Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 361: His Royal Highness the King of Shu

"Sir, sir..."

Li Yi struggled to open his eyes and saw the maid named Xiaoqing standing at the head of the bed, gently pushing his shoulders. Tianlai novels

There was no one around for a long time. Ruyi and the old lady were going to the temple to offer incense today. Li Yi didn't even know when she got up.

"What time is it now?" Li Yi sat up from the bed and asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Go back to Sir, it's almost time." The beautiful little maid said with a blushing face, not daring to look at the half-naked Li Yi.

"What time?" Li Yi was startled when he heard this. He didn't expect that he actually slept until ten o'clock or almost eleven o'clock before waking up. It seems that he should not bother himself too late at night in the future.

Xiaoqing did not forget why she came in to wake up the lord, and said: "Sir, please get up quickly. His Royal Highness is waiting for you outside."

"Li Xuan, what is he here for?"

Li Yi got dressed in two seconds, washed his face under Xiao Qing's service, walked outside the door and saw Li Xuan standing in the yard.

"You actually slept until this hour?" Li Xuan looked in disbelief. He never knew that Li Yi was in this state at home.

Li Yi glanced at him and continued to rinse his mouth with green salt. It's not even eleven o'clock, and it's not even time for dinner yet. Is this considered late?

"Stop dawdling, come with me quickly." Li Xuan came over, pulled his sleeve and walked outside.

Li Yi had mouthwash in his mouth and said vaguely: "Where are you going..., don't be so fussy, it will have a bad impact if others see it..."

How decent is it for two married men to have sex in public? Where has this guy learned any rules?

The servants of the Li family watched in stunned silence as their Lord was dragged out of the house and onto a carriage, but no one stopped him. Even the guards just stood there and watched, motionless.

They couldn't afford to offend the group of people standing outside the door.

"Where are you going?" Li Yi wiped his mouth with his sleeve, still a little confused after just waking up.

"Hanshan, the glider has made great progress. Then you will see if there is anything that can be improved."

"You got that thing out so quickly?" Li Yi was a little surprised at Li Xuan's efficiency.

Li Xuan said: "I borrowed a few master craftsmen from the general and told them that this was a battlefield weapon. They made it in three days."

Of course, the effect cannot be tested on a grassy slope. As the mountain closest to the capital, Hanshan Mountain has become the best place for testing.

Li Xuan did not climb to the top of the mountain. Halfway up the mountain, he asked the accompanying guards to drag out a large box from a carriage behind him, and quickly assembled the contents inside. It looked exactly like the drawing Li Yi drew for him. Changes have been made in some places, but at least it is much stronger than the big kite at the beginning.

At a certain cliff, a guard's face was full of tragedy. Although he had tried it many times and the parachute bag on his back could guarantee that he would not fall to death if he jumped directly from here, but looking at the bottom of the cliff, he felt in his heart It is inevitable that you will still feel a little uneasy.

In the end, the guard gritted his teeth and clung to the fuselage. After a long run, he disappeared on the cliff.

Seeing a small dot that always maintained a certain height and flew farther away, excitement finally appeared on Li Xuan's face.

The progress of mankind's dream of flying into the sky has been greatly advanced. Li Yi watched the guard hovering in the air for several times before finally landing on the ground, standing at the foot of the cliff and waving to the top.

"Can you go back?" Li Yi yawned and asked.

I woke up in the morning and was pulled over by him without even eating, just to watch the guards of the Prince's Mansion fly around in the air. If I had been clearer at that time, I would definitely not follow Li Xuan here, but stay in my own house. Basking in the sun in the yard.

"What are you going back for?" Li Xuan shook his head and said, "Today is the Shuilu Dharma Assembly in Hanshan Temple. Mingzhu and Shouning are both on the mountain. If I hadn't gone to the Viscount Mansion to find you, I should have gone up the mountain with them."

