Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 860: The dog is handsome, it's killing us

"Hold on, hold on!"

The fifth town A brigade school and Shangguan Yunjie from Shaanxi slowly retreated from the command post with the help of personal guards. Up to now, the 2,700-odd soldiers in the entire brigade are less than 1,000 soldiers. Looking at the corpses of his subordinates lying on the battlefield, Shangguan Yunjie's heart aches.

It is said that the soldier eats decapitation, and if you choose to eat this decapitation, you must have the consciousness of decapitation, but when so many familiar subordinates and comrades died in front of him, Shangguan Yunjie still couldn't accept it. He was shot in the waist by an arrow from the Qing army, and the wound was deep. The arrow was still in the body and could not be pulled out. His brows were furrowed, whether it was because of the pain in the wound or because of the defeat.

The Fifth Town has always been victorious since its establishment, but today it suffered such a defeat, and the casualties far exceeded all previous battles. Shangguan Yunjie's heart was bleeding. He really couldn't accept that the soldiers he had trained so hard were dying on the land of Jiangbei.

On the opposite side, a group of Qing army cavalry and thousands of infantrymen were slowly pressing up. Xu Shi was afraid that the retreating Armored Brigade had powerful firearms. These Qing soldiers did not advance very fast. Even if the Manchurian cavalry in charge of the formation urged them, the battalions deliberately slowed down. Perhaps in their opinion, this battle has been won. As long as the remaining Taiping bandits are driven into Zhuangzi, they will be trapped to death when they are sleepy, and they will be starved to death if they are hungry. In the battle just now, the Taiping Army's powerful combat effectiveness not only surprised the Man Meng soldiers, but also frightened these battalion soldiers. Hard bones, no one ever wanted to gnaw them, and they had to take their lives to gnaw them.

The Qing soldiers did not dare to come up, and Shangguan Yunjie was also a little calm. What he was worried about now was that the Qing soldiers would recklessly bite up, so that the remaining soldiers of the A Brigade might really not be able to retreat into Zhuangzi. But this state did not last long. When another large group of Manchurian cavalry with the red flag arrived, under the pressure of the Manchu soldiers and Shangguan, the Green Battalion finally let go of their pace and shouted at the Taiping Army. rushed up.

"let me go!"

Shangguan Yunjie saw the Qing army rushing up and asked his guards to put him down. He stabbed his waist knife in the soil, held the knife with one hand to stabilize his body, raised the other hand high, and shouted to his subordinates: "Brothers, the dog is here again. They want us to die. If we don't want to die, we will fight with them!"

"Fight, fight!"

The remnants of Brigade A roared in unison. They had no retreat and no choice. When the commander ordered the beheading of the Qing army prisoners, they, the Taiping army, had no room for surrender. Now, they either die in battle, or fight back the enemy and go back alive.

Zhang Minghu, a soldier who joined the Taiping Army after being captured in Guangxi, is a veteran. He served in the Ming Army in Guizhou, also in the Daxi Army, and later in the Qing Army, and then transformed into the Taiping Army. After so many years, his companions They were all dead, but he was still alive. In this troubled world, Zhang Minghu has seen through his mother, everything is fake, and living is the most important thing. Otherwise, let you be a big official, make a big fortune, and when you die, you will be cheaper than other bastards!


Zhang Minghu spat out a mouthful of blood from his mouth, wiped his mouth with his blood-covered hand, and then looked around at his companions who were shouting to fight the Qing army. With a sigh, he understood that these people were not stupid, nor were they really not afraid of death, but that they had no way out.

Thinking of the prisoners of the Qing army who were burned alive at Bianjiahekou, Zhang Minghu shuddered, and slapped again: "Fuck you, that handsome dog has driven Lao Tzu to death!"

"Fight with Tartar, fight!"

Zhang Minghu raised his spear high and roared with wide eyes. Even if his heart was shaking, even if his legs were shaking, he was still roaring. He didn't want to die, he wanted to live, so he had to work hard. He didn't want to be burned alive, he didn't want to be decapitated, and he didn't want to be buried alive! He still wants to go back alive to beg a wife and pass on the incense of the old Zhang family.

The roar suddenly fell silent, and the two sides stopped shouting and killing at the same time as if there was a tacit understanding. At that moment, just like the calm before the storm, it was terrifyingly calm. Then it was like a tidal wave hitting the shore, and two big waves crashed together.


Shangguan Yunjie's voice rang out, and more than 300 shots were fired. However, more Qing troops rushed up under the oppression of the Man Meng soldiers, and finally the dense sound of gunshots stopped. The smoke filled the air, and the long and short weapons were intertwined.

The Qing soldiers and the Taiping army wanted to take each other's lives, as if they were not people, but pigs and sheep. They all want to live. For these ordinary soldiers, no matter it is Ming or Qing, they don't care whether their compatriots can kill each other or not, and they don't care about Emperor Zhu and Man, they only make money.

This benefit is the benefit they can bring to their relatives, the benefit they earn from their hard work. Without this benefit, you are the emperor who came to promise them all kinds of benefits. As long as they can't touch it, they will even chop the emperor if they are cruel.

The benefits of the Green Camp are the benefits given to them by the Qing Dynasty, and the benefits of the Taiping Army are also benefits given to them by their commander. If they want to get the benefits forever, they have to work hard, and now they have no way out.

The Manchu and Mongolian Tartarians in the rear just watched the soldiers from both sides of the Han people fighting together in blood~www.wuxiaspot.com~ knives and spears, hugging each other on the ground and rolling desperately on the ground, holding daggers to stab their fellow Han opponents, Take the picked up stone to smash it, and take the hand full of mud to pick the other person's eyes.

Mo Luohong and Esen looked at the scene in front of them with knowing smiles. Chang Adai in the distance put down his telephoto mirror and smiled at Goshha left and right: "The Han people in the green camp are still useful. The more Han people like this, the longer the country of Manchurians will be. Sometimes, I think about it, or Uncle Dorgon did the right thing when he was here, we in Manchuria have to reuse the Han people to work for us. After Uncle King died, Jidu and their gang looked at the immediate benefits, not knowing the long-term benefits, they always wanted to instigate the emperor Without the Han people, they don't think about how many of our children in Manchuria would be able to withstand such vicious battles without this group of Han people."

Goshha cooperated very interestingly: "Master Baylor is right, these Han people are very useful, and if you give them a bone, they will not recognize their ancestors, but only recognize us from the Qing Dynasty."

"When I can re-promote the prince, I have to tell the emperor the advantages of using Han people."

Chang Adai smiled and rode his horse forward. He wanted to personally see how the Nanmanzi of the little Zhuangzi died. By the way, he also took a look at the general of the Nanmanzi. If he wanted to surrender, he would leave it at Under the banner, give him a future and let him work for the Qing Dynasty. This is the way to use people. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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