Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 856: daijiazhuang

On the 22nd day of the twelfth lunar month, more than 50,000 Manchurian and Mongolian cavalrymen, 7,000 Han troops, and more than 30,000 Green Battalion soldiers launched a fierce attack on the Taiping Army from three directions under the command of the leading guard and minister of state affairs and internal affairs.

The left wing, headed by Dorobel Chang Adai, has four Niu Lu in the Manchu Zhenghong Banner, three Niu Lu in the Inlaid Red Banner, and one Niu Lu in the Zhenghuang Banner, with a total of 2,380 troops; There are more than 2,000 Inner Mongolian soldiers from the Forest Department, more than 2,000 troops from the Tong Guowei Department of the Han Army, more than 3,000 Green Battalion soldiers from the Gang-Atai Department of the Xuanfu Commander, and more than 4,000 troops from the Henan Commander Meng Xiongbi Department. Door.

Chang Adai is the grandson of Prince Li, Daishan, and his father is Beileman Dahai. According to the system, he should have inherited the title of Prince Li, and he did inherit the title of Prince Xun in the ninth year of Shunzhi. However, at the end of last year, due to the crime of his father Man Dahai, Shunzhi decreed that he would be downgraded to Baylor, and the hereditary title of Prince Li was inherited by Wang Jieshu of Sun Kangjun of Daishan.

Tong Guowei is the second son of the first-class public servant Tong Guolai, and his brother is Tong Guogang who died in battle at the mouth of the Bianjia River. Agangtai is the third brother of Li Suotai, the governor who died in Guangdong, and his father is Li Yongfang. Meng Xiongbi is the son of Meng Qiaofang, who was a deputy general of the Ming Dynasty who surrendered gold during the Tiancong period, and who later served as the governor of the three sides of the Qing Dynasty.

Chang Adai's army attacked Gaomin Temple from the northwest according to the deployment, but Daijiazhuang, a small village with only a hundred houses, was firmly blocked by the Fifth Town of the Taiping Army, and more than 20,000 people from both sides were there. A war broke out in the place.

Gang Atai and Meng Xiongbi led the Green Battalion to storm the defense line of the fifth town. With the support of the Han army artillery in the rear, the first line of defense deployed by the fifth town at Daijiazhuang fell. After successfully breaking the first line of defense of the Taiping army, Chang Adai was overjoyed and immediately ordered the Han army Tong Guowei to follow up, in order to break through the second line of defense of the Taiping army while winning. Unexpectedly, more than 2,000 Taiping troops fought against the Qing army in the open space between the first and second lines of defense. The intruding Qing army was not forced to retreat.

Seeing that Gang Atai and the others were likely to be driven out, Chang Adai immediately ordered the cavalry of the Esen troops to charge in and defeated the Taiping army who had been fighting to the death. After discovering that the Qing army cavalry had moved, Yu Shizhong, who had been holding the knife under the banner of "Qi", pulled out the knife. In an instant, more than 30 artillery pieces carried by the fifth town blasted towards the rushing Qing army cavalry. And go. In the whistling sound of the shells, from time to time Mongolian soldiers and horses flew backwards.

The horn of "woo woo" sounded, and more than 2,000 soldiers of the Fifth Town Brigade rushed out of the defense line with the sound of the horn, and formed an array in the shortest time. The phalanx tactics required by the military code of conduct. The "Mandarin Duck Array" is suitable for small teams and cannot cope with the cavalry's group charge. The phalanx tactics of concentrated firearms can undoubtedly undertake this task. Brigade A in front buys time for Brigade B in the rear.

After Brigade B had completed the formation, from a distance, the weapons in the formation were uneven, but the formation was very neat, and the deterrent force it brought surprised the Qing troops who were fighting with Brigade A.

"go ahead!"

