Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 843: Where is Wu Keshan!

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"After I die, I will be buried on Plum Blossom Ridge." - Shi Kefa.


Outside the Guangchumen Gate in the north of Yangzhou City, there is a mound of soil on which plums are planted, hence the name Meihualing.

After the "Ten Days of Yangzhou", the bones in the city piled up like mountains, and more than 600,000 people died. The body of Shi Kefa, the supervisor of the pavilion, was dismembered by the Qing soldiers, and his whereabouts were unknown. A year later, his adopted son, Shi Dewei, used a robe to evoke the soul and buried his clothes on the ridge, which was called the "Shi Gebu Tomb".

In the past 15 years, in the direction opposite to the due north of the Shigebu Tomb on Meihualing, in the night, the bonfire rising from the Mongolian Tartar camp illuminated most of the night sky transparently. On the Plum Blossom Ridge, it was pitch black.

There are nearly 30,000 Mongolian soldiers in the Mongolian Tartar camp at the foot of the mountain. Except for the more than 6,000 Mongolian Eight Banners, they are all Mongolian troops from foreign vassal regions just transferred from outside the mouth. The so-called Outer Mongolian refers to the Mongolian tribes that are not affiliated to the Eight Banners of Mongolia, and are divided into Inner Zhasak Mongolia and Outer Zhasak Mongolia (Inner and Outer Mongolia). The Inner Mongolian soldiers in the camp, namely Horqin, Aohan, Kalaqin, Ujumqin and other Mongolian soldiers called the twenty-four banners of Inner Mongolia by the Manchu Qing Dynasty, numbered about 12,000. The remaining 10,000 people are soldiers of the Outer Mongolian tribes. The origin is very complicated, with dozens of tribes. More than 2,000 people came, and only a hundred people came. These Mongolian soldiers are also known as Mongolian soldiers outside Manchuria.

Like the Eight Banners of Manchu and Mongolia, Mongolia is also divided into flags, and each flag has one Zasak, such as the Manchu Eight Banners, who hold the decree of one flag; there are two to four assistants, Taiji, to assist Zasak in handling flag affairs. There are one Guanqi Zhangjing, two deputy Zhangjings, as well as the cadres, the assistants, the Xiaoqi school, etc., depending on the number of households.

The Manchu Dynasty used Manchu to control the Mongolian and Han armies, and Mongolian and Han made green camps. The camp was set up with the Mongolian Eight Banners in the center, then Inner Mongolia in the outer circle, and Outer Mongolian soldiers at the outermost. In terms of military ration supply, the Mongolian Eight Banners and Inner Mongolian soldiers have Yangzhou City to supply food, and the Outer Mongolian soldiers give half, and they have to solve the rest themselves. [Love ↑ Go △ Xiao ↓ Say △ Net WwW.AiQu] The so-called solution is nothing more than robbing the local Han people.

In the past, this was strictly forbidden in the Qing Dynasty. After all, they had already entered the Central Plains and needed to consider the long-term interests of ruling. Therefore, except for the massacre of the city required by war, the general march, especially when marching and camping in the ruling area, basically would not do this. This is a kind of looting, because the local government has prepared the money and food needed by the army early, and there is no need to rob it at all. However, now, the emperor in Yangzhou City has tacitly agreed, and even condoned the Mongolian soldiers from foreign vassals to be robbers under the rule of the Qing Dynasty. First, it was because the money and food prepared by the Ministry of Household could not be met, and secondly, the emperor wanted to use this to stimulate these outer Mongolian soldiers. work hard.

The Outer Mongolian soldiers were very run down. Except for war horses, they lacked almost everything. This can be seen from the camps they set up. The Mongolian Eight Banners and the Inner Mongolian soldiers' camps are decent, but they are very messy. They just randomly set up Mongolian soldiers on the ground, and make some wooden fences on the periphery. Apart from that, there is nothing else, not even guarding sentries. were never dispatched. Perhaps these Outer Mongolian soldiers thought they were in the north of Yangzhou and the enemy was in the south.

It was already deep at night, but the camps of these Outer Mongolian soldiers were still full of people and lively. In the camp, Mongolian soldiers with knives were all over the place, driving their looted animals to trade with Han people tied with ropes and people from other tribes. However, in the daytime, the beautiful young women they grabbed were all chosen by the Mongolian Army Banner and the Taiji in Inner Mongolia, and the rest were ordinary women. But those Mongolian soldiers and Inner Mongolia soldiers didn't know that, the soldiers from Outer Mongolia were laughing at them in private for being ignorant. What good are those thin and petite women? worth their toss. Those women who look sick are useless at all, and the desert wind and sand will blow for a few days, and they are afraid of dying. Bring it back, waste the food, make it unhappy, and cry and cry. Only a fool wants it.

Around a tent, there are bonfires, rows of women with their heads drooping and crying softly sitting on the ground numbly. From time to time, Mongolians will come and pick them up with sticks, without looking at their faces, only with sticks. They beat on their chests and buttocks, and even rudely put big hands into their clothes to knead their indescribable parts. Some would open their palms to look at them, and then use words they didn't understand to argue with the robbers who robbed them.

