there was no whole piece of meat on Lang Tingzuo's chest, it was all red meat that had been peeled.

Lang Tingzuo can really bear it, he has been clenching his teeth, he does not look at the executioner in front of him, let alone in front of his face, he only looks up at the sky. Because only in this way can he minimize his fear. However, a few subtle groans still passed into the knifeman's ears, letting the knifeman know that he was punishing a living person, not an unconscious dead person.

On the side, another swordsman is executing Yue Le, the Prince of Manchu in Qing Dynasty. This swordsman was a little young, but he was the apprentice of the swordsman who executed Lang Tingzuo. It was the first time for the young man to drive a duck to the shelves, and he was inevitably nervous, so the first cut was heavy, and he slashed a piece of meat the size of a palm. The Taiping Army, who was watching the execution, did not scold and accuse him, and he just made a second knife carefully.

Prince An was not stupid, he just closed himself, or he was unwilling to accept the facts in front of him. Because a fool would not know pain, but Prince An knew it.

Yue Le gasped in pain. He didn't know how many knives the executioner had stabbed at him, but he only knew that the sharp knife in front of him kept falling and rising, bringing with him, apart from blood, pieces of flesh from his body. As the knife goes down, the young knifeman is obviously getting more and more skilled. The ribs on Yue Le's chest were fully visible, and a thin film was covered between the bones, and the throbbing heart was faintly visible.

Sun Kewang's performance surprised and admired the swordsman, because from beginning to end, the prisoner in front of him did not utter a cry.

Liang Huafeng's performance was also good. Except for the two knives at the beginning, he made a few faint groans, and he didn't make a sound after that. However, no matter how strong a man is, as long as he loses his position, he will no longer be powerful. This is the same as cutting the mane of a fierce horse and plucking the feathers of a rooster.

Liang Huafeng's consciousness was very clear. He found that the executioner who was attacking him suddenly lowered his head and looked at his lower body. He was startled and realized something, he wanted to shrink, but couldn't. He felt that the thing was suddenly pulled straight, and then when it got cold, the baby was gone.


Liang Huafeng's howl was very scary. No, six people screamed at the same time, because their baby bumps were all cut off.

Yue Le's voice was very irritating, like a ghost screaming in the middle of the night, and like a cat in estrus being kicked violently; Lang Tingzuo's voice was very sharp, like a woman's instantly; Screaming, his body twisted in pain, and his body kept rubbing against the stake; Zhu Guozhi screamed like a neutered male dog; Sun Kewang finally became less heroic, and he began to scream. His heroic spirit was gone as early as that rainy night, and this knife only cut off his last bit of confidence as a man.

The miserable howls of the Six Thieves made many of the officials and gentry watching the execution turned their heads in fright and did not dare to look again. Tang Wang also turned his head, it was too miserable. He has seen a lot of tragic things, but he has never seen a big living person being dismembered into a bone.

Zhou Shixiang's line of sight has never been far from the Six Thieves, and there is a joy in his heart. This is the joy of hatred being rewarded, and the joy of comforting parents, wives and children.

Yue Le howled repeatedly, his body twisted, his clearly visible heart beating very violently, the sound of "bang bang' was clearly audible. Sun Kewang's head also swayed back and forth, left and right, and his head slammed into execution. The column made a dull sound. The blood splattered his eyes, and his facial features were distorted beyond recognition. Anyone who saw such a face would have nightmares for the rest of their lives.


Lang Tingzuo didn't know where the strength came from, but he yelled: "thief scholar, thief scholar! I can't kill you in my life, and I will take your life when I turn into a ghost after death! . . !..."

"I'm not afraid of the living, am I still afraid of a dead ghost? As for the future, I have never thought about it." Zhou Shixiang waved his hand coldly and ordered the knifeman: "Cut off this thief's tongue!"

Hearing the majestic and annoyed voice of Zhou Dashuai sounded in the back of his head, the knife was startled for a moment. He looked at the former Governor of Liangjiang, who was being tortured in front of him, and found that his mouth was full of blood foam, and he couldn't do anything at all. Under the knife. However, Zhou Dashuai's order was not to be disobeyed, so the knifeman put the small knife in his mouth, lifted the bucket of water that his assistant took over with both hands, and slammed it on Lang Tingzuo's face.

A bucket of water was suddenly splashed on his face, making Lang Tingzuo's nose unable to breathe for a while. The knifeman aimed for the opportunity~www.wuxiaspot.com~ reached out and squeezed Lang's throat, pinching it to death, Lang's face was suffocated. The color of pig liver, his mouth opened wide and his tongue stuck out. The knife hand held Lang's throat with one hand and did not dare to loosen it. With the other hand, he took the knife from his mouth, and with a flick of the knife's tip, he cut off Lang's tongue.

"The man's tongue has been cut!"

The knifeman held Lang Tingzuo's tongue with his hand to show the crowd, and he felt the tongue in his hand tremble. Blood spurted out of Lang Tingzuo's mouth. On his body, blood and water were mixed together. Without his tongue, he was still scolding, but no one heard what he was scolding.

One knife after another, Yue Le, Lang Tingzuo, Sun Kewang, Zhu Guozhi, Forehead Black, and Liang Huafeng became bones one by one. There was no flesh on their bodies, only **** bones, and the two eyeballs in the skeleton head could not move.

On the long table set up in front of the mausoleum, the hearts of the six thieves were enshrined, and several jars of wine from Kaifeng were filled with their blood.

After the sacrifice of King Tang, Zhou Shixiang suddenly ordered people to fill a large bowl on the long table, and poured the blood and wine into bowls and bowls.

He walked over to the long table, picked up a bowl of blood wine and drank it. (To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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