Hardcore crisis

Chapter 121 Natural Disaster (Part 1)

Dust hundreds of meters high rushed into the sky, and tens of thousands of tons of soil rolled in like waves. The ground that was only shaking slightly just now seemed to have instantly turned into a ship on the sea, bumping and undulating in the violent storm. The Bell 505 helicopter kept creaking, as if it would lose its balance and fall at the next moment.

"Quick, take off!"

Karis wanted to kill the pilot with one shot. This idiot took too long.


Awakened by Karis's roar, the pilot quickly carried out takeoff operations.

At this time, he didn't care about anything else. Seeing the thousands of feet of mud waves rolling in quickly, any buildings, roads, or trees were instantly torn into pieces. The pilot pulled the operating lever desperately, allowing the Bell 505 helicopter to slowly turn the propeller, and began Rising from the ground.

Normally, he felt that this speed was not too slow, but at this moment, the pilot Hank felt that the speed was extremely slow. His eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes as he stared at the ripples getting closer and closer in front of him.

"Boom boom..."

Without any surprise, the three-meter-high iron fence was directly destroyed by the incoming vibration ripples. The extremely hard runway was not much better. In the spread of the vibration, it cracked and turned into a pool of gravel.

The hangar next to it, which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to build, collapsed in the blink of an eye and turned into ruins. At the moment when the vibration ripples hit, the helicopter was finally five or six meters above the ground. Under the crackling impact of some gravel, it hid. Launched the first wave of attacks.

But that doesn't mean it's safe.

This was just the first "wave" of the disaster. In the distance, beneath the hundred-meter-high dust, was the wave of hundreds of thousands of tons of mud caused by the subsidence. The force was comparable to a Category 12 hurricane passing through. The earth roared furiously and swallowed up everything. If you don't fly to a height of three to four hundred meters quickly, it will never be considered safe.


Hank didn't know what he was shouting. He only knew how to pull the operating lever desperately, destroying the helicopter's engine, trying to raise the height of the helicopter, trying to get before the ground subsidence came. Pull the helicopter to a safe flying altitude.

The Arrius 2R turboshaft engine angrily bursts out with 504 horsepower, quickly carrying three passengers hundreds of meters into the air. Not enough, not enough, we have to keep climbing!

Before the powerful earth wave arrived, the sudden shock wave rolled up layers of air waves, taking away the ruins that had just collapsed. If the helicopter had still stayed at the same position. Even if it escapes the first wave of blows, it will disintegrate into slag under the shock wave of this air wave.

Cold sweat had already soaked Karis' clothes all over his body. He felt the helicopter vibrating in the turbulent air, and had a terrible feeling that his life and death were not in his control. However, human beings are powerless in the face of such a phenomenal natural disaster. There was nothing that could be done, not to mention trying to stop it. Even if they had the motive of escaping, it was unlikely that one person in a hundred people would be able to escape alive.

fear. Horrible!

Finally, the subsidence completely overturned the private airport. Hundreds of thousands, millions of tons of soil were like rolling dolphins, pouring in one after another, and the airport was smashed into pieces by the air wave shock wave. Completely disappeared into the rapidly rolling soil.

The fourth wave of attacks is the most despairing.

In the first three waves of attacks, the nuclear underground cover base might still be able to barely survive, but the ground sinking that followed was a pitch-black abyss that was bottomless as far as the eye could see! Karis and the others were already at an altitude of about 300 meters. Looking into the distance, it was as if the earth had disappeared without a trace. There was nothing, everything had disappeared. There was only an abyss of nothingness, and even the sunlight was swallowed up. As if.

"God, what the hell is going on?"

With a crying voice, Hank couldn't help but shed tears and couldn't stop them at all.

"Stop talking nonsense and go east quickly."

The west side seemed to be an endless sinkhole, who knows how long and far away, so Karis had to order Hank to fly the helicopter towards the still intact east side.

Heading east is downtown New York, as well as the world-famous Long Island, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, etc.

Hopefully this disaster will stop there.

The maximum speed of the Bell 505 helicopter was 144 miles per hour, equivalent to 232 kilometers per hour, which was still more than twice as fast as the ground subsidence. Soon, the ground subsidence disappeared in the distance behind them. Gradually, the high-rise buildings of New York City Buildings began to come into view.

Obviously, the area affected by this earthquake was very large, and the earthquake was also clearly felt in New York City. Looking down from the sky, many citizens walked out of the building and gathered on both sides of the street. There were so many vehicles jammed on the road, and the tick-tock chirping sounded throughout the city.

But people were not too panicked. Judging from the earthquake here, it was only an earthquake of magnitude 4 or 5. For a building with an earthquake resistance of 7 or 8, this was really insignificant.

New York is not in an earthquake zone, but three months ago, an earthquake measuring 5.8 on the Richter scale occurred in Virginia. When the earthquake occurred, it was clearly felt in Washington and New York, but it caused no damage. It has only been three months now. Based on the experience last time, many people did not panic at all. Instead, they chatted and laughed on the street and used their mobile phones to take pictures of the numerous jammed vehicles and the evacuating crowds.

"They don't know yet...we have to remind them."

Hank drove the helicopter between the buildings and looked at the people on the road below who had no idea of ​​taking refuge. He shouted: "911 must be contacted..."

"Don't waste your efforts."

Karis glanced at him: "Even if they all know, is it still too late to escape now?"


"Stop talking nonsense and be honest with me."

Karis had just lowered his gun and pointed it at Hank again, forcing the pilot to shut his mouth.

"So where are we going now?" Hank just closed his mouth for a while, but still couldn't help asking.

Karis has already thought about this problem, "Go to Newark Airport."

"To the airport?"

"Yes, to the airport."

Since the helicopter's flight range with a full tank of fuel was only about 600 kilometers, Karis was not at ease. The only place that could leave New York as quickly as possible was the international airport.


"Don't worry, I'm already catching up with you."

Karis looked back, sweatdropping. In the distant suburbs, smoke and dust rolled up thousands of meters into the sky. Even people in the city could see the smoke rushing into the sky even if they didn't know what was going on. of smoke and dust.

When the subsidence actually reaches the New York city limits, Karis is worried that it will be basically impossible to take off on an international flight due to the chaos.

In fact, he has no intention of boarding the plane by normal means now. He will be given fifteen minutes at most, so there is no time to go through various procedures.

Maybe Hank also thought of this, so he stopped talking and quickly flew the helicopter towards the international airport.

Without permission to fly, he entered the area around the international airport without permission, which immediately triggered calls and warnings from the ground station. Karis was annoyed, turned off the sound, and shouted: "Fly in, fly to the flight building."

Under Karis's order, the helicopter flew over the airport in violation of regulations and flew along the runway toward the terminal. It can be seen that although the earthquake was weak, it was still an earthquake after all. Many flights about to take off at the airport were temporarily suspended, and stranded passengers were evacuated to the outside. He flew over and landed slowly when there were not many people around.

However, airport personnel in the distance were rushing over quickly, obviously alerted by the helicopter.


As soon as the helicopter stopped, the muffled sound in the distance made the two people's expressions change drastically.

"No, we don't have time. Move faster!"

Karis jumped out of the helicopter. Without further ado, he fired two shots at the airport staff who were frightened by the loud noise. The staff immediately came to their senses and retreated in shock.

Before the airport security personnel arrived, Karis asked Hank to carry Eddie on his back and hurriedly ran towards one of the planes that was slowly parking and preparing to disembark. (To be continued ~^~)

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