Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 108: . Two stops of income

Ask for a recommendation ticket brothers and sisters, the new week, half a month before the shelves, let us prepare for a new journey! ****

The family prepared a lot of things for Wang Bo. For food, there were two large suitcases, but he put them into the castle through the heart of the lord in advance, and only one bust of Guan Erye he asked was placed in the box. Quickly passed the customs quarantine.

The last time he was taken away by Charlie without leaving the customs, this time he went through the customs himself and found that he was struggling and even had to disinfect the whole body.

New Zealand's control of alien species is particularly strict, and even foreign bacteria are not expected to come here, so if Wang Bo did not have the heart of the lord, it would be impossible to bring in the seeds of vegetables and grains.

Charlie came to pick him up, but no helicopter, only Rand Cool Road Ze.

"Where is the plane?" Wang Bo asked curiously.

Charlie shrugged. "It was taken back, no more. I can only use cars from now on."

After all, the car is not as convenient as a helicopter. After driving for more than an hour, Wang Bo asked, "How much is the helicopter you have been driving?"

Charlie looked at him in surprise and said, "Aren't you trying to buy one?"

Wang Bo nodded earnestly, and said, "Without a helicopter, we have a hard time going out."

He has been monitoring the construction of roads in the territory. During the almost one month since he returned home, both roads have progressed quickly, Highway 8 is almost open to traffic, and the town's third-level highway has also extended to the castle. At the foot of the hill.

However, if you want to go to Austria and other cities, it is too slow to rely on cars.

He is not short of money now. When he returns this time, he intends to sell the antiques in the treasure room for sale. Money is not a problem for him.

Charlie shrugged. "You have a fund plan, and more than 20 million looks a lot. In fact, there will not be much left after completing the highway. Well, as for helicopters, from 200,000 to 20 million."

Riding all the way, they rested in a small town at night, and they returned to the town the next day.

Charlie did not return Wang Bo directly to the castle, but took the opportunity to first see the invested gas station and gas station.

In the middle of the section of Sunset Road on Highway 8, a new construction site is busy.

Because the No. 8 highway was built in a hurry, construction was fast, and now the road to the gas station can be opened to traffic.

The brand-new asphalt pavement is dark and rough, and the road is wide and flat. Wang Bo lowered his window and looked straight at the highway leading to the distance. He was looking forward to it, looking forward to the day when the whole section was opened to traffic.

Gas stations have to thank the government for its high efficiency. With flat roads, engineering vehicles and transport vehicles are much easier to drive in and out, otherwise building gas stations can be very laborious.

It is not easy to build a gas station. The non-slip ground in the gas area is easy to handle, but the construction of oil storage tank areas, oil pipelines and electrostatic tank truck parking spots is more complicated.

On the side of the highway, some appliances were placed. Parts such as the awning, the awning pillars, and the tanker were delivered, and there were some things Wang Bo didn't know.

Several excavators were working in an orderly way, he got out of the car to check, Charlie introduced him to the head of the gas station, a white bearded man.

Wang Bo asked, "How long will your gas station be ready for use?"

The bearded man apparently did not expect the town mayor to be of Chinese descent, but he was very qualified and did not show surprise. The organizational language said: "According to our schedule, it almost coincided with the opening of the eighth highway. Months. "

At the back, Beard brought the construction plan, a thick booklet, which contains the specifications of the gas station and the construction cycle regulations. There are regulations on which part of the building is to be built.

In this way, Wang Bo had nothing to say. Later he went to see the gas station. This was slower to build and it was estimated that it would take half a year to pre-use it.

For a small town, a gas station is more important than a gas station, because the gas station lays pipes throughout the process. In the future, residents of the town will definitely use gas, and the town's pipeline will be connected to this gas station.

Of course, this is why gas companies are willing to invest in Sunset Town, their goal is to occupy the market in Sunset Town.

Highway No. 8 has greatly increased the value of Sunset Town. The opening of this highway highlights the development potential of the town. The reason why the Liszt chemical plant wants to stay in the town is also due to the developed transportation conditions.

Wang Bo welcomes the arrival of gas stations and gas stations. Not only are they needed for the development of small towns, but these two stations are dangerous buildings. Land use fees are expensive, and safety management funds must be paid.

This safety management fund was paid to the town's fire brigade, which did not yet have a fire brigade, so it fell into Wang Bo's pocket together.

The land use fees at the two stations plus the security management fund for the coming year totaled $ 1.5 million. Charlie didn't deceive Wang Bo at the time. Only by building a small town in the territory could he earn more money.

Upon the return of Wang Bo, Li Gao's manager, Du Gao-Liste, came home again. He was packing up things, the captain fluttered in and shouted, "Ah, ah, Bright Ding! Here it is! "

Guangmingding is the nickname that Pharaoh gave to Liszt in private. This guy thanked him early, and he had no hair on his head. Pharaoh only called twice, and the nickname was learned by the army commander.

Not long after the captain flew back, Liszt appeared at the gate of the castle and asked aloud, "Can I come in?"

The reason why he behaved so politely was because the strong man was squatting at the door and staring at them coldly. In the face of a developing Mastiff mastiff, no one dared to enter the castle at will.

Wang Bo stepped out and waved his hand, and the strong young man licked his lips and licked his lips and ran back. It knew that the host didn't like these people, and glared at them before leaving, his eyes were very overbearing.

When Liszt came in, he asked him about his journey home, and then smiled and said, "Mr. Mayor, do you have any new ideas about investing in our chemical plant?"

Wang Bo didn't want to waste time, and said frankly, "Manager, you know my decision. I won't allow a chemical plant to appear on my site."

Liszt was immortal and said, "What is necessary? I know you are worried about pollution, but please believe that our sewage can meet the strictest international requirements."

Wang Bo shook his head and said, "I believe what you say, but I still don't want a chemical plant to appear on my site."

"As far as I know, the land in Sunset Town is yours, right? You want to develop this town and start from scratch?" Liszt changed his topic after being rejected.

Wang Bo said, "Yes, that's it."

Liszt smiled: "I admire your determination, but you should know that building a small town requires sufficient starting capital. I have no intention of offending you, Mr. Mayor, I don't think you have that much capital, and if you Willing to accept our factory, that land use fee alone can bring you tens of millions of revenue ... "

"You don't have to worry about this. It's still the same sentence. I don't want a factory to appear on my own site." Wang Bo was unmoved, and this was the sentence.

Lister was helpless.

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