Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 268: Encounter at the Theater

The theater attendant struck a gong, indicating that the performance was about to begin.

At this time, the seats in the venue were almost full. In the past, there were only some square tables in the brothel, and people sat around them casually. Now, they have been replaced with connected chairs, and a small platform protruded on one side of the chairs, where tea and food can be placed.

Of course, only the first two rows have such treatment, and those people must know where the extra copper coins are used.

Xiaohuan wanted to watch "A Chinese Ghost Story", but she didn't catch the show, so she could only watch "Painted Skin" again. Anyway, she was free, so she waited with her.

When the curtain was opened, several figures sat down next to Xiaohuan.

Li Yi just glanced at it casually, turned his head, and turned back, and then his expression was a little stunned.

Sitting next to Xiaohuan was a man about 40 years old, and his appearance was not unfamiliar to Li Yi.

Professor Feng, as the god-level lackey of Prefect Dong, generally speaking, Prefect Dong will appear wherever he is. Li Yi leaned over and took a look, and sure enough, he saw the Prefect sitting next to him.

He was wondering, what are the Prefect and the professors of the Prefectural School doing all day?

This is not a place where dignitaries would come. One of them is in charge of the affairs of the prefecture, and the other is responsible for education. It stands to reason that they should be very busy at ordinary times. How could they have time to come here to watch a show?

Obviously, Professor Feng also saw Li Yi. After a moment of stunned, he turned around and whispered a few words in Prefect Dong's ear.

Prefect Dong had a deep impression of Li Yi. His poems surpassed those of all the students in Qing'an Prefecture. He had a close relationship with Prince Ning and Princess Yongle. However, his personality was a bit strange. He was very talented but unwilling to be an official. He was said to have been appointed as a county lieutenant by His Majesty, but he rarely went to the county government. Strangely, the public security in the prefecture was better than before...

To be honest, Prefect Dong admired Li Yi very much, especially the line "I want to say something, but I don't want to say it, it's a good autumn", which made him love him deeply. However, he was obviously involved in the royal family. Although he wanted to promote him, he couldn't do it.

I had forgotten about him, but I didn't expect to meet him here by chance today.

A figure had already walked out on the stage. Prefect Dong shook his head and stopped thinking about these things. Today he just wanted to watch the famous "Painted Skin". He turned around and smiled and said to another man in brocade clothes: "I am curious about what is so wonderful about "Painted Skin" that Brother Yan praised it so much." The man in brocade clothes smiled and said: "I didn't expect that there would be many talented people in this small brothel. The short and strange stories contain profound truths. Under Brother Dong's rule, there are indeed many talented people. When I left, His Majesty had decided to promote "Disciples' Rules" in my Jing country. As a primer for children, Brother Dong has made an indelible contribution to the education of my Jing country." Accepting the compliment of the man in brocade clothes calmly, Prefect Dong couldn't help but look back at the young man who was two seats away from him. .

Li Yi didn't want to flirt with a man, not to mention that the other party was the prefect, even if it was the emperor, he didn't even think about going up to greet the prefect immediately. These big men like to travel incognito and pretend to see their superiors. The other party might blame him for ruining his low profile.

Wan Ruoqing runs the brothel very well. No brothel in the city is cleaner, tidier and more orderly than this one. Every performance will have a small improvement. The actors rely on their acting skills rather than their bodies. They are completely incomparable to those coquettish and cheap women outside. If this kind of place can't retain customers, what kind of place can retain them?

Old man Sun, under his own guidance, has prepared to open a martial arts special show, but it is still in the stage of collecting information.

After the last incident of the Exorcism Sword Technique, Old Man Sun keenly discovered the business opportunity. In the brothels outside the city, such stories seem to be more popular, and those martial artists are generous and never give less rewards. Sometimes large silver ingots are thrown up. This opportunity must be seized.

Young Master Li gave him a good suggestion. He could collect some strange stories in the martial arts world, ask around on weekdays, and use the collected information to rank the martial arts masters. He could revise the rankings in time according to the latest information. It is said that there is a Mr. Zhao in Chuzhou. Although he has always been famous for his loyalty, he is actually a rare master in the martial arts world. It is said that he is about to enter the master level. Most people don’t know this secret at all...

Li Yi didn’t pay attention to the performance on the stage. He was distracted thinking about these things.

If such a theater can be opened all over Jingguo, it would be a powerful force, and this force is not easy to attract the attention of others. If life can continue to be so quiet and peaceful, just think of it as his contribution to the entertainment industry of this world. If there are always blind people who want to step on him, I am afraid that the nails will go through the soles of their feet.

"Foolish people in the world regard ghosts as beauties, do not listen to loyal words, covet beauty, but do not know that the wife of the poor and the poor is happy to swallow the saliva of others. I don't know how many stupid people in the world do not know how to wake up. How sad!"

When thinking about things, I hate being interrupted by others, especially when the man in brocade clothes suddenly stood up and said these words with a big laugh.

You can see a sense of emotion when watching a play. This guy must have read books and has been deeply poisoned by the teachings of saints.

Li Yi was not satisfied, let alone the others in the theater.

Just as I was getting excited, someone suddenly stood up and shouted loudly, especially since that guy was still sitting in the front row, and everyone's view was blocked.

"What the hell are you calling? Sit down quickly!"

They were all ordinary people, and they didn't know that the person sitting next to him was the magistrate. They only knew that this guy disturbed their interest in watching the show. Maybe some of them were frightened by his sudden ghostly scream just now, and they all spoke dissatisfiedly.

Magistrate Dong had a wry smile on his face. After all these years, his friend still hasn't corrected his problems!


Among the noisy sounds, there was a dull sound that was particularly clear.

A young man who looked like a scholar sitting behind the man in brocade knelt down in front of the man in brocade. After bowing respectfully, he stood up and said, "Thank you sir for your teaching. Take pity on my poor wife, follow me." After suffering for more than ten years, now I have the intention of divorced for the sake of a charming girl outside, how is it any different from that Wang Sheng? "

"Sir's words just now are like thunder that pierces the ears and is deafening. Students should remember it for the rest of their lives and dare not forget it." After the scholar-like young man finished speaking, he saluted the man in brocade clothes again and didn't even look up. He strode back and left.

Li Yi stared blankly at the young man's back as he walked out, wondering in his heart, where did they find the shill?

"It's not too late to find your way back." The man in brocade also watched the young man leave with a smile on his face, stroking his beautiful beard on his chin, showing his noble demeanor.

"As for you, you haven't sat down yet!"

If a shoe hadn't come flying from behind and hit him accurately on the face, his demeanor might have been able to be maintained for a while longer.

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