Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 845: Take it for yourself?

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Daijiazhuang is a small village more than ten miles west of Gaomin Temple. As the name suggests, this village is where people with the surname of Dai gather.

The flag "Qi" in the fifth town of the Taiping Army was raised on a high **** in front of Zhuangzi two days ago. At that time, there was no one in Zhuangzi, or no one alive. The Fifth Town found more than a hundred frozen corpses from the Zhuangzi. From the knocked down doors of the Zhuangzi and the ruined houses, it could be seen that this Zhuangzi had been looted. Who ransacked this small village is self-evident. After burying the dead villagers, Brigade A of the fifth town drove into the village, Brigade B began to build a circular fortification on the north side of the village entrance, and Brigade C built simple fortifications on the east side.

This afternoon, the sky suddenly became dark, and then I saw layers of dark clouds rolling up from the sky in the north to the south. The dark clouds were very dark and dark, and it didn't take long for the sky to become dark, and the wind gradually picked up, and the air was full of leaves and hay blown by the wind. In the wind of "woo woo", the land of Huaiyang is as terrifying as a disaster world.

The sound of pots and jars being blown down by the strong wind can be heard everywhere in the Daijia Village. From time to time, the roof is blown up by the strong wind, and the tiles and hay above are dropped in bundles. There was a scene of panic in the village. The soldiers of Brigade A were desperately trying to fix their tents under the strong wind. The soldiers living in the house were also frantically holding wooden boards and blocking the windows. The soldiers who were building fortifications at the entrance of the village put down all the work at hand, and took the allotted shovels to dig the extremely frozen ground in the wind vent. The officers were worried that there would be heavy rain soon. If the drainage ditches were not dug in time, the fortifications would be submerged by the rain, and all the hard work would be in vain.

Thousands of Taiping soldiers were working desperately against the wind. Liu Zhiwu, who was commanding a hundred households at the northernmost tuyere, was knocked down by the strong wind and hit a log, causing a big bag to appear on his forehead. His face and ears were flushed, but he was not smashed, but frozen. After getting up from the ground, Liu Zhiwu repeatedly waved his hands to signal his subordinates to leave him alone and work quickly, otherwise everyone would suffer at night.

After a busy time in the strong wind, the fifth town finally rushed to build the fortifications, fixed the camp, and arranged it in a neat and orderly manner. Afterwards, the soldiers wearing scorpions appeared in the strong wind, and despite the gust of wind whistling in their ears, they remained motionless, their eyes staring at the distance.

In the gust of wind, there were hoofs sounding, but several horses were scattered out in batches. These detectives are the eyes of the whole town and are responsible for the vigilance of the whole town's enemy situation. Their presence and their dedication will ensure that when the enemy soldiers sneak over, their comrades can be organized to meet the enemy in the shortest time. Although the wind is very strong, it may rain heavily soon, and it is reasonable to say that there is no chance that there will be a sneak attack by the Qing troops in this weather, but they still ride on their mounts and travel in the strong wind. All this is only because they are soldiers, only because they are the Taiping Army, Only because they are the continuation of Qi's army, only because of the strict and almost cruel military law.

The town of the fifth town, Shizhong, stood under the porch with his hands behind his back in the strong wind, frowning at the dark clouds in the sky. Not far away, the big flag with the word "Qi" was squeaked by the strong wind. From time to time, the sundries blown by the strong wind slapped Yu Shizhong on the face, but he did not take a step to hide in the eaves of the corridor, and always stood there. Looking into the distance motionlessly.

Li Kuangming, the deputy general of the fifth town, is not a descendant of the Qi family army like Yu Shizhong, but a descendant of the white pole soldiers. His father worked with Qin Liangyu to pacify the "Baozhou Rebellion", and later joined Qi's army in the Hun River in the far north. Therefore, emotionally, Li Kuangming has deep feelings for Bai Ganbing and Qi Jiajun, which makes him a tacit understanding of Yu Shizhong's lieutenant.

Seeing that the wind was so strong, but Yu Shizhong did not enter the house under the eaves of the corridor, Li Kuangming couldn't help but persuaded: "Brother Yu, the wind is too strong, let's go into the house to avoid."

Yu Shizhong moved, but did not enter the house, but asked Li Kuangming, "What did you find when you explored the horse?"

Li Kuangming shook his head and told Yu Shizhong that he found nothing. Yu Shizhong thought about it, and instructed Li Kuangming to send more horses to explore tonight, and all brigades and battalions should also add more sentries, not only the bright posts, but also the dark ones, because his eyelids were always twitching, and he always felt that there would be a storm in this storm. Something big happened.

Li Kuangming agreed and went to arrange the matter. After he left, Yu Shizhong was still under the porch and did not enter the house. His body seemed to be frozen, but his eyes fell on the big "Qi" character swaying in the strong wind. flag. He is very proud that he will continue the blood of his father and brother in the Taiping Army with Qi Dashuai. He was also very grateful to Zhou Shixiang. If it weren't for Zhou Shixiang, he would probably still be a miserable man who was chased away by the Qing soldiers and had nowhere to go. Where would he rebuild the Qi family army, and where would he have the status of a prince today. But at this moment, Yu Shizhong had some complaints about Zhou Shixiang, because he didn't understand why Zhou Shixiang couldn't listen to the advice of his subordinates, and why the killing intent was so serious.