Li Kuangming, the school of the first brigade and also the deputy general of the fifth town, drew his sword and moved forward. Soon his order was replaced by a suona sound guiding the soldiers forward. The more than 2,000 Taiping troops marched forward neatly and slowly, like one person, and the black pressure pushed open, making the green battalion soldiers who rushed in feel depressed. Esen, the king of Horqindoluo County, who was leading his troops to attack, also became cautious. He shouted loudly to convey the order, and the charging Mongolian soldiers immediately adjusted their speed as much as possible, and the formation was denser than before.

Brigade B and Mongolian cavalry were approaching at the same time. The horse speed of the Mongolian cavalry began to speed up, and the Mongolian soldiers carrying bows and arrows had begun to put arrow branches on the bows.


"Fire gun inspection!"


The soldiers in command took out the fire stick, blew it in the air a few times, and immediately ignited. They carefully checked the match string, then clamped the match string to the hook, lifted the fire gun flat, and watched nervously at the Qing army cavalry charging ahead. After entering a distance of one hundred paces, the Mongolian soldiers began to shoot the arrows in their hands towards the front.

"Vertical shield!"

Almost at the same time, the soldiers in the Taiping army who held the next card raised their shields to the top of their heads to shield themselves and their companions from falling arrows. In the sound of "swoosh", soldiers fell to the ground from time to time with arrows. They were quickly dragged behind by their companions who bowed and held short knives, and the vacancies left were quickly filled by new people.

"Listen to orders!"


After the Mongolian cavalry entered a distance of 80 paces, more than 300 fire guns opened fire in unison, and the black smoke filled the air. The Mongolian soldiers who rushed up were seen flipping their horses, and hundreds of horses fell down, screaming and neighing. The Mongolian soldiers at the back continued to rush forward in this wailing sound. These Mongolian soldiers from outside the mouth have never fought against the Taiping Army, and their knowledge of the Ming army's firearms still stayed more than ten years ago. They thought that if they survived the opponent's first wave of launches, they would be able to slaughter them later.

"Bang bang bang", after four consecutive salvos, the formation of the Taiping army suddenly changed, and hundreds of armored soldiers charged forward in groups with spears. The Mongolian soldiers had been sparsely beaten by the fire guns of the Taiping army, and their formation was still in chaos, and the spearmen of the Taiping army came up to stab them.

After the spearmen advanced, the gunmen at the back quickly loaded gunpowder, and the commanders stared at the Mongolian soldiers stabbed by the spearmen in order to capture the best fighters. There were no less than three or four hundred Mongolian soldiers killed and wounded. So many corpses and unmaintained war horses were in front of the battle, which slowed their charge. Esen shouted the order, and the Mongolian soldiers rushed to both sides and started shooting with bows and arrows. The Taiping Army with a Spear~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although the spearmen are all wearing armor, in the dense rain of arrows, some soldiers are shot from time to time, and some directly hit the door with an arrow, and the screams are too late. , and fell to the ground. Some soldiers were hit by arrows in their shoulders and could no longer hold spears, so they fell to the ground clutching their shoulders.

In addition to the officers and guards of the fifth town, the soldiers wore improved cotton armor, which was stronger than the cotton armor of the Qing army, but no matter how strong it was, it was still cotton armor. The arrows shot by the Mongolian soldiers can easily break their armor. Before their long-range firepower is not supported, the spearmen can only endure the arrows shot from all directions.

Seeing that the formation of the Taiping army's spearmen was in chaos, Esen laughed and waved his hands to signal that the tribesmen could come forward to kill them. Hundreds of Mongolian soldiers roared and urged their horses, waving long knives and charging towards the Taiping army.

"Twenty steps forward!"

Looking at the falling spearmen, Li Kuangming felt heartbroken, but he couldn't order to rush forward to save them. He could only grit his teeth, and Shen Sheng ordered the gunmen to step forward. The formation must not be chaotic.

One step, two steps...

When they reached twenty paces, the sound of the suona stopped, and the "bang bang" fire guns shot out again in salvo. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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