Hardcore crisis

Chapter 443: Battle Center

Two months later, outside the Syrian town of Ain Issa, in front of the ruins of dilapidated buildings, several survivors who had just escaped the bomb attack fell to the ground groaning in pain, their hands or thighs being rubbed by flying shrapnel. Enter, without good treatment, even if you don't die immediately, you will have a series of troubles due to subsequent infections.

But here they are ignored.

The sudden explosion caused tension among the nearby Kurdish People's Democratic Forces. A dozen soldiers hid behind the ruins of the building and shot at the IS extremist militants on the opposite side from time to time.

In such a stalemate in the shooting, the sudden wind and sand swept in, making the entire battlefield more dim and difficult to distinguish, and the accuracy of the shooting became even more worrying.

However, for the militants present, shooting at the enemy is not the main task, but the process of shooting is the most important.

"Usta, I'm out of bullets."

Ahmed shouted in a low voice.

"Don't look at me, I'm almost out of bullets."

Usta, who was covered in dust, lowered his head under the bunker, raised the muzzle of the gun with both hands, and shot outside without looking, relying on casual marksmanship to try to hit the enemy.

Where am I? Who am I shooting at? Who is hitting me?

Three question marks can basically summarize the psychological activities of both warring parties.

"Well, who is that?"

The fighting lasted for about half an hour, and both sides were basically in a state of embarrassment. They wanted to leave but were unwilling to leave, but they basically ran out of ammunition to stay here. For a while, the battlefield became quiet again.

But in this rare moment of silence, Ahmed suddenly started to get startled. Glancing through the gap in the bunker, he clearly saw a figure walking towards Feng Chen step by step.

Wearing a tattered cloak, a face scarf stained with mud, and carrying no weapons, he walked slowly in civilian attire, seemingly unaware that there was a fierce exchange of fire between the two sides at the entrance of the town. battlefield.

"Hey, don't go there!" Ahmed shouted loudly in Kurdish.

His voice was quite loud. He was only about ten meters away from the man, so anyone who was not deaf would not be able to hear it.

But the strange thing is that no matter how courageous the person is, it is impossible to turn a blind eye to the bullet marks and bullet casings all over the ground, let alone to turn a deaf ear to the sudden sound.

Is that man deaf?

Otherwise, why don't you get any response and are still walking towards the entrance of the town?

"Hey, did you hear that?"

Ahmed couldn't help shouting again in Arabic.

His voice was very loud in the temporarily quiet battlefield, and also attracted the attention of the IS extremist militants on the opposite side, who also saw the man walking in the dust.

"Who is that?"

"have no idea."

"He doesn't appear to be armed."

Since he was unarmed, the militants on the opposite side did not fire for a moment. They all watched with vigilance as the man slowly walked to the side of the warring parties, where there were several civilians implicated in the explosion.


Facing several civilians who were dying from pain, the man stopped.

The injured woman looked up weakly at the person below. Due to excessive blood loss, she could no longer make many powerful movements, but she still struggled to hold the little girl in her arms tightly.

The little girl, about seven or eight years old, hugged her mother's arm tightly and looked at the visitor in horror, but did not dare to say anything.


A round of bullets passed by the incoming person. If it was just a few inches, the incoming person would be sprayed with blood on the spot.

However, as if the visitor didn't notice anything, he slowly squatted down, stretched out his hand, and stopped when he was still four or five centimeters away from the woman's bloody belly.

The woman didn't know what he wanted to do, so she could only hold the little girl weakly.

The fighting parties on both sides peeked at the man in the middle, and they were a little confused about what this man wanted to do.

The silvery liquid, like mercury, suddenly poked out from the man's sleeve, like a small snake full of flexibility, coiled several times in the air, and penetrated into the woman's injured belly.

"That's...what's that?"

Ahmed thought he had seen something wrong, so he rubbed it vigorously and opened his eyes again to see that it was indeed as he had seen before, a liquid similar to mercury extending into the woman's belly.

"No, I don't know."

Usta was also surprised: "Could it be a new American weapon?"

"American's new weapon?"

Without ruling out this possibility, Ahmed looked stern. Although Americans are very hateful, even organizations that cooperate with Americans in this land are unlikely to have any good impressions of Americans. But no matter how much they hate and hate Americans, no one will deny the strength of Americans.

Their fighter planes, their aircraft carriers, their missiles, and their various weapons are all among the most advanced in the world, powerful enough to make them all despair.

Just as the two of them were thinking for a moment, the man over there spread his palm, and stretched out a broken warhead wrapped in "mercury liquid", and placed the warhead lightly and accurately in his palm.

This miraculous scene immediately stunned both warring parties. They were secretly peeping, but they never imagined that the "mercury liquid" could actually pull out a warhead embedded in the belly? How long has it been? It took less than ten seconds!

"This, this is a new type of weapon?"

Ahmed stammered, unable to believe what he was seeing.

"No, no, bro, we gotta get it!"

Compared to Ahmed's dullness, Usta immediately became excited. What did he see? This is definitely the most advanced medical equipment for Americans. Only Americans have such advanced things.

It is probably the tangled psychology of all Middle Easterners to hate Americans, but also be extremely superstitious about their power.

But they could think of this. The IS extremists on the opposite side were not fools. They were afraid that the Kurds here would rush out first, and without caring about anything else, they fired wildly at them. Two people jumped out and ran towards the center. people.

"not good!"

Momentarily suppressed by the opponent's remaining firepower, Ahmed and others not only had no time to react, but the lack of ammunition also made them powerless.

They could only watch helplessly as the two extremist militants rushed behind the man with AKs and shouted in Arabic, trying to get the man to leave with them.

But it's still the same as before.

The man turned a deaf ear and didn't even react physically.

One of them became anxious and waved the butt of his gun, trying to hit the man on the back of the head, and then dragged him back like a pig.


The butt of the swung gun just reached mid-air and suddenly stopped.

Seeing his companion suddenly stop, the armed man next to him was confused for a moment, but then he was shaken, his pupils dilated uncontrollably, and he fell backwards at the same rhythm as his companion. .


Ahmed and Usta looked at each other, unable to understand why the two men suddenly fell down.

Not only could they not understand, but neither could the enemy on the other side. They roared loudly, thinking that the man had used some weird sneak attack to knock down his companions. However, some people no longer had any scruples and aimed their guns at the man.

With no cover like this, even with their extremely poor marksmanship, they were sure to hit the man.

"Bang bang bang..."

A dozen rounds of bullets were fired in succession, not only killing that person, but also the IS extremist militants also wanted the civilians in the area to die along with them.

"Oh Allah!"

The speed of the bullet is close to 700 to 800 meters per second. Even children know that the bullets fired will only see debris in the corners or the wounds of the corpses. It is absolutely impossible for a situation like this to happen...

There was still about a meter away from the man's back, and the bullets that hit him stagnated in the air one by one, as if they were stuck in a quagmire of air, unable to move forward, and unable to move.

But how is this possible?

Everyone looked blankly at the center of the street, where dozens of bullets were stagnant in the air. Their thoughts were at a loss at this moment. They didn't even have questions yet. They just felt that their common sense had been completely defeated.

The visitor slowly took off his mask, revealing an Asian face, and turned his head indifferently to glance at the bullets frozen in the air.

Nothing was said, nothing was done.

With lightning speed, the storm of death has arrived!

The dozens of bullets frozen in the air instantly gained more than ten times the kinetic energy than before. No matter what kind of bunker they were, they could not protect themselves from such an offensive.

(To be continued ~^~)

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