Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 823: Failed to capture tiger, injured by tiger

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In Yangzhou, the urgent delivery of Li Guoying, the governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi, made Shunzhi, who was unable to cross the river because the navy was locked, even more furious.

Li Guoying claimed that Doni, the king of Xinjun, returned from Guiyang via central and northern Sichuan, and arrived at Baoning.

In addition, Li Guoying sued Doni, claiming that King Xin led the army to rob Sichuan Governor Gao Minzhan of the military rations stored in Chengdu, and also brazenly sent troops to wash the city, taking the children of the city as hostages and taking gold and silk, which cannot be done. Those who have been captured are gone. Gao Min looked at the numbers as forceful words, and only returned the wives and daughters of the former Ming generals one or two years ago, and the rest will not be sent. This move caused the indignation of the generals before the Ming Dynasty in Central Sichuan. Half of the poor were starved to death, half of the slaughtered, and half of their children were plundered.

At the end of Li Guoying's memorial, Gao Min's secret report was attached: "King Confidence returned to the west, and several cities in Guizhou were destroyed at once, and all the people's houses were burned. The soldiers entered Sichuan, whipping the poor day and night, setting up wine and food, and running beans and horses. When they were rich, they killed them all, but still used the excuse of not giving food. They searched the homes of millet people, their children, jade and silk, and plundered them at will. Halfway through the journey, the army ran out of food. Killing the camp soldiers for meat and sacrificing the skeletons and entrusting the land to the ground is worth more than ten thousand. Under the sword of the fierce soldiers, regardless of the livelihood of the people, there are many living gentry who put meat on the anvil, and the hearts of the people in central Sichuan will be lost!"

"How dare Duny abandon Guizhou without my order!"

Shunzhi was very annoyed. He was not annoyed by how many Han children were robbed by the Manchurian and Mongolian soldiers, how many Han civilians were eaten, how many surrendered soldiers were killed, and how many surrendered soldiers were forced to rebel, and how unpopular the Qing was in the southwest. In his opinion, none of these matters. The important thing is that Duny withdraws his troops without an imperial decree.

When Shunzhi was annoyed, he ordered an order to investigate Doni. Soni and Aobai were surprised and hurriedly persuaded their master not to worry. Since King Xin has arrived in Baoning, there must be an urgent delivery. Abandoning land and losing soil was a capital crime in the Qing Dynasty. No matter how confused King Xin was, he would never do anything for nothing. Therefore, there must be some changes in the southwest that caused King Xin to withdraw in a hurry. May wish to wait until after the letter Wang Shang Shu before making a decision.

"What could happen to the southwest, that Zhu Youlang has abandoned the country and fled, could it be that he fought back again?"

Shunzhi was still angry, but he did not insist on investigating Duny. After all, Jidu was killed and Yue Le was captured. If Duny were to be investigated and dealt with again, the three princes of the Qing Dynasty would be embarrassed. Besides, the Empress Dowager and Manchuria were opposed to Yue Le's incident. He did it under enormous pressure. If he had to do it again, the Empress Dowager would definitely not agree to it. Right now, he needs Manchuria to work together to tide over the difficulties, so he must not do things that irritate Manchuria.

Sure enough, Duny's urgent delivery arrived the next day, and the news of the urgent delivery surprised both Shunzhi and Sony, because Duny claimed that Wu Sangui had brought back Zhu Youlang from Burma. The soldiers gave up Guizhou and returned to the west, in order to guard the front line of Ning and Hanzhong, and prevent the Wu army from entering Sichuan to attack Shaanxi and threaten Guanzhong. [Love ↑ go △ small ↓ say △ network WwW.AiQu]

"How could Wu Sangui be against him, how could he be against the Wu family when I treat him so dearly!"

Shunzhi couldn't believe it, he didn't believe that Wu Sangui would rebel, because he married his sister Jianning to Wu Sangui's son Wu Yingxiong, and promoted Wu Sangui as Prince of Pingxi. How could he go against it!

