Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 863: slash and capture the flag

"Go up, go up!"

Seeing that some soldiers were retreating because they were afraid of the Taiping army's firearms, Tong Guowei supervised the battle again and again, urging them to step forward. After so many people died, he didn't want to give up halfway.

Among the Han army there was also a gunman led by a coordinator, who would also carry guns and shoot at the Taiping army. White smoke filled the front of the battle between the two sides, and the Ming and Qing sides who were in it could only estimate the existence of their opponents by their senses, and some people could not keep their eyes open.

Guo Zhengxiao's mount, the leader of the Han army, was hit by a large pole gun of the Taiping Army. He fell from his horse and rolled to the ground. He was about to rush up with a knife when an explosion came from his ear, and an iron nail flew into him. His left eye was so painful that he covered his eyes and screamed again and again.

Brigade C is the old foundation of the fifth town. When the fifth town was established, it was the Brigade C transferred from the second town, and the fifth town was expanded on the basis of Brigade C. It can also be said that Brigade C is the real Qi family army. continue. Half of the dozens of descendants of the Zhejiang Army who fled south of Zhejiang to Guangdong with Yu Shizhong were employed in Brigade C. Brigades A and B are mostly green battalions and young men in Chaozhou. Up to now, the two brigades have suffered no casualties. Brigade C has now become the last force in the fifth town.

The thunderbolts distributed to the fifth town were almost exhausted. After Li Kuangming ordered the last dozens of thunderbolts to be thrown, thousands of soldiers roared and rushed towards the Han army. The Qing army made the last desperate fight.

Accompanied by the sound of explosions and gunshots, lead and iron nails were flying around. Tong Guowei couldn't stop it, and the killed kept retreating. The frightened warhorses also scrambled Zhuangkou into a pot of porridge. Those infantrymen were lucky, those who ran fast could save their lives by relying on their legs, but those cavalrymen were unlucky. Many cavalrymen were not called the Taiping Army. They were beaten to death, but were thrown off their backs by their warhorses, and then trampled to death by the rushing back foot soldiers.


Amidst the neighing of people and horses, there were shouts from the Taiping army, which was less than a thousand people, and then the shouts became more and more loud, until they finally turned into Qi Qi's shouts.


The wounded Yu Youming also held the spear in his hand tightly. Beside him was Wang Guotai, and then a suona player who had lost his suona.

Tong Guowei retreated under the protection of his personal soldiers, looking at the Taiping troops who were pressing down, his brows were already wrinkled.

The voice of "Forward" is getting louder and louder. It looks like there are less than a thousand people, but it sounds like ten thousand people shouting in unison. This sound drowned out all the sounds on the battlefield, so that the Qing troops who were attacking Daijiazhuang in other directions were alarmed.

Tong Guowei's warhorse was a little restless. He gathered less than 300 remnants, of which there were only a few dozen cavalry. This casualty was even bigger than the Gang Artest Department that he despised. None of the Han troops dared to go forward to meet them, they just wanted to run back, as far as possible. The momentum contained in the unanimous "forward" had already destroyed their morale, and they didn't even want to stay in this **** place.

"Sir, go back!"

The one who asked Tong Guowei to order the retreat was the commander Man Dahu, who, like Gang Atai and others, was a Han Chinese but took the name of Manchu. Manda is nearly forty years of the tiger, and he is also a brave general. Back then, he fought with Nikan in the Great Western Army in Hunan. After Nikan's death, he and those Manchu soldiers were never afraid or hesitated when facing the Great Western Army, which was several times his size. But now facing a Taiping army of less than a thousand people, he was afraid and had the idea of ​​running for his life. However, the military law of the Qing Dynasty was strict. Before the main general Tong Guowei ordered to evacuate, there was only one dead end to escape without authorization, so he had to consult Tong Guowei for advice.

Tong Guowei, who was sitting on the horse, didn't seem to have heard Man Dahu's words. He just stared blankly at the Taiping army that was pressing forward. From time to time, the Qing troops who had not withdrawn were stabbed to pieces by the Taiping army with wolf constitutions. Some Qing troops who were injured and had no time to withdraw knew that they had no reason to do anything, so they used their bows to shoot arrows, trying to kill one or two Nanbanzi. But as soon as they picked up their bows, they were beaten into a hornet's nest by the fire guns of the Taiping Army. Such a force of less than 1,000 soldiers and horses came all the way through crushing and slaughtering all the way.

