Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 404 You still remember to come back!

Although the girl was not very strong, she used all her strength to make the stick pass through the air, still bringing up a sound of wind.

Li Yi picked up the osmanthus cake with one hand, and suddenly reached back with the other hand, grabbing the stick with great precision in the dark.

Miss Liu Er's previous devilish training was still very effective, making his skills have improved a lot compared to his previous life. If he couldn't beat a martial arts master, he couldn't deal with a weak woman?

The girl didn't seem to expect the thief to react so quickly. Her attack missed, and she subconsciously opened her mouth to scream. However, she opened her mouth, and before she could make a sound, a piece of osmanthus cake was stuffed into her mouth.

"Why are you screaming in the middle of the night!" Li Yi said unhappily, and took a step towards the light outside. The sky hadn't completely darkened yet, and he could vaguely see his appearance standing outside.

I thought that after seeing him, Xiaozhu would not jump up and down excitedly, but she would not use a stick to greet him. However, she was stunned for a moment, and then she shouted in a sharper voice: "Ghost!"

In the darkness, Li Yi's expression froze, and several black lines appeared on his forehead.



"Brother Xiaodong, Uncle Wang, it's really nothing. I just accidentally sprained my ankle when I was walking just now, and I'm sorry to bother you." Xiaozhu explained to the two people standing outside the door with an apologetic look.

"It's not a problem, no problem..." The kind middle-aged man looked into the house and asked: "Where is Miss Ruoqing? Is there really nothing wrong at home?"

Xiaozhu said: "Sister Ruoqing is in the house, there is really nothing wrong."

Xiaozhu explained for a long time, and the middle-aged man dispelled his doubts and said: "If there is anything, just shout and we will come right away."

After finally sending the two away, Xiaozhu closed the door and ran into the house quickly. At the same time, Li Yi also finished the last piece of osmanthus cake.

"Is it really you?" She walked around Li Yi twice, and asked suspiciously.

Today, I heard from Sister Zui Mo that he was living well in Kyoto, and he was given a title and became a high official, but I saw him stealing things in the kitchen at home at night. Xiaozhu couldn't believe it, so she screamed just now.

"Besides me, does anyone else know that you were bitten on the butt by a dog when you were a child?"

When Li Yi was basking in the sun in the yard behind Ruyifang, he often chatted with Xiaozhu who climbed up the wall. It was really easy to prove his identity.

Hearing this, Xiaozhu's suspicion disappeared, but soon turned into shame and anger, saying: "You still know to come back!"

Li Yi was stunned when he heard this, and he couldn't react for a while. What does it mean------he still knows to come back?

Looking at her expression again, there was anger in disappointment, just like a young wife who caught her husband outside at night, and the grievance was all written on her face.

Li Yi was extremely confused, but her emotions did not seem fake. For a moment, he even wondered if he had lost another particularly important memory before leaving Qing'an Prefecture.

"I... what's wrong with me?" Thinking of this, he felt guilty even when speaking.

Xiaozhu sat opposite him angrily and asked, "Do you know how Sister Ruoqing has been here these days?"

"How, how did she get here?" Li Yi thought to himself, why did it involve Wan Ruoqing again? Could it be that the protagonist of the memory he lost was someone else?

Even if he lost his memory, it should be the memory of half a year ago. It is unlikely that the plot will be so tortuous and bizarre, right?

Chen Yuzhu looked at Li Yi and said angrily: "In the past two months, Sister Ruoqing has not had a good sleep for a few days. Do you know that because of those things in the brothel, she didn't sleep all night last night, and she slept for less than half an hour today... She, she has lost a lot of weight!"

"Didn't I remind you several times when I left, asking you to take good care of Miss Ruoqing, let her pay attention to rest, and not to overwork?" Li Yi looked at her and said, "Don't tell me you didn't get this regular salary?"

He knew that Wan Ruoqing worked very hard, and when he left, he specifically told Xiaozhu that when necessary, the brothel matters could be put aside first, and keeping healthy was the most important thing. He reminded her of this more than once, and even paid her a special salary------Now she actually blamed herself.

"I, I..."

Xiaozhu was speechless for a while, because every word Li Yi said was true, but how could she change what Sister Ruoqing decided?

In short------It's still his fault!

"I don't care, the brothel is yours, you figure it out!" The girl pouted, not intending to reason with Li Yi, as if I was cute and I was right.

Li Yi didn't intend to reason with Xiaozhu either. He only understood at this moment why the brothel had developed so fast in just two or three months. Ruoqing had been working so hard for it that she forgot to eat and sleep, and he, the hands-off shopkeeper, felt a little guilty.

"Where is Miss Ruoqing now?" Li Yi stood up and asked.

"Inside." Xiaozhu pointed to the room with the lights on and said puzzledly, "Strange, we were talking so loudly outside, Sister Ruoqing should have heard it a long time ago, why hasn't she come out yet?"

Li Yi and Xiaozhu opened the curtain and walked in. They saw a figure lying in front of the table. Ruoqing frowned slightly even in her sleep, as if she had encountered something difficult. She looked much more haggard than the last time Li Yi saw her. Although her beauty remained the same, she looked a little more sad and beautiful. It can be seen that she has been working day and night as Xiaozhu said, otherwise she would not have lost weight like this.

"Shh! Sister Ruoqing is asleep, don't disturb her." The girl made a gesture to silence him.

Li Yi nodded, slowed down his pace and walked over. He saw some papers neatly stacked on the table. The handwriting on them was very beautiful, with familiar hairpin flower small regular script. Li Yi picked up a few of them and looked at them. They were about the specific arrangements for each brothel. There were many such papers. She would not always handle all the trivial matters by herself, right?

Her two hands were half suspended in the air, and she leaned on the table with her head tilted, with a look of fatigue between her brows.

Seeing her eyelashes tremble a few times, as if she was about to open her eyes, Li Yi reached out and tapped a spot on the back of her neck.

"What are you doing?" Xiaozhu ran to the front and looked at him with a vigilant face.

"She needs to rest now. I just tapped her sleep point." Li Yi walked to the chair, glanced at her, and said unhappily: "Why are you standing there? Hurry up and help."

In fact, the girl who didn't have much strength could not help at all. Li Yi almost carried her to bed and covered her with a quilt by himself. Just a light touch just now, she would not wake up until tomorrow morning.

When Wan Ruoqing fainted at the door of Ruyifang before, he also held her, but this time he found that she was much lighter than before.

"She will wake up tomorrow morning. I'll take these things on the table. Take good care of her." Li Yi picked up all the things on the table, looked at Wan Ruoqing again, and then walked out of the room.

Watching Li Yi disappear outside the door, the girl curled her lips and whispered, "I know you feel sorry for Sister Ruoqing, you still have some conscience..."

[ps: A reader with the Qidian id "Ghost City Drunkard" wrote a side story, the writing is very good, you can go to the book review section to have a look, this is the first side story of this book, today I will sort it out a little bit and put it in the work related. ]

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