"You said, does Wu Sangui really want to oppose me?"

Shunzhi was furious and smashed the furnishings in the house to pieces, so frightened that Sony and Aobai and the lecturer who accompanied the army, Ma Leji, knelt down and didn't dare to move.

After a while, after the master calmed down, Sony said: "There is no news that Wu Sangui has rebelled in Sichuan, and the slaves think that Wu Sangui has rebelled based on this."

Sony is serious about his opinion. After all, it is only the letter of the king, and the letter of the king did not say that the Wu army attacked him, so he thought that the king probably did not want to stay in the southwest.

Shunzhi said angrily, "If he has no objection, why did he take Zhu Youlang back?"

Sony froze, not knowing how to answer. Ao Bai said: "The slave thinks that Wu Sangui may not really have any objection. He may take back Zhu Youlang to wait and see the situation."

"Wait and see the situation?" Shunzhi snorted coldly, "Why don't you just say that Wu Sangui doesn't like me and wait for me to be finished, so that he can become a hero of the Ming Dynasty!"

"Master, whether Wu Sangui waits and sees, supports troops, or really has objections, the court can't question him now, otherwise it will really push him back, and the Qing Dynasty will face pressure from two fronts. , it’s really hard to support.”

The speaker was Malji, who was from the Zhenghuang Banner in Manchuria, lived in Suwan, great-grandfather Dabanga, and came back from the time of Taizu. In the ninth year of Shunzhi, Malji took the first place in the interpreter exam and was the first champion in Manzhou, and was very favored by Shunzhi.

"Wu Sangui took back Zhu Youlang and supported his troops with self-respect. The imperial court kept him for the sake of raising tigers, but that's only a matter of the future. No one can predict the outcome, but the Jiangnan Taiping Army is a worry for the moment, if it is not cleared up in time , I am afraid of endangering the country and society."

After Malji finished speaking, Ao Bai immediately echoed: "Maleji is right. The slave thinks that considering the safety of the society, whether Wu Sangui has any dissent or not, it is a guess. However, it is a fact that Wu Sangui has a heavy army. In addition to those soldiers who have not yet joined the ranks, Wu Sangui's troops may be beyond the court's expectations! If you turn against Wu Sangui at this time, it will not benefit the court at all!"

"Wu Sangui is so strong now?" Shunzhi was surprised.

Ao Bai nodded and said: "I'm afraid there will be no less than 100,000 people... This is just the view of the servants. Regardless of whether the king's report is true or not, the court has to treat this matter as non-existent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If it is an edict to ask, It is bound to intensify the conflict between the court and Wu Sangui, and at that time, I am afraid that the tiger will not be captured, but will be injured by the tiger!"

After listening to Sony, he shook his head and said, "The slaves do not agree with Ao Bai's statement. They know that Wu Sangui supports his troops and does not take measures to restrain them. Wouldn't they be more destroyed by tigers!"

Ao Bai refuted: "It's true that Wu Sangui has a lot of troops, but he will use his own troops to compete with the court. That's just a guess. A guess is a guess, can it be equated with facts?"

Soni said: "Even if King Faith is just a guess, we can't let it be natural, we must restrain it, and we can't watch Wu Sangui wait and see. If the court is unfavorable, wouldn't he immediately raise the flag of rebellion?"

Ma Leji said: "With the current power of the imperial court to compete with Wu Sangui, there is indeed a fear of not being able to capture the tiger, but instead being injured by the tiger. However, if Wu Sangui is sent to Huguang and the Ming army is consumed by each other, it can be achieved to pacify the chaos. It’s effective, but it also has the reality of resistance.” After a pause, he continued: “The slaves think that although Zhu Youlang is the foundation of the Ming Dynasty, it is the foundation of the dead wood, which can be cleaned up without blowing dust, and Zhou Shixiang, Zhang Huangyan and others may It is the end, but it is the end of life. Only by letting Wu Sangui abandon his roots and seek the end, will his strength suffer greatly."

(To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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