A group of dozens of Mongolian soldiers with red flags panicked and stopped in front of the Taiping Army. When they saw the Han army and the green camp lying on the ground, when they saw the Han army who had already withdrawn from Li Xuyuan, They clearly realized that they would never be able to stop this Taiping army, and they quickly turned their horses and ran behind them. The speed of action is much more agile than that of the Han army.

After another burst of gunshots, Tong Guowei woke up with a start. It was cold, but he was sweating profusely.

"Go back, hurry up!"

Tong Guowei turned around and fled with a speed no weaker than that of the Mongolian soldiers. There is no need to shout loudly for the order to escape. None of the Han troops under his command who wanted to withdraw for a long time ran slower than their companions.

More than three miles away, Gang Artest gloated. Before he saw Tong Guowei leading the Han army up, what he thought was not that Tong Guowei was a hero, that he was righteous, and that he hoped that Tong Guowei would get rid of this Taiping army, but hoped that he would die in the hands of the Taiping army. Now, God pays off, Tong Guowei's defeat makes Gang Artai very satisfied. When it comes to fighting, you are not afraid of losing the battle, but you are afraid that others will fight better than you. The law does not blame the crowd, everyone has been defeated, Chang Adai and the emperor are not good at cleaning up everyone. More importantly, if Tong Guowei can't be a hero, his Tong family will never be able to overtake the Li family.

Meng Xiongbi, the commander of Henan, still supervises his subordinates to attack Daijiazhuang under the coercion of Manchu soldiers. He looked up at the sky and found that the sun was still shining in the sky. He was surprised and surprised that this fierce battle in which I don't know how many people died, it only took so long to fight. Back then, when the Songshan War was fought, I'm afraid it wasn't so difficult.

Chang Adai had just heard the sound of unison from the north, but he didn't think the Taiping army would come back, and he didn't know that Tong Guowei and Gang Atai had been beaten by the Taiping army like a dog. Defeated Daijiazhuang. He pressed all the Manchu children of Zhenghuangqi, and victory was on the last line.

Meng Xiongbi and Esen received strict orders from Chang Adai that they were only allowed to enter, not to retreat. What Meng Xiongbi could say, he could only grit his teeth and lead his personal soldiers to the front, and he could not live up to Dorobel's high hopes no matter what.

There are only a few hundred Taiping troops in Daijiazhuang, and at this moment, under the command of Zhenjiang Shizhong, they are desperately fighting against the incoming Qing troops. The Qing army, advancing from east and west at the same time, finally invaded the Daijia Village, and the mud walls beside the village were full of corpses and blood. The houses behind the wall were also in a mess. Some houses were set on fire by the Qing soldiers because they were hiding Taiping troops desperately resisting. From time to time, Taiping soldiers who were covered in flames ran out of the houses, rolled on the ground, and screamed in agony.

"Cut down that flag!"

After Meng Xiongbi rushed into Zhuangzi, he found a big flag embroidered with the word "Qi" in the Zhuangzi from time to time. Every time the big flag appeared in his sight, dozens to hundreds of Taiping troops would gather again under the flag.

Meng Xiongbi was sure that the flag was the general flag of the Taiping Army. As long as this flag was cut down, the Taiping Army in Daijiazhuang would collapse. What made him even more excited was that he discovered that there was a senior general of the Taiping Army under the army's banner~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although he was not sure whether this person was the main general of the Taiping Army, he had been in the army all the time. Under the banner, most officials are not small.

"Give it all to me!"

Meng Xiongbi excitedly waved his saber and was about to go to kill the generals and capture the flag in person, but the personal soldiers beside him heard the sound of "bang" coming from a room. That room was less than three feet away from the Chief Bing. Holding the long knife high, Meng Xiongbi felt something was wrong with his body. He wanted to lower his head to check, but the neck guard of the leather pocket helmet prevented him from bending his neck down. There was pain in the chest, and the whole body seemed to be out of strength. The right arm that raised the knife softened. With a "bang", the long knife fell to the ground, and then the Henan soldiers saw the body of the chief soldier facing the pile of bricks in front of him. uploaded.


Several gunmen of the Taiping Army cheered excitedly in that room.


I fell while driving the battery car, and the left palm and wrist were scratched with oil, put on the potion, and wrapped in gauze. Reluctantly typed a chapter out, not lazy, just inconvenient to type, but I will get used to it gradually. There is only one update today, tomorrow I will try to code at noon, and more. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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