Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 882: Wu 3gui turned back!

The fire in Sanwan burned for three days.

In the past three days, the vicinity of Yangzhou has been peaceful, and the war seems to have left Huaiyang overnight.

If it weren't for the cavalry that appeared from time to time, the tall graves that jutted from the ground to the ground, and the blood ice that couldn't be melted by the sun, it would be hard for people to imagine that there was a big battle here not long ago.

The victorious Taiping army was licking its wounds, and the defeated Qing army was also regrouping.

After Ao Bai led the defeated soldiers back to Yangzhou, Shunzhi summoned him, but he was not angry, and ordered the guards to take down Ao Bai's top, and then pushed it out and cut it.

The master and slave had a long talk, and then Obai ordered to gather up the defeated soldiers from all over the world. Taking advantage of the Taiping army staying in Sanwan and not going north, Obai successively packed up more than 20,000 soldiers and horses. The emperor's uncle, Prince Wu Keshan of Horqin, also responded to the call of his nephew and returned to the old camp at the foot of Meihua Mountain with his troops. When Shunzhi talked with his uncle, he didn't mention a word about Horqin's retreat to the north, but only expressed his grief for the third uncle Sonoki who died in battle.

After counting, more than 37,000 Qing troops were killed (captured or missing) in this campaign, including more than 4,200 Manchu soldiers, more than 4,100 soldiers from the Eight Banners of Mongolia, and more than 7,000 soldiers from Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia. The Green Camp lost nearly 20,000 people. In addition, there were only five niulu and less than 1,000 soldiers of the Zhengbai and Xiangbai who returned to Yangzhou. It is believed that there were about 3,000 soldiers of the two white banners who turned and surrendered to the Taiping army.

After the defeat of Aobai, Gabu La, who was originally guarding the front line of Tongshan, was afraid of being attacked by the Taiping army, so he hurriedly led his army to retreat in the direction of Yangzhou. Later, it joined with Bei Lechang Adai, Mongolian County King Esen, Yong Gui, Tong Guowei, Gang Atai and other troops who were withdrawn from the front line of Daijiazhuang in the area of ​​Baiyang Mountain in the west of Yangzhou, with a total of 13,000 soldiers and horses. There are more than 4,000 Manchu and Mongolian cavalry.

Both Gabra and Chang Adai were afraid of being punished by the emperor, so they did not dare to go to Yangzhou immediately. When Sony's news from Yangzhou came, saying that the emperor did not even convict Aobai, Chang Adai and the others were relieved, and Chang Adai took the lead to send a memorial to Yangzhou.

After the Qing army in Tongshan retreated to Baiyang Mountain, the rest of the fifteenth town and Xinsan town of the Taiping Army marched eastward for more than thirty miles under the command of the town generals Qi Hao and Shao Chengguo, and joined the remnants of the fifth town. The fifteenth town has more than 2,600 soldiers, the new three towns have more than 1,900 soldiers, and the fifth town has more than 1,300 soldiers. The combined strength of the three towns is less than one town. However, in the three towns, more than 20,000 Qing troops were severely injured with huge casualties. In Daijiazhuang alone, the fifth town killed more than 5,000 Qing troops; at the Tongshan line, the Qing army suffered more than 3,000 casualties.

In view of the death of Yu Shizhong and the incomplete soldiers of the three towns, they could no longer undertake the offensive task alone. Zhou Shixiang ordered the remnants of the fifth town to temporarily return to Qi Hao's command. Soldiers added three towns. After the prisoners are replenished in place, the three towns return to Guazhou first and cross the river to rest.


Shunzhi was in a very bad mood. On the second day after the defeat of Sanwan, an urgent delivery came from Beijing, saying that Concubine Dong's condition was getting worse and worse, which made Shunji irritated. And worried about the mess in front of him.

There is an opinion in Yangzhou city that the emperor no longer needs to stay in Yangzhou, the army will return north immediately, and Yangzhou will be left to the Taiping army.

It was Cao Governor Cai Shiying who first proposed the withdrawal of the army. The Cai family was one of the eight great masters of the Han army, so his words were approved by many officials, especially the generals who were born in the Han army. Many Manchu and Mongolian officials also tend to withdraw their troops. This battle is like the Songjin War, but the Ming army won. In the eyes of these Manchu and Mongolian generals, the reason why the Taiping army was able to win this war was that they had the convenience of canals and waterways, and that their weapons were too powerful. The vicinity of Yangzhou is really not suitable for the cavalry of the large corps. It was slaughtered more than ten years ago. From the perspective of money and food, Yangzhou is already a government, so it is a piece of chicken ribs, and the food is tasteless. It is better to give up. The army immediately retreated to the north.

