Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 897: The land of the Han people, can't stay

Agula is the assistant director of the Yike League. "Agula" means mountain in Mongolian. It is also true to the name. Agula is very tall and looks bigger than the average person. In addition, he has a bit of courage, and he is also considered a little famous among the Mongolian army outside the mouth.

The tribe of Agula is not a big tribe in Mongolia outside the mouth. There are very few people. There are only more than a thousand people including the old and weak, women and children. Among them, there are only more than 300 men. This time, there are more than 200 people who entered the customs with Agura. Although it is not comparable to those large tribes who sent one or two thousand people to enter the customs, this is all that Agura can bring out. After all, there cannot be a single male in the tribe. If they don't stay, in that case, if they encounter a white disaster or a wolf disaster, the women and children will not even have the strength to protect themselves.

In fact, when the Ming Dynasty and Houjin were still fighting outside the border, the tribe where Agula belonged once helped the Ming Dynasty and was the enemy of Houjin. On the one hand, it was because the Mongolian Golden Family and Houjin were competing for dominance, and on the other hand, it was because the Ming Dynasty offered a lot of rewards, such as a Houjin man, in order to win over the Mongols to deal with Houjin together. How much gold and silver the head is worth, or how much rice can be exchanged for. The stronger the Houjin, the higher the price offered by the Ming Dynasty, to the extent that the Mongolians were eager to hunt and kill the head of the Houjin soldiers. Also because of the existence of the Mongols, Houjin has always been pinned down by a large number of troops, unable to achieve greater victory over the Ming Dynasty.

But Agula remembered that when he was young, one day his father came back from Guanshi in the Ming Dynasty with an angry face and told him that the Han people were not loyal and their words were not counted. Instead of rewarding the Mongols, they After opening the rice market and Houjin trade, they no longer supported the Mongolians with weapons, nor did they send troops to help them, leaving Houjin to suppress the Mongols step by step. Agula remembered that the official of the Ming Dynasty mentioned by his father at that time was a person surnamed Yuan. Later, the Mongols refused to help the Ming Dynasty. Instead, under the lure and encouragement of Hou Jin, they began to participate in the war against the Ming Dynasty. Let the sudden collapse of Daming. After that, although the tribe of Agula did not become a subordinate of the Qing Dynasty like the Monan Mongolia, but it regarded itself as a vassal in name. This time when the Qing Dynasty recruited them to enter the customs, Agula agreed without hesitation.

The biggest reason that prompted Agula to enter the customs was not the fear of the Qing Dynasty, but the silver reward given by the Qing Dynasty and the attraction of the wealth of the Han people in the customs to him. Living outside the mouth is not at all easier than this decades-long battle. Natural disasters are the priority, and man-made disasters must also be prevented. The life of a small tribe is even more difficult, which makes the two generations of Agula and his son have been learning "big things". Follow the strong to eat meat. This is the truth that Agula’s father and son believe in. From the moment Agula took his tribe to the land of the Han people, he firmly believed that he would be able to return with a full reward this time, and bring back the Han women for the women in the tribe. Rouge gouache brought back those exquisite handmade jewelry for them, and also brought back delicious food for the children, and brought back resources that could survive for the tribe.

Agula didn't care at all how the Manchu soldiers viewed them, whether they regarded them as affiliated troops or mercenaries. What he cared about was whether he could **** the wealth back for his clan. The soldiers of Manchuria looked down on these foreign vassal sons, and the Mongolian relatives in Inner Mongolia looked down on them. I can't blame them. The harem of the Qing Dynasty were all their Horqin women, and the emperors were their nephews. upside down?

The days of camping at the foot of Meihua Mountain in the north of Yangzhou City were the happiest days for Agula and the clansmen. What they did in those days made them truly feel what a conqueror was. However, in the subsequent Three Bay Wars, Agula was terrified by those southern barbarians. Like all Mongolian soldiers who entered the border for the first time, he was shocked. When did the Han people who were as warm as pigs and sheep become so strong? Terrible.

Agula has been reflecting on this issue, and is also worried about the lives of himself and his tribe, and more worried about the future of the tribe. Watching the Manchu and Mongolian Eight Banners keep fighting horses out of the camp, and seeing the horses rushing back from time to time, Agula was frightened. During the Three Bay Wars, the powerful magic weapon of the Southern Barbarian envoy really frightened him. He was so big that he had never seen a weapon that could shock people to death. These southern barbarians have colluded with the legendary Western devils and learned their magic arts.

Agula was very sure that if Nanmanzi really wanted to kill here, the Qing army would definitely not be able to win, because they had no morale at all. And once the fight broke out, the dozens of men under his command wouldn't be able to last even a moment, because they were also afraid.

Agula wanted to learn from the soldiers of the two white flags who also joined the Ming army, but his tribe was outside his mouth. Even if the Manchus retreated from the pass, the Ming army would not be able to help them. Account, then the Ming army can't save the near fire, and in the end it is these poor little tribes who are unlucky. Besides, Nanmanzi might be interested in them, so why bother to beg that.

Agula's people were placed at the outermost part of the camp, and they wanted to lean in, but Horqin's **** drank and cursed at them. Agula's clansmen are also Mongolian men, who are vegetarians, and almost got into a fight. This incident alarmed the people of Manchuria. There was no other way, Agula could only slap his heart and beat a few clansmen fiercely. The final result was that he continued to bite the bullet and stayed outside.

Although the size was Taiji, Agula felt that he was inferior to a Manchurian soldier. The food distributed to them by the Manchurians was pitiful, so he had to mix wild vegetables and food to fill his stomach and want to eat meat. There are no doors. After eating like this, not to mention other pleasures and enjoyments, the women have all lost, and there are a lot of gold and silver treasures in the pockets, but there is no good thing in this moment.

The subordinates just ran a dozen miles away at the risk of being punished and came back to hunt some game~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A few hares and two pheasants, and there were a lot of wild ducks in a river, but the Mongolians did not I know water, so I didn't dare to go into the water when it was freezing cold, so I could only stare blankly. He burned some hot water indiscriminately to get rid of the game, but Agula didn't eat alone, everyone evenly divided it, and one person who was hiding the wine took a sip. You take one bite of mine, and you don't care about the foul smell of the skin.

After the battle, it doesn't matter who wins or loses, just go back and forth. The Manchus and the Han people were beaten to death, what do you say about us, the Mongolians. The longevity of Genghis Khan is a thing of the past, and we have no blessings to share the flowers and mountains of the Han people.

The life on horseback, the work of licking rice on the edge of the knife, is not easy. If there is today but not tomorrow, before his Nanbanzi comes over, he will fill his stomach before talking about it. If you really kill it, block the first block, try your best when you block it, and run if you can't stop it.

No matter what, I have to bring the Erlangs back, but they can't all be folded in this level. Men are the lifeblood of the tribe. Without men, the tribe would be over!

He wanted to take the only remaining clansman back to Agula, his hometown outside the mouth, so he took a mouthful of rabbit meat, a mouthful of wine, and drank too much, and no matter what drums, trumpets, and shouts came from his ears. When the wine bag was empty, a group of Taiping cavalry rushed over from behind the tent he was leaning against. (To be continued.)

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