Sometimes, a sheep can be exchanged for a woman, and sometimes, it can't be exchanged. In the camp, just like the market, the goods here are the Han Chinese and their property. The Mongols were good at drinking, and the Qing army did not give them wine, so they robbed them themselves. Once they grabbed the wine, they would gather there in groups of three or five to drink heavily. When they were drunk, they would hold the woman they grabbed under their body, and regardless of whether there was anyone around, they would rudely tore off the woman's clothes and used that amount of money. Years of unwashed filth to invade their booty. They don't know how to pity Xiangxiyu, and they only do that barbaric movement, which makes the woman feel heart-wrenching pain. However, no one intervenes, no one stops them, and there are only deafening laughter. Outside the village gate, the bodies of thousands of men and women were piled up in a random pile, cold and frozen. These are the fate of the rebels.

The Mongolian soldiers who drank wine and played with women still did not go to rest. They fought there, yelled at them, and hugged each other there. There is no kingly law here, there is only animal nature. The Han people here are the most despicable objects. He (she) is not a person. The only value in existence is to work for the robbers, let the robbers vent their beasts, and then give birth to the offspring of the robbers, so that the robbers will continue from generation to generation. .

From the day the camp was established at Meihualing, Mongolian soldiers drove the people within a range of dozens of miles, regardless of gender, age, or child, to dig trenches to dig the soil, and women, old and ugly, also paid shovels. All the trees on the left and right sides were cut down, and the houses were demolished, just to take the lintel of the building, and Dake Changgan made a grid as the edge of the ditch. They dug the tombs of the Han people everywhere, cut open coffins one by one, and discarded the bones at will, just to get these coffin boards. Those who died not long after the burial were beheaded, and some young women who died of illness were even humiliated. If their family resisted a little, even if they just looked ugly, they would immediately be dragged into the tomb and buried alive.

Thousands of Han civilians who were forcibly conscripted were given only a ladle of water by the Mongolian soldiers every day, and dozens of people ate a bucket of food that was inferior to pigs. In the morning, before dawn, they have to go to work and work until late at night before being released. Those women who are a little more beautiful are divided into different flags, and those who are in the same camp have no day or night. Every day, women who are bleeding profusely are dragged outside the camp, and they are thrown on the icy dirt, regardless of whether they are dead, and become "zombies" one after another.

The barracks of the Outer Mongolian soldiers are the **** of the Han people, and the camps of the Inner Mongolian soldiers are not much better. The only thing with strict military discipline is the Mongolian flag in the center. The bonfires were burning in piles, and from time to time there were patrolling Mongolian soldiers passing by. They don't need to go out to loot. They have special rations. If the generals have their temper, they will go to the Inner Mongolian soldiers' camp to pick people. Beat or kill, or throw it to the subordinates for lustful pleasure. Compared with the wild Outer Mongolian barracks, the Mongolian military flags are somewhat "kind", or they are a little more civilized.

Outside the camp, although the Outer Mongolian soldiers did not send sentries, the Inner Mongolian Army and the Mongolian army flag did. When they came back from duty, they saw the drunken Outer Mongolian soldiers haunting, and they all laughed together. Keep your mouth shut, and there is no one to stop it. They rode their horses slowly through the barracks of the Outer Mongolian soldiers, laughing recklessly as they watched the naked Chinese women wail under the pressure of big men. Occasionally, they would stop and point at the poor women with their whips. Along the way, the Outer Mongolians were very respectful to these Mongolian army flags and Inner Mongolia sentries. After they walked away, they were full of envy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They didn't know, these made them envious When the Mongolian army flag saw the Manchu soldiers, their performance was even worse than they were.

After a few sentries passed through the camp of the Outer Mongolian soldiers, before entering the camp of the Inner Mongolian soldiers, they heard the sound of horse hooves coming from the direction of Yangzhou in the south. The hurried sound of horse hooves spread far in the night, even though there were noises in the camps of the Outer Mongolian soldiers, the Mongolian army sentries still heard the hurried sound of hooves.

Several sentries glanced at each other, everyone was confused, they quickly turned their horses' heads and rushed out. Along the way, several Outer Mongolian soldiers who were still drunk and mad were knocked over and overturned, but they could only scream there. No one dared to drink and scold the Mongolian soldiers who were blind. A small Taiji from Outer Mongolia heard the movement, put the Han women under him behind him, and rushed out quickly. When he saw a group of Manchu soldiers rushing over outside the camp, he was so frightened that he immediately shouted to his men to open the camp door quickly. , let the Manchu soldiers in.

As soon as the camp gate opened, dozens of Manchu soldiers galloped in, and the general in front came to a halt just one horse's head away from Taiji.

The guards who rushed over recognized Lang Tan, the first-class bodyguard beside the emperor. They wanted to turn over and dismount, but Lang Tan asked them, "Where is the lord! The emperor has a will!"

"Your Highness is in the camp, please come with us!"

As soon as they heard the imperial decree, the detectives hurriedly turned around Matou and led Lang Tan to find their prince, Wu Keshan, the elder brother of the current empress dowager of the Qing Dynasty and the prince of Horqin.

It's so late, what will the emperor have for Wu Keshan?

When Lang Tan and the others rushed all the way to the Inner Mongolia army camp, all the tribes in Outer Mongolia and the Zhasa Li of each banner in Inner Mongolia were reported. They put on their clothes in confusion, and hurried to Wu Keshan's Horqin camp. .

(To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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