Da Shi Bahana agreed with the idea of ​​withdrawing the army, pointing out that once the army returned to the north, although the Taiping army could obtain the city of Yangzhou, it would not be able to advance northward. He suggested that the emperor should return to Beijing immediately, but he could keep elite troops in Xuzhou and Nanyang, so that the Taiping army, mainly infantry, would not be able to threaten Shandong and Henan. When the imperial court takes a breath, it will not be too late to have a fight with the Taiping bandits.

Shunzhi held a meeting of the imperial camp, and all the ministers and governors who accompanied the army attended the meeting.

"Your Majesty, this minister thinks that Yangzhou can no longer be defended, so you should go north and choose a general to guard Xuzhou to prevent the Taiping army from occupying Jianghuai."

Cai Shiying, the governor of Cao, bowed cautiously. His predecessor, Kang Deshi, was instructed to go to Gaoyou to aid Nanjing when the pirates invaded, but he was frightened by the pirates. He committed suicide by jumping into the river. In the current situation, he might end up in a very dangerous position as the successor of the Cao Governor, so he tried his best to persuade the emperor to withdraw his troops and give up Yangzhou.

Shunzhi looked at Cai Shiying absently, his brows furrowed, but he didn't say a word, wondering if he was listening to the minister.

Cai Shiying didn't see the emperor's instructions, so he didn't dare to stand up, and he didn't dare to look up, so he had to report it again, raising his voice slightly.

"I know."

Shunzhi spit out a few words coldly, but had nothing to say, which left Cai Shiying at a loss, wondering whether the emperor accepted his suggestion. All the Hanchens in the camp all looked preoccupied. The minister of the cabinet, Bahana, had a dark cloud on his face, but Sony did not change his normal behavior, but his slightly trembling fingers showed that he was trying to suppress his inner uneasiness. Because of the defeat of Sanwan, although the emperor forgave him and did not punish him, but at the moment, Aobai was discredited in the flag, which can be seen from the fact that he bowed his head and stood there without saying a word. In the past, Aobai was not like this.

Belle Tuntai, who had recovered his life, saw that everyone was standing, and no one broke the silence. He thought that the military situation was urgent. Most of the army's food and forage had been burned in Sanwan, where can they stay in Yangzhou, so he took a step forward and was right. To persuade the emperor to return north, the Han army commander Suohong rushed in with a panicked face, and said: "Your Majesty, the governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi, Li Guoying, rushed to deliver, Wu Sangui rebelled and captured Baoning, and the Wu army is now marching towards Hanzhong, Li Guoying. Unable to resist, King Xin and Heping County have also led his troops to withdraw to Xi'an."


There was a high-pitched sound of "hum" in Shunzhi's head, and his face instantly lost its blood. In order to hide the panic in his heart, he "snapped" and slammed his palm on the table. Suohong caught the emperor's eyes and was too frightened to speak.

All the Mongolian and Han officials in the camp were shocked by the news, and Sony and Ao Bai were even more shocked. A thought flashed through their minds at the same time, that is, Shi Tu was afraid that he was a step late!

Sonny said in shock: "Your Majesty, Wu Sangui went down to Baoning, and the soldiers invaded Hanzhong. If you want to come here, Hanzhong is already in danger~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The minister thought that the next step for the Wu army was to capture Xi'an. If Xi'an was lost, the Wu army would be able to move east Xiangji is the important place... At present, the eight garrisoned banners and the eight forbidden brigade banners in the provinces are here, and the defense of the capital is very weak..."

"King Xin and Heping County are too young, and Wu Sangui has been entrenched in Hanzhong for several years. I am afraid that the Shaanxi-Gansu Green Camp has been infiltrated by him. I am afraid that the slaves..."

Sony didn't go on, but the meaning was very clear. He was worried that after the Wu army invaded Hanzhong, the Shaanxi-Gansu Green Battalion might turn to Wu like the two white flags. No matter from which point of view, the current Qing Dynasty is swaying in the wind and rain. It is similar to the Chongzhen Dynasty. The Green Banner Battalion is a Han army, or even the Ming army. .

There was a commotion, and in the midst of the movement, Ao Bai suddenly stepped forward and said calmly: "Your Majesty, since Wu Sangui is against it, it is useless to say anything. The servants thought that no matter what, they must send troops quickly to relieve the siege of Xi'an in order to stabilize Shaanxi, Gansu and the Central Plains are popular. Otherwise, Shanxi is only separated by one province between Shaanxi and Jifu. Once the situation spreads, Wu Jun will advance eastward, and the capital will be in danger... Besides, Wu Sangui's rebellion cannot be blocked by the imperial court. I am afraid that it will spread in the north, and then the capital will be frightened and confused, and some people will even take advantage of the fire and expand the situation. Immediately go to Xi'an to clear the siege, and at least block Wu Sangui at Tongguan!" (To be continued.) Open a new website

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