Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 106 Ruyifang

It was a very correct decision to leave the construction of the workshop to Lao Fang. Sound of nature novel

In just five days, a workshop that made Li Yi extremely satisfied had been built.

When it comes to building houses, all the men in the village are experts. Even the house they currently live in was built by them.

The workshop has been built. Now, all we need to do is purchase the raw materials and we can immediately start producing a new batch of Ruyilu.

Before that, Li Yi spent all the money he saved from renting the store on decorating the store.

The ground is uniformly paved with wooden floors, and the counter tables and chairs are all newly customized. On the walls around the counter, Li Yi personally drew several landscape and figure paintings. Of course, they all used three-dimensional painting techniques, which are lifelike and eye-catching. At the last glance, his eyes seemed to be sinking in.

If someone walks into the store, they will probably be stunned by these paintings at first sight.

Since we decided to take the high-end route from the beginning, we can't save money in these places. Even the porcelain bottles holding Ruyilu are very exquisite, and they also cost a lot of money when they were purchased.

Seeing the money go out like water, I often see a look of pain on Lao Fang's face. If this business fails, the dream of a beautiful wife and a big house will never be realized again.

It is very possible that I will go back to two months ago overnight and continue to live a life of eating dirt...

After all, he has his share of Ruyilu's shares. Although he doesn't know what a "share" is, Lao Fang can still understand what my uncle said about his share of the money earned by Ruyilu.

"Uncle, have you decided on the name of the shop?" Lao Fang knew that making money was not what he was good at, so he changed the subject and said.

"This matter needs further consideration." Li Yi shook his head and said.

The name of a store is its signature. Once it is determined, it cannot be changed and the decision cannot be made easily.

Now, all the preparations are in place and everything is ready. All that is left is the name of the store.

"How about calling it Liushenfang?" Li Yi raised his head, intending to ask for everyone's opinions.

Lao Fang's face was a little dark, and he really couldn't understand his uncle's love for the name "Liu Shen".

The little maid stood next to Li Yi. When she saw the second lady opposite giving her a look, she immediately said, "Uncle, I think it sounds better to call her Ruyifang."


Li Yi looked at Liu Ruyi opposite. This matter obviously had nothing to do with her, so why did she let her take advantage every time?

If Ruyilu becomes popular in Panorama Country in the future, and every big city has a Ruyifang chain store, will people think of Liu Ruyi or him?

No, no, this is a big loss. Li Yi thinks it would be better to call it "Liu Shenfang".

For the sake of her being his sister-in-law, naming the toilet water in this world Ruyi Dew has given her a lot of face, and she will not give in this time.

"Ruyifang..." Lao Fang muttered the name, shook his head and said, "This name is not very good. We are doing serious business. Ruyifang, Ruyifang... sounds like a newly opened brothel in Fucheng. Same."

Li Yi felt keenly that as Lao Fang opened his mouth, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became more subtle.


This is the sound of a sword being unsheathed.

Feeling the two cold eyes behind him, Lao Fang couldn't help but shudder, and cold sweat rolled down his forehead.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized why he had a vague feeling of something bad when he spoke just now.

His chest straightened out, his expression became solemn, and he looked at Li Yi seriously and said, "Uncle, I suddenly feel that the name Ruyi Fang is very good. Since we sell Ruyi Dew, the name of the store must also match. I I think there is no more appropriate name than Yifang.”

Looking at Lao Fang who spoke righteously, Li Yi couldn't help but sigh in his heart. How could the iron-clad man at the beginning turn into such a virtuous man?

"I also think it's better to call it Ruyifang." Liu Ruyi said with a smile.

Although it was up to Li Yi to make the final decision on what the store should be called, the public opinion was obviously on Liu Ruyi's side. Li Yi could not act arbitrarily. He looked up at them and said, "You really don't want to think about Liushenfang anymore." ?"



In order to fully promote democracy, the name of the store was decided.

That day, he and Lao Fang ordered a plaque in Fucheng. In order to further improve his style, Li Yi found all Wang Xizhi's calligraphy in the library. After digesting it, he found out "Ru", "Yi" and "Fang". These three words were mentioned personally.

Of course, even if there is such a heaven-defying cheating device, he only needs to copy it, and it is impossible for him to reach the realm of Wang Xizhi, but the successful appearance of copying is enough to scare many people.

At least the shopkeeper who made the plaque was frightened by the elegant cursive hand.

I have been running this ancestral shop for decades, made countless plaques, and seen many authentic works by famous artists. Under the influence of my ears and eyes, even though the shopkeeper is not very sophisticated in his writing skills, in terms of his appreciation, few people can match him. .

There are only three characters, which shows the depth of the writing skills. Without decades of effort, it is probably impossible to achieve.

This kind of skill is probably comparable to that of several great calligraphers in the world.

However, who among those people has not gone through decades of accumulation to achieve today's achievements.

If the scholar had not written in front of him, he would certainly not believe that such wonderful calligraphy would come from the hands of such a young man.

Li Yi was not surprised by the shocked expression of the shopkeeper.

That was a generation of calligraphy saint, Wang Xizhi, who influenced Chinese calligraphy for more than 2,000 years. How could his calligraphy be ordinary?

Of course, Li Yi was still very happy that the shopkeeper insisted on not taking his money.

Now is the time when the business is just starting, and it is better to save as much as possible. The calligraphy saint is indeed worthy of his reputation. Looking at the shopkeeper holding the paper as if it were a treasure, Li Yi couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The new store opened, and it should have done some publicity and marketing, but Li Yi was not in a hurry to do these. He still had some confidence in Ruyi Lu.

However, this confidence was shaken on the first day of the store opening.

After half a day, not even a bottle of Ruyi Lu was sold. A few people came into the store to take a look, but when they heard that such a small bottle of "Ruyi Lu" would cost one or two taels of silver, they immediately fled without waiting for Li Yi to introduce the function of Ruyi Lu.

"Did I set the price too high?"

After half a day, even Li Yi began to doubt it.

One or two taels of silver is not a small amount for most people in the capital. Although they can afford it, they will not be extravagant enough to buy such a bottle of something they don't know the use of.

"Where are the local tyrants..." Li Yi sat at the counter and saw that there were only him and the little maid in the whole shop. He couldn't help but call out in his heart.

The little maid sat at the table with her chin on one hand, looking out the door, boredly watching the passers-by. At a certain moment, two figures stopped in front of the door for a moment, and then walked in.

The little maid came back to her senses, immediately stood up from the chair, and trotted over.

"Ladies, welcome to Ruyifang!" Shi Shiran bowed and said in a clear voice.

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