Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 512: The Princess Forced to Marry

"Why do you suddenly ask this?"

Li Yi felt that he had to ask about this matter clearly. How could a princess suddenly come out, and the one she came out to was Miss Liu Er? This was a bit difficult to deal with. It was still unclear whether Miss Liu Er agreed or not, but Ruyi would definitely not agree...

"Oh, it's because they are all forcing the emperor's sister to get married!" Princess Shouning interrupted.

Li Yi was stunned, and then he realized that the princess was a few months older than Miss Liu Er. According to the royal family's convention, princesses would get married after the age of fourteen, and it was very rare to delay until the age of eighteen.

The reason why she returned to Beijing from Qing'an Prefecture early last time was because she was seen by the censor. The entire censorate was in an uproar, and her marriage was also put on the table. However, when Li Yi came to Beijing, the matter had been suppressed. It seems that it has been brought up again now.

"What's the trouble..." Li Yi looked at her and said, "Who hasn't been forced into marriage? It's no big deal..."

Thinking back to the time when I had used all the methods to deal with my mother who forced me into marriage, compared to a professional mother who forced me into marriage, the censor is nothing!

"Do you have a way?" Li Mingzhu looked at him with a gleam in her eyes.

"What's so difficult about this..." Li Yi waved his hand and said, "Become a monk or come out, you can choose any one."

"Come out?" Her Highness the Princess knew what becoming a monk meant, but she didn't quite understand the last word Li Yi said, so she looked at him and asked.

Li Yi shook his head: "Don't look at me, even if I agree, Ruyi won't agree, and you can't beat her..."

Seeing that she was still looking at him, Li Yi was stunned, his expression became more alert, and he immediately added: "I can't do it either, I have a family..., and besides, people with the same surname can't marry, your idea is very dangerous..."

"What exactly is coming out?" Her Highness the Princess continued to ask.

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say that." Li Yi waved his hand and said, "Become a monk, do you understand?"

"Your Majesty is ill, as the eldest princess, shouldn't you pray for His Majesty, eat vegetarian food and chant Buddha on weekdays, do one good deed every day... No, your Li family is a Taoist, so you should sincerely practice Taoism, do good deeds and accumulate virtues. As long as His Majesty is not in good health, you will not return to secular life..." Li Yi looked at her and said, "I promise, in this way, those censors will definitely not dare to talk nonsense again, and the entire court, including His Majesty, will not say anything."

In order to pray for His Majesty, Her Royal Highness was willing to become a monk for Taoism with a golden branch and jade leaf body. How filial she is! The censors can't praise her enough. If anyone dares to talk nonsense and lead the rhythm, the old emperor doesn't even need to do anything, the spit of people all over the world can drown them.

Her Royal Highness looked at him with a slightly hesitant expression.

Li Yi continued, "Of course, it's easy to become a monk, but it's hard to return to secular life. If you don't like this method, it's okay, we have a plan B."

"Your Majesty is ill, powerful enemies are eyeing him, the country is in internal and external troubles, and is in dire straits. As the eldest princess of a country, I worry about your Majesty and the affairs of the country. I worry so much that I get sick. I worry about intermittent hysteria. When I get sick, I like to draw my sword and chop people. I won't stop until I see blood. In this way, no one dares to marry you." Li Yi has a lot of experience in this matter. Everyone in the court knows that Li Xianbo suffers from intermittent hysteria. He goes crazy when he is stimulated. It's normal for the princess to get this disease accidentally since she is so close to him.

"Don't worry that no one will believe it. I am familiar with the Imperial Medical Bureau. It's easy to get a certificate."

"You have used this method before." Li Mingzhu looked at him and said.

"It works only after you've used it before." Seeing that she didn't seem to like this method, Li Yi thought for a moment and said, "If you don't like the first two methods, you can only use Plan C."

"Which censor is the most troublesome? Hire a few assassins to kill him." Li Yi looked at her, gently stroked her neck with one hand, and said, "How about it? Simple and rough, once and for all, are you tempted..."



"These are the methods. You can decide which one to use." When Her Royal Highness was thinking, Li Yi reminded her, "Anyway, everything should be done as soon as possible. It will be too late when His Majesty makes a decision."

Even if the old emperor dotes on her, he can't keep her in the palace for a lifetime. This is beyond doubt.

There is no tradition of princesses marrying out of the palace in Jingguo. Under normal circumstances, princesses will marry the descendants of some important officials or marry with wealthy families, which will have some political factors.

Of course, there is free love in this era, but most of them happen in small families. Young ladies with a little status cannot make their own decisions in marriage, and princesses are no exception.

Princess Shouning finished eating the candied fruit, wiped her mouth, and said, "Girls have to get married. My mother said that I should get married in two years."

Li Yi was stunned and almost fell off the stairs.

How old is the arrogant loli this year? She seems to be less than eleven years old?

Even if she is eleven, she will only be thirteen in two years. She will talk about marriage and having children at the age of thirteen?

This is too beastly!

"Well, it's not good to get married too early..." Li Yi coughed lightly and felt that it was time to popularize some knowledge that girls should know.

"Giving birth too early will cause irreversible damage to a woman's body. At the age of fourteen or fifteen, she is still a child, and her body is not fully developed. It is common to have a difficult birth, and it is not uncommon to have two deaths at the same time. If you don't believe it, you can just ask a midwife..." In this era, giving birth is tantamount to a separation of life and death, and the question of whether to save the older or the younger is not a joke...

Speaking of giving birth, the arrogant loli is still a little shy, but after listening to Li Yi's words, shyness quickly turned into fear, and her little face turned pale. It turns out that giving birth is so terrible. She decided to go back and persuade her mother to listen to her husband. She didn't want to get married in two years.

"In fact, in order to strengthen the relationship between relatives, the royal family often arranges marriages between cousins..." Li Yi looked at the princess and said, "Have you noticed that the descendants of these cousin marriages have many mental retardation and disabilities?"

Li Mingzhu thought about it, a little surprised, and asked, "Why?"

"This involves the issue of genes and heredity..." Li Yi found that he had said a little too much today. If he continued, I'm afraid the old emperor would ask him to build a biological college again.

Li Yi looked at her and said, "Let me give you a simple example. Do you know that there is a kind of person in this world who can't distinguish red and green?"

[Note: Not distinguishing red and green does not mean not knowing red and green. This is a misunderstanding of red and green color blindness by many people------from an author who has been professionally color blind for 20 years. 】

Li Mingzhu nodded and said, "Both Prince Cheng and Princess Cheng can't distinguish red and green. This is no secret in Beijing."

Since she knew about this, the problem of heredity is easy to explain.

"Let's call the inability to distinguish between red and green color blindness for the time being. If both Prince Cheng and Princess Cheng suffer from color blindness, then their children, regardless of gender, will definitely suffer from color blindness. This is hereditary..." Li Yi explained to her in the most understandable language.

Only by explaining this clearly can we explain why there are so many fools in the royal family.

Li Mingzhu looked at him in surprise and said, "But, Prince Cheng------does not have color blindness."

"------" Li Yi was stunned.

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