Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 13: Strange Scholar

At this time, the handsome scholar with some skills in the eyes of the naughty child's parents was wearing an apron, humming a tune, and was busy in the kitchen. sounds of nature novel

With the same rice noodles and the same ingredients, what Li Yi makes is always more delicious than what Xiaohuan makes. This is a conclusion Liu Ruyi came to through comparison.

The two meals a day that were originally just to fill the stomach have become something to look forward to. Ordinary porridge and pasta can be transformed into different patterns every time under his hands. Sometimes it is just a glance or a smell. The aroma will greatly increase one's appetite.

When the reason for eating is no longer just to fill your stomach, your whole life seems to become better.

After a few times, Liu Ruyi never said anything like "a gentleman is far away from the kitchen".

Sometimes she would also wonder why a scholar would be so enthusiastic about things in front of the stove. In an era when everything was low-class and only high-class students could study well, it was really unimaginable that a scholar would lower himself to become a cook. matter……

Where is his dignity as a scholar?

Liu Ruyi had also met many scholars, and most of them gave her the impression of being arrogant and arrogant. There was no doubt that her husband-in-law did not look like an orthodox scholar, but he was obviously different from other scholars. people.

Liu Ruyi didn't know whether he was talented or not, but she thought it wasn't too bad.

The group of lawless children who could not be cured by anyone were obedient under his hands. In just a few days, changes occurred that amazed everyone and were far beyond Liu Ruyi's expectations.

Of course, Liu Ruyi was quite surprised when she learned from Xiaohuan the stories Li Yi told the children in class.

How did he come up with those things?

During this period of time, it seemed that even the entire village had undergone some small changes.

At the beginning, Li Yi was just a pretend couple to Liu Ruyi to temporarily silence some people who kept forcing her to get married. They were just a fake couple in name only. They thought that after a while, things would happen. After settling down, if he wants to leave, just let him go.

Liu Ruyi actually had some preparations in her heart, anticipating that he would fight or run away...

But no matter what, he never expected that he would not reveal any such thoughts from beginning to end. Instead, he integrated into this place with an incredible speed...

Although they see each other every day, Liu Ruyi feels as if she has never seen through him.

What a... strange scholar...



Generally speaking, Li Yi is quite satisfied with his current life.

This is a leisure and pleasure that I have never experienced in my previous life. Every day I mainly cook and teach naughty children. It is not difficult and is so easy that it is indescribable.

As for escaping...

Why run away?

After running away, what will he eat, where will he live, and where will he find such a beautiful wife?

He is not stupid. Since he has almost lived a happy life of early retirement, why bother to find trouble on his own?

Li Yi has always felt that he is an easily satisfied person, which is good.

"Hello, sir!"

Walking into the school, the naughty children were already sitting upright, with good etiquette, and there was a hint of expectation on their little faces.

Before the end of yesterday, Li Yi pinned the end of the story on a big suspense. The naughty children must have been impatient. It can be seen from the dark circles on their eyes that they must not have slept well last night.

This also gave a little satisfaction to some bad taste in Li Yi's heart.

It is a very simple thing to get close to naughty children. Li Yi just tells them stories for a while every day, and teaches them to write his name, or other characters that naughty children are willing to learn, such as "Sun Wukong" "The Jade Emperor" and "Tathagata Buddha" and the like were of interest to them, and the results were surprisingly good. By now, every naughty child has mastered at least a dozen words.

Li Yi, who has been a student for more than ten years, understands better than anyone that interest is the best mentor. Passive indoctrination is never as good as active solicitation. Although his method is a bit suspected of seducing minors, the effect is remarkable. pole.

At this time, there were more naughty children in the school than at the beginning, including a few girls.

According to normal historical trends, the idea of ​​favoring boys over girls should continue to circulate in this world for hundreds or thousands of years. Even in Liuye Village, there has never been any thought of letting girls sit in the same school as boys.

But the story of the monkey is so tempting that even girls are not immune to it. Maybe some naughty kid listened to the story in class, and then showed it off in front of friends who had never attended school. When Yi was in class, there would always be a few small figures outside the door or in front of the window, standing there timidly, but not daring to come in.

Li Yike had not been poisoned by patriarchal thoughts. Since they liked it, he asked the girls to come in and listen together for several days.

However, sometimes embarrassing things still happen.

Every kid has a heroic dream in his heart. Everyone wants to become the Monkey King who can do anything. When Liu Xiaohu was arguing with a little girl about who was the Monkey King, he was not good at talking. He didn't know where the inspiration came from. He actually took off his pants and pointed at a little thing that had just started to grow. He said confidently: "The teacher said that the monkey is male and has a penis! I have a penis and you don't, so I am the Monkey King!"

Liu Xiaohu's reason was so sufficient that people couldn't find any words to refute it. Even Li Yi was speechless. After the little girl was stunned for a while, she didn't know if she was sad that she couldn't be the Monkey King. She cried with a "wow".

Liu Xiaohu also cried because the little girl told her parents the whole story after she went home.

The parents of the little girl came to the door. After hearing what happened, the second aunt Wu was furious and her palm fell on Liu Xiaohu's buttocks like a palm leaf fan.

Li Yi was just across the wall at that time, and could only shake his head helplessly, mourning for the naughty child for a while, how could he have such a mother, and then he... did what he had to do...

"It is said that Tang Seng and his party came to the Kingdom of Women, and they drank the water of the Mother and Child River by mistake, and all of them became big-bellied..."

Li Yi was used to telling stories to the naughty children first, and then teaching them something. He sat casually among the naughty children and continued to tell the story from the last time.

In the school, the naughty children pricked up their ears and listened attentively. Outside the window, Liu Ruyi leaned on the window railing with her arms folded, and an interested expression appeared on her pretty face.

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