Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1254: . Either dead or I live (5/5)

"In dry years, rivers and lakes have shrunk and exposed low-lying land, which has also provided more suitable places for locusts to lay eggs. On the other hand, plants grown in dry environments have lower water content, and locusts feed on and grow. Faster and more fertile ... "

Wang Bo didn't want to listen to these introductions anymore, so he turned off the TV and stood upset.

Eva came up with a big belly and gave him a cup of coffee, and said gently: "Don't worry, dear, the locusts have not yet traveled south, maybe the Ministry of Agriculture will soon think of ways to pack them."

Wang Bo said distressed: "You know, New Zealand is too small, it will not take long for the locusts to go south. The sunset town is too tempting for them. We have large swaths of pasture here, we have water here, they must be More want to come. "

Eva said: "But they can't lay eggs here. They don't want to stay in the sunset town. This is their nature. They just want to destroy us."

Indeed, during the Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese compared the Japanese to locusts, and there were many similarities between the two sides.

For example, the Japanese madly plundered China's wealth and resources and killed the Chinese madly, instead of wanting to occupy China to survive on this land forever.

Locusts also have natural hatred for places with beautiful mountains and clear water. They must lay eggs on land with vegetation coverage of less than 50%. If a place is beautiful and there is no bare land, locusts cannot reproduce.

However, they will destroy these beautiful places, eat up green plants, and leave bare land, so that there is no place for survival?

In the evening, Wang Bo didn't take a break, but led his peasants and cowboys to prepare for the battle. He had prepared several illegal ways to kill locusts regardless of the regulations of the New Zealand government.

There are many high-efficiency, low-toxicity, low-residue pesticides in New Zealand, but there is no counterpart medicine for locusts, which makes it difficult for farmers and ranchers.

Fortunately, Motak has a method. He once stored a suspension made from pyrethroid and mineral oil emulsion. After spraying, it can adhere to the dust in the air and then enter the locust body to kill it. they.

Wang Bo was so happy when he saw this pesticide that he patted Motak's shoulder and said, "You have done a great job, man, I want to reward you, but how did you think about stocking this pesticide?"

Motak smiled bitterly: "Everything is God's will. I thought that our farm had just been opened and it was likely to attract a lot of pests, so I prepared it. I didn't expect that there were not many insects in the sunset town, so it was useless. . "

This agent is a suspension contact killer. They are diluted with clean water and sprayed out. They can stay in the air, and then contact the locust epidermis or appendages to penetrate into the insect body, or erode the wax layer of the insect body, or block the valve to kill. Dead pest.

However, Wang Bo was glad and encountered two more problems. One was that the medicine was not enough. Motak predicted that pests would come to the farm, but did not expect a locust outbreak.

The second question is how to spray. The area of ​​the farm is too large. It is best to use agricultural aircraft to spray pesticides. Before they can be rented aircraft, where do they go now? Farms and ranches are anxious for agricultural aircraft to help.

Fortunately, there is a Hercules super fire extinguisher in Sunset Town. After mixing pesticides and water, it can also be sprayed out through the fire extinguisher, but the effect is definitely not as good as that of an agricultural aircraft.

But this was the only useful method. Wang Bo decided to use it, and then the fire truck of the town's fire brigade roared.

Bo Dad also came up with an idea. He said, "Returning back two or three decades, our hometown has also been affected by locusts, especially during the ten-year disaster, but locusts are not raging."

Wang Bo asked, "How did you handle it?"

Bo Da's memories of his brains were exhausted: "I remember using trichlorfon powder, which was sprinkled on weeds and crops, and then sprayed with dichlorvos on the hay to dry and ignite it."

Wang Bo smiled bitterly. This method was useless. No matter whether it was trichlorfon or dichlorvos, New Zealand was not allowed to use this highly toxic pesticide.

One day later, the locust swarms of soldiers were divided into two paths, all the way up to the North Island and scourge the North Island, and all the way down to the sunset town, Queenstown, Dunedin and other heavy places.

Wang Bo made a slogan, "Either I die or I live", asking his men to "relentlessly fight," "We must stand up to these **** attacks, and we must kill them!"

Peterson reminded him, "Boss, the slogan is wrong. Either the worm died or I lived. Doesn't that mean it?"

Pharaoh said: "Do I, of course know that this means one thing, I mean killing the worms and then we live well!"

Peterson smiled awkwardly, "You're right, boss."

Seeing that the situation was not good, the New Zealand government and the Ministry of Agriculture finally launched a special parliamentary meeting to discuss urgently whether strict controls on pesticides and some highly toxic drugs could be temporarily released to kill these locusts.

When Wang Bo heard the news, a bite of old blood almost spurted out. When was this time when he still had a meeting? Democracy is not good at this. It is necessary to have a meeting to discuss anything, which is a great delay.

Xiao Meng's eyes were good, he flew in the air, and then saw the locusts coming from the air strike.

All birds are natural enemies of locusts. Without Wang Bo's order, it took the sheep-pecking parrot men and men to go up against it aggressively.

The pecking parrots have been very confident since they cleaned the Tuyi bird. They feel that they are invincible under the leadership of Brother Xiaomeng. No one needs to be afraid. When they see these little locusts, they fly up.

There are too many locusts. This is the result of several divisions, but Wang Bo looked away, and in the field of vision there were stars and dots, all flying locusts.

It seemed as if a sandstorm had happened, and when the locust swarm arrived, the whole sky became dark.

Countless locust wings flapping the air and making a 'buzzing' sound. The sounds merged together, and the eardrums of the trembling people were faintly aching!

The commander-in-chief of the Mighty Parrot fought the locusts for a short time. Instead of using their hands, they had an absolute advantage in frontal confrontation. It was too easy to clean up the locusts.

But the hordes of locusts are horrible. They are crazy and do not evade the predation of birds at all, so they slammed up and down and banged on the little **** and parrots.

The captain squatting on Wang Bo's shoulder saw this scene and closed his wings, muttering, "Ah, it hurts to watch!"

It really hurts. The pecking parrots finally tasted the feeling of the sheep when the group attacked a sheep. So many locusts hit the body continuously. Some parrots were weak and even knocked over in the air! (To be continued.)

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