Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 248: The Secret of Jianghu

Lao Fang walked out of the house in a depressed mood and wiped his face. There was only a little carbon ash on his face, which was immediately evenly smeared. His skin, which was not very white, became three degrees darker.

The snow fell suddenly last night. Not to mention the pillars, he was frozen. Fortunately, the craftsman just delivered the stove. He thought that he would install it immediately and the charcoal fire would burn, and the house would be warm immediately.

As a result, he held two bamboos and pieced them together for a long time, but he couldn't make it like his uncle's house. In anger, he kicked the stove, and the stove turned over. The charcoal fire fell all over the floor and almost burned the pillars next to it. He was driven out by his wife with a broom.

He shook his head. It seemed that this kind of delicate work was really not something he could do. He planned to go to his uncle to ask how to do this thing.

Before he entered the yard, a figure rushed out from inside and disappeared in front of him in an instant.

It was really a "whoosh" sound, and the speed was incredibly fast. Lao Fang was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, and the expression on his face was still a little bit unbelievable.

"That was... my son-in-law?"

After getting the answer from Xiaohuan, Lao Fang was hurt again.

I don't know when it started, but my son-in-law is getting more and more powerful. Lao Fang feels that his role is constantly decreasing. Maybe it won't be long before he can only help cut bamboo and run errands.

In the business outside, apart from my son-in-law, he gets the most dividends. He can earn more than he could earn in the previous year just by sitting at home every day------It feels good to have money, but I don't feel at ease with this money.

Seeing her husband coming back from my son-in-law, he kept his head down and tinkered with the stove quietly. Liu wanted to grumble a few words, but she swallowed them back when they came to her lips.

Although she didn't scold him often on weekdays, she would also use the family law broom to teach him a lesson when necessary, but she knew the limits. After so many years, she knew when to speak and when to shut up.

She wouldn't ask too much about the affairs between men. At this moment, she could only sigh and silently clean up the pile of charcoal on the ground...



Li Yi ran from home to the street in one breath, panting heavily. When he looked back and saw that no one was chasing him, he found a roadside stall to sit down and rest.

I don't know if it was because of the slap from his second uncle, but the old injury on his body was almost healed. His lower abdomen didn't hurt anymore, and he felt that his physical condition was better than before the injury.

Of course, because of the practice of true qi, he seemed to be a little too proud these two days. He was too arrogant in front of Miss Liu Er. He rubbed the part of his butt that was still aching, and finally realized how big the gap between him and Ruyi was.

If he wanted to turn over and be the master, and openly press Miss Liu Er under him, he still had a long way to go.

At present, I still have to keep a low profile. The next time I want to vent my anger, I have to choose a time when she is not at home and secretly make a snow sculpture and smash it. Today, I was indeed a little too ostentatious.

I can't go home for the time being, otherwise the snow sculpture just now may be his fate. I might as well stroll on the street.

It snowed heavily last night, but there was not much snow on the main roads of the city. Without the supervision of the government, people got up one after another before dawn to sweep the snow in front of their doors to the roadside. The shops were even more active. After all, they had to do business on snowy days. Life was not easy. One less day of opening the door meant one more day of loss.

At this moment, there were no snowflakes in the sky, and there were fewer pedestrians on the street than usual. In such cold weather, staying at home and not going out was the right choice.

Passing by a breakfast place, I bought two hot buns. I heard that the buns here are also decades old. The skin is thin and the filling is rich. The taste is also acceptable. After eating two buns, I no longer felt hungry.

There were not many people in the shops along the way, but there were a few customers in the few wine shops. They were the only shops in the city that sold strong liquor. The boss behind the scenes was the Ning Wangfu, and it was also the source of more than 90% of the family's income.

After strolling around, he strolled into the theater. No matter what time it was, there was no shortage of people here. Teahouses, wine shops, brothels, customers came in and out, and it was very lively.

Several temporary small brothels were collapsed by the heavy snow. The actors who relied on the brothels for their livelihood were cleaning up the scene. It seemed that they must not have taken much care when setting up the shed. Although this thing was not strong, it was not so fragile.

This problem did not exist in the larger brothels. When Li Yi pushed open the door and walked in, the storyteller Sun Lao was directing those people to rehearse "Painted Skin". It would be performed in two days. This was related to whether they could have enough food in the future. They had to get up from the quilt before dawn and could go back very late, but no one complained.

"Young Master, you are here. Miss Wan is not here now. I will go and call her right away." Old Man Sun saw Li Yi and immediately ran over and said with a smile.

After seeing the subsequent story book, his attitude towards Li Yi became better.

"No, no." Li Yi waved his hand. He just came to see.

The old man seemed to have thought of something. He took out a small cloth bag from his arms. It looked bulging and heavy. He said: "Young Master, take this money. I asked a few old friends to tell the story of Jianghu that you told last time. It was really popular among those Jianghu people. This money was sent by someone yesterday."

Li Yi waved his hand again and said: "Give all the money to Miss Wan. The brothel will open again, and the expenses must be quite a lot. You can keep this money for use."

After hearing this, Old Man Sun did not say anything more. They really needed a lot of money these days.

Old Man Sun was puzzled by the fact that Li Yi asked him to spread the good story through several friends who were also storytellers.

Most of the people in the martial arts world are generous. Those brothels outside the city are mostly those people. They are generous and like to listen to the stories of the martial arts world. If they are interested, they will not be stingy with money.

It is a pity not to keep the good stories for yourself. At the very least, you can exchange them for some money. It’s a pity that Master Li just gave them away for nothing. This is all money...

Unable to guess Li Yi’s intention, Old Man Sun didn’t think about it. It was not his concern. He sent him out of the brothel and went back to urge those people to rehearse as soon as possible.

"Hey, old man, keep talking. What on earth is the Seventy-two Sword Techniques to Exorcise Evils…"

In a small shack built temporarily at the foot of the city wall, a man threw a small piece of broken silver into the earthenware jar in front of him and urged him.

The shack was not big, but there were many people inside. Most of them looked exhausted and were often on the road.

After the man urged, the others also urged the old man to continue talking with interest.

Although the old man was old, he still had some eyesight. When he saw a flash of silver light flash into the earthenware jar, the wrinkles on his face bloomed like chrysanthemums. He cleared his throat and continued to speak.

"Speaking of the Han family's 72-Move Sword Technique to Exorcise Evils, it is truly incredible. It is a legendary sword technique, but few people know about it. Firstly, this sword technique has never been passed on to outsiders, and secondly, the movements of those who use this sword technique are swift and strange. No one outside knows the names of its moves. We only know that its moves are extremely fast, reaching an incredible level..."

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