Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 37 Found a treasure!

The maid named Xiaohuan sometimes wondered what kind of life did the son-in-law lead before he went up the mountain, who were the people in his family, whether he was married, whether he had a sweetheart...

After living together for a long time, they gradually learned some things.

Some information that Li Yi accidentally revealed in the past made the little maid dispel some of her fantasies, but she was not so sure about more things.

As early as the night of the Qixi Festival, when Li Yi became very strange, the little maid had already had some guesses in her heart.

If the love between two people lasts for a long time, why should they be together day and night...

She also pestered Sister Qin, the only educated sister in the village, to explain the meaning of these two sentences to her. She only remembered that Sister Qin said at that time that the son-in-law... was probably also a person with a story.

Her sight looked at the scroll in her hand again. Looking at the beautiful woman, the little maid couldn't help but wonder in her heart, could this be the son-in-law's former sweetheart?

One is a handsome scholar, the other is a graceful lady. They should be a perfect couple that the world envies, supporting each other and staying together for life...

However, a sudden change happened. The scholar was kidnapped by bandits and became the chief of the bandit group. The beauty sat alone in the boudoir, crying...

Although it is not obvious on weekdays, the son-in-law must be very bitter in his heart, right?

Thinking of this, an inexplicable emotion suddenly surged into the girl's heart. She felt a sour nose and a tight heart, and tears fell.

"Xiaohuan, what's wrong with you?"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded from the side. The girl was startled. When she turned her head, she saw Liu Ruyi standing behind her.

"Ah, Second Miss..." She quickly reached out and wiped her tears, saying, "Nothing, I just squinted my eyes accidentally."

"What is this?"

Liu Ruyi looked at the familiar painting in her hand and looked over.



A good night's sleep can relieve all worries. When Li Yi woke up the next day, it was almost lunchtime.

It was too late to teach the naughty kids, and no one paid him. He didn't have enough motivation to work. Fortunately, he was the only one who could decide whether to go to school, and there were no restrictions.

There was no one in the yard. Liu Ruyi should have gone out to practice martial arts. As for Liu Ruyi, Li Yi hadn't seen her since yesterday, and he had become accustomed to her occasional disappearance.

Xiaohuan was cooking in the kitchen. It was not right for a grown man to always hang around in the kitchen. Besides, Li Yi would get bored after a long time. As early as half a month ago, he began to consciously teach Xiaohuan some things about cooking. In short, he couldn't just throw something in the pot and cook it like before. Eating should be a kind of enjoyment, not just to fill his stomach.

After a simple wash, he walked to the door and stretched his body.

Breathing the fresh air from the mountains, he felt refreshed.

The air was not polluted by industrialization, and every sip carried the taste of nature, extremely fresh, and with a strong smell of meat?

After carefully distinguishing it, Li Yi was sure that he was not wrong, it was indeed the smell of meat.

The smell was not coming from his own kitchen. He had just told Xiaohuan last night that he had to deal with the meat himself. He wrinkled his nose and sniffed, and looked in the direction of the smell, and saw the bear child of the big man surnamed Fang walking over with a huge bowl in his hand.

The bear child walked in front of Li Yi, holding the bowl, and said timidly: "Uncle, this is what my father asked me to send over."

Seeing the big bowl of cooked meat in the bear child's hand, Li Yi smiled and touched his head, and took it from his hand.

Although this thing is not lacking, it is a kind of intention of others, and it is not easy to refuse.

After completing the task assigned by his father, the bear child did not even say "goodbye, uncle", and ran home.

Today, there is not only fragrant rice, but also meat to eat. The smile on the face of the naughty child has stretched to the corner of his mouth, and his heart has already flown back home.

Li Yi is not the only one who smells the rich aroma of meat. This morning, there are countless people standing at the door of Liuye Village, smelling the fragrance in the air and swallowing their saliva.

In the scene in the village, even rice is a luxury. People in the village don’t know how long they haven’t smelled the aroma of meat.

When they saw a few naughty children holding bowls with white rice in their bowls and a layer of meat on top of the rice wandering around the village, everyone was not calm.

Not to mention pork, just talking about white rice, even the richest family in the village can’t be so extravagant.

A group of tenants without land actually eat better than the Liu clan members who own land. I don’t know how many people are shocked.

Thinking about what happened yesterday, some people finally realized that the things that the big man surnamed Fang and others brought back to the village were really food!

A full ten stones of rice!

This is no less than an astronomical figure for them.

Some people couldn't help but run to inquire about the news, and when they came back, they were a little dazed.

They were worried about having no place to show off, so when asked, Fang and others naturally told them the whole story without reservation.

When the news reached everyone, it became a powerful new son-in-law who easily exchanged ten taels of silver for a painting. All the meat and food were bought by him.

After learning this news, everyone was left with only deep shock.

None of them had ever seen what ten taels of silver looked like. The old Fang family, who was so poor that they could not even open the pot before, could now eat rice and meat. This matter had a greater impact on them.

The most regretful ones at this time were probably the women who paid Li Yi to paint on the Qixi Festival. When they thought that the prayer lanterns they released were worth ten taels of silver, their hearts were bleeding.

Using ten taels of silver to release prayer lanterns was probably the most extravagant thing they had ever done in their lives!

Those who were originally in the same financial situation as the big man surnamed Fang and others, but now can only watch others eat meat, have deep regrets in their hearts. They secretly regret why they did not stand on the side of Liu Ruyi and the two sisters when everyone united to make trouble for the direct lineage...

Of course, some people secretly planned to go down the mountain to rob a scholar, let him do nothing, and lock him in the room to paint every day...

But it's just a thought. If any scholar has this ability to make money, how can there be a "poor scholar"?

No matter how jealous and envious the direct lineage and others are, they have to admit...

The two sisters Liu Ruyi and Liu Ruyi, I'm afraid they really picked up a treasure this time!

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