Hardcore crisis

Chapter 466 Outside the Territory

This time, Lu Yuan's eyes were no longer as dark as ink, but instead had circles of black pupils densely spaced at the same distance. If you look carefully, you will find that although these black pupils are equally spaced, But the further inside the pupil becomes, the deeper it becomes, until the center of the black circle replaces the previous pupil.

Under these eyes, not only the wavelengths of visible light, but also far-ultraviolet light in a range lower than the wavelength of visible light can still be captured by him.

The diameter of the densely packed pupils of the eyes is constantly moving and shrinking. As the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves entering the eyes is reduced from visible light to ultraviolet light, the stone in the hand has been magnified thousands of times. Under this magnification, ordinary stones turned into colorful blocks, just like some bohemian great painter casually splashing ink and making graffiti on the paper that ordinary people cannot understand.

Electron microscopes replace light with focused electron beams, but require very thin samples and are subject to many restrictions. The magnification of optical microscopes is less than two thousand times, and their resolution cannot exceed one-half the length of a light wave. However, Lu Yuan's eyes can combine near-field optical information with far-field optical information, achieving a resolution of 1nm.

What is this concept?

This means that Lu Yuan can already observe viruses and even most protein molecules with just his eyes.

But this was not the purpose of Lu Yuan spending so much time doing this kind of experiment. If telepathy is the interference of dark energy on matter under a certain mechanism, then to what extent can it reach? Is it possible to interfere with quanta the size of Planck's constant?

He didn't know.

If he can achieve that level, doesn't it mean that he can also interfere with molecules, atoms, and protons?

"Is this... an atom?"

Countless black regular hexagons replaced the previous colorful blocks, and they were densely packed and blurry. Obviously, it was beyond the level that he could distinguish. After all, a single atom was less than 0.2 nanometers.

However, no matter how blurry it is, it is undeniable that these are indeed atoms.

So can mind power change the structure of atomic arrangement?

With a thought in his mind, Lu Yuan stared closely at the stone in his hand and began to move the fuzzy atoms.


Just when he thought, the neatly arranged atoms actually moved, and moved a little distance to the right according to his thoughts.

"Psychic power can actually interfere at the atomic level!"

Although he had already expected it, Lu Yuan was still a little shocked when the facts were actually before his eyes.

With the current technological strength of mankind, it is indeed possible to use a tunnel scanning microscope to move atoms. The STM tip can be brought close to molecules or atoms and change their positions through weak interaction forces. Or the STM tip can apply a current pulse of a certain energy to the molecules or atoms. It can also change its position.

But the above methods must be realized through large-scale instruments. The way he implements them is at a level that humans have never imagined.

So far, he has learned a lot about telekinesis. For example, the precise force of telekinesis must be within his line of sight. Outside the line of sight, he must rely on predicting and calculating the trajectory of objects, otherwise it will be like throwing it away. The water is difficult to control.

So what exactly is the brain involved in this process?

In the final analysis, the neural activity of the brain is nothing more than the interaction of electrical impulses. How is it connected to dark energy on the physical level?

Why does telepathy require him to confirm the position and speed of an object to participate in the reaction?

For example, he couldn't see atoms before and couldn't change them. When he can observe atoms, his telekinesis will take effect.

Lu Yuan shook his head slightly. Although it was proved that telekinesis could affect it at the atomic level, he could not go any further. He didn't know if telekinesis could be involved in the more terrifying fusion and fission reactions. Secondly, sight The range is only a few hundred atoms. Even if the structure can be changed, he estimates that it will take hundreds of years to change the shape of a stone.

There is no point in doing something that is not worth the gain.


Lu Yuan had a terrifying thought in his mind.

"Thinking too far ahead."

Lu Yuan stood up from the ground. Under the orange sunlight, the gray sky was covered with an orange haze. Without the biochip and liquid metal in his brain, he didn't know what to do at this moment. What time is it? He levitated up and prepared to leave Mars and go back first.


Continuously flying along the Martian land, Lu Yuan looked down inadvertently, and happened to see the interior of the hollow mountain after the collapse of the extinct volcano he destroyed.

The gray dust haze obscured most of the sight. With Lu Yuan's eyesight, no object could escape his observation with just a single sweep.

However, the cut-off extinct volcano immediately caught his attention.

"Why did it appear here?"

His expression changed slightly, and the flying figure suddenly stopped.

This is Mars, which is 55 million kilometers away from the Earth and can reach as far as 400 million kilometers away. Why does that thing appear here?

Without hesitating for a moment, Lu Yuan quickly flew towards the pit of the extinct volcano. After a while, he landed in the pit of the extinct volcano, suspended in the mid-air of the pit, and looked up at the metal spear that was exactly the same as the one in the South Pacific underground base. He inserted an unidentified multi-legged creature with four pairs of pitch-black wings, similar to a centipede, into the stone wall.

If the appearance of this thing on Mars had already made Lu Yuan feel a slight change in his expression, then next to the monster, the "door" that kept refracting and distorting light caused more than just a slight change in his expression.

He was very familiar with that thing. It was the USB flash drive that opened the Einstein-Rosen Bridge to the "fog" world!

Can you see a wormhole here?

Could it be caused by the USB flash drive again?

Lu Yuan's first thought was to blame the USB flash drive, but he immediately realized that it was unlikely to be the USB flash drive, and the real possible cause had to do with... that thing next to him.

Lu Yuan thought for a while, stretched out his left hand, and the rock wall a hundred meters away suddenly exploded. Countless rock fragments quickly gathered together under the influence of telekinesis, forming a long stone stick with a length of more than tens of meters.

With another flick, the long rock stick formed by the force of telepathy slowly penetrated into the twisted wormhole, leaving only the top section to stay here. After waiting for another half minute, Lu Yuan pulled the long rock stick again. Come back.

No problem, intact, nothing out of the ordinary.

It seems that the opposite side is not a star or a more dangerous environment, so as long as it is not near a star, a black hole, or a neutron star, there is almost no place in the universe that threatens him.

Losing control of his telekinesis, the long rock stick immediately fell into the depths of the extinct volcano pit. Lu Yuan took one more look at the metal spear and the unknown creature, stepped forward, and passed through the wormhole.

The same feeling as before, the Einstein-Rosen Bridge connects the time and space of the two places. It does not take much time to pass through this "gate". In human senses, it barely takes a second. , people come to another place.

"Vacuum of space?"

"so big……"

As soon as he reached the opposite side, Lu Yuan realized that there was no air on the opposite side, but was in the weightless vacuum of space. However, he was immediately surprised by an extremely large purple gaseous planet in front of him.

"Isn't it the solar system?"

After recovering from the surprise, Lu Yuan, even though he was prepared in his heart, saw this huge purple gaseous planet and realized that this was no longer the solar system.

According to preliminary observations, except for this purple gaseous planet, he glanced around and saw a dazzling star floating in the background of the universe hundreds of millions of kilometers away. Apart from this, he had not observed any other planets. Mark of.

"What the hell is this place?"

"Why is there that thing on Mars? And an Einstein-Rosen Bridge to outer space?"

Vaguely, this seemed to prove Lu Yuan's previous guess, that is, the civilization represented by the unknown creatures and the metal spears were not native to the earth, but came from outside the earth.

(To be continued ~^~)

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