Suzhou reneged on its promise to kill the generals, Guazhou killed prisoners, Bianjiahekou killed prisoners...

Yu Shizhong couldn't understand more and more what the young commander who led them all the way from Guangzhou to here was thinking. He was not present about Suzhou, but he saw Guazhou. Bianjiahekou He stopped, but to no avail.

The young commander seemed to be getting more and more stubborn. He only thought that the **** killing would drive the Manchu Tartars out of the Han land, but he didn't know that this almost barbaric massacre would make the resistance of the Qing troops become more and more fierce. Add too many unnecessary casualties to the Taiping army. If we can make good use of those prisoners, at least one more soldier can be added, rather than the current shortage of troops.

Just killing the prisoners, Yu Shizhong can also endure, after all, Zhou Shixiang's consideration is not completely wrong, there are still heavy troops in Shunzhi, and it is indeed inappropriate to take more than 10,000 prisoners at once. However, knowing that Shunzhi had mobilized heavy troops to contain him, Zhou Shixiang insisted on advancing north, which was a bit arrogant. Could high morale really offset the huge disparity in military power between the two sides!

Yu Shizhong did not think that with the current 30,000 soldiers and horses, the Qing army with tens of thousands of cavalry could be defeated in one fell swoop. Only Guazhou will be stabilized, and the rest of the towns will be withdrawn to the south of the Yangtze River for rest. When the flowers bloom in the spring of next year, they will re-mobilize the army to advance northward. After all, the Taiping army was supported by Jiangnan money and grain, but the Qing army did not. Shunzhi's stay in Yangzhou for one more day will only drag the Manchu Qing into the abyss of annihilation one inch more. Under the premise that everyone in the world knows that he is unable to cross the river and go south, there will always be someone from the Manchu side who will jump out and become the second "thief scholar". ", maybe Wu Sangui, or maybe someone else. If they disappear and rise, maybe there will not be a big decisive battle in the future, and the Manchus will collapse and perish on their own. At that time, the Taiping army can subdue the soldiers without fighting, and restore the north and south of the country without fighting. The most important thing is that it will kill a lot of people.

Prosperity, the people suffer; death, the people also suffer.

Over the past ten years, too many people have died in the north and south of this great river. Yu Shizhong could not bear to see the Han people who survived suffer again and again, so he knelt in front of Zhou Shixiang that time, begging Zhou Shixiang to withdraw his troops, and then by He personally led the fifth town to recover the two provinces of Zhejiang and Fujian, and completely integrated several southern provinces to accumulate strength for the Northern Expedition next spring.

However, Zhou Shixiang did not accept Yu Shizhong's advice, and instead ordered him to lead his troops to the left wing of the entire army, and sent it out from a distance, as if he wanted to be out of sight and not bothered.

Zhou Shixiang even issued a strict order, and if there are those who dare to withdraw from the army, the military law will be engaged. This order made no one dare to withdraw troops in front of Zhou Shixiang. With his strong prestige in the army, Zhou Shixiang single-handedly dominated the decisive battle. He divided the battleable Xinyi Town and the Fifth Town into two flanks, and he led the first town, the second town, the Xiner town three towns with 14,000 people and a brigade in the third town in the middle, with the Iron Man. The 3,000 cavalry soldiers that Wei and the 3,000 cavalry recruited from various towns were the reserve team~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Gaomin Temple, which was the decisive battle place chosen by Zhou Shixiang for himself and also the decisive battle place for Shunzhi. He believed that Shunzhi would definitely come. Yu Shizhong also believed that the Qing army would definitely come to the decisive battle as the commander thought, but at this moment, he couldn't help sighing in his heart, he was really not optimistic about this decisive battle. Now we can only hope that the attack on the fifteenth town and the new three towns of Yizhen can contain part of the forces of the Qing army, so, this decisive battle, I am afraid there is still hope of a draw.

After another long sigh, Yu Shizhong shook his head. Although he did not agree with the decisive battle and was not optimistic about the decisive battle, he still decided to do his own thing well. Even if he died, he would firmly block the left wing for the Chinese army. committed the Qing army.

Suddenly, a drop of raindrops fell on the porch on Yu Shizhong's head, and then more raindrops fell, and soon, the sky and the earth became white. The heavy rain poured down and fell on the land of Huaiyang. The strong wind pulled the raindrops and flew diagonally, and the flag with the word "Qi" was hit by the raindrops in the wind and made a "smack" sound.

In the wind and rain, Yu Shizhong looked back, and when he turned to enter the house, he suddenly shuddered, and a thought he had never thought of appeared in his head: Could it be that Zhou Shixiang insisted on a decisive battle because he wanted to Take a gamble, and then rely on the prestige of the Manchu Qing Dynasty to make a name for yourself? (To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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