"Several eminent and eminent monks will publicly demonstrate the Dharma at the Water 6 Dharma Conference, which can make the suffering sentient beings happy and enlightened, and be nourished by the water of Dharma. Many dignitaries in the capital, including many princesses and princes, will also participate, so that they can be enlightened by the Dharma and be protected by gods and Buddhas in the sky... "

Buddhism is indeed very prosperous in this world. Even Li Xuan talks about it in the same way. Li Yi waved his hand and said, "I just want to ask, is there anything to eat up there?"

"Yes!" Li Xuan nodded, "Every time there is a Dharma gathering, vegetarian food will be donated. Besides, there are many people selling food outside the temple..."



It is not a good habit to skip breakfast, and it is not a good habit to sleep until ten o'clock in the morning, because you will be hungry before it is time to eat, and you will not be too hungry between breakfast and lunch...

As expected, there are many people selling food on the top of the mountain. The Water 6 Dharma Ceremony will be held for at least seven days. There are so many believers traveling from various places. Of course, some small vendors will not miss this great opportunity. Even the plum forest is occupied.

But today, their business is destined not to be very good.

Of course, the dignitaries in the capital would not crowd together with ordinary people. Therefore, on the day of this Dharma conference, Hanshan Temple was not open to ordinary people, so few ordinary believers went up the mountain today.

And those people who are accustomed to fine clothes and good food, and who maintain their identity, will naturally not buy food from roadside stalls outside.

Except Li Yi.

The vendor selling buns finally welcomed the first customer of the day. He was so excited that he almost cried. He sold him two trays of buns for five coins. The monk guarding the gate saw the customer carrying buns walking into the temple. He wanted to stop him, but when he looked up and saw that it was the person that even Master Tanyin had to go out to see him off, he immediately retreated.

Anyway, the rules are not made for these nobles, so it is better to have less trouble than more.

There were monks preaching in various places in the temple. Li Yi did not see Ruyi and Xiaohuan. He felt that if he ate buns while listening to the old monk preaching, he might be kicked out, so he gave up the idea of ​​going in to look for them.

The owner of the bun stall was also an honest man. He gave more buns for a larger amount. Li Yi could not finish them all by himself, and Li Xuan was disdainful to eat them. When he handed them to the guards of the Prince's Mansion, he was ignored. It was a pity to throw them away. At this moment, he felt that someone patted him on the back.

Looking back, she saw the arrogant little girl with a swan-like bun, and handed the paper bag forward, "Want to eat buns?"

Like teacher, like student. As Li Yi's favorite disciple, Princess Shouning obviously has the same taste as her master.

Princess Jingguo seemed to be often hungry, and the few buns left by Li Yi were quickly eaten by Princess Shouning.

The veins on the foreheads of the palace guards and maids following her were about to burst. If Princess Yongle hadn't said anything, she would have taken down this bold guy long ago.

"Shouning, so you are here."

A young man came from the back, followed by several young men, with the same extraordinary temperament.

"Brother." Seeing the young man, Princess Shouning walked over quickly and smiled.

"What did you eat just now?" The young man frowned, took out a clean handkerchief from his arms, and wiped the corners of Princess Shouning's mouth.

"Nothing, nothing." The arrogant little girl ran back with a guilty conscience.

"Meet His Royal Highness the King of Shu!" The guards and maids from the palace saluted the young man.

The young man waved his hand, walked forward, and said to Li Mingzhu: "There are a lot of people in the temple, watch Shouning, don't let her run around."

Li Mingzhu nodded, but Princess Shouning curled her lips and said: "Who ran around?"

The young man smiled and touched her head, and said: "My brother has something else to do, so I won't accompany you. You have to listen to my sister."

"I know, I know." Princess Shouning said impatiently.

The young man shook his head, glanced at Li Xuan again, and walked away slowly with the people behind him.

Until the figures of several people disappeared, Li Yi looked back at Li Xuan and saw that his face was calm. Generally, when he showed this expression, it meant that he was in a bad mood. He asked with some doubts: "Do you have a grudge against this King of Shu?"

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