Hardcore crisis

Chapter 472 Senru

Maybe these extraterrestrial beings have different definitions of prisoners than humans. At least Lu Yuan and Gray didn't have a hard time getting along with them.

According to Gray, "subtrons" are dangerous beings that do not rely on food and only need stellar energy to survive. They reproduce uncontrollably in the universe and have the desire to devour any living thing. , is a life form that the "Mu Alliance Civilization" has always regarded as its number one enemy.

"A life that can divide and reproduce from a single body in the vacuum of the universe?"

The universe is full of wonders, and such creatures also opened Lu Yuan's eyes.


Lu Yuan's ears twitched and he noticed something strange in the distance. After thinking about it, he walked out of the shaded building and looked up.

He saw two small black spots suddenly appear in the distant sky, flying quickly from the horizon. Before Gray and others came out, the two black spots grew from small to large in Lu Yuan's eyes. Two metallic silver round wheels that were completely inconsistent with the aerodynamic structure were made, and they slowly descended and floated into the sky here.

"This is the second fleet of the Mu Alliance..."

As soon as Gray saw the logo on the metal wheel, he immediately shouted, his expression full of panic.

The surrounding mechanical spiders also rushed out, but it was obvious that both Gray and those snake-scale creatures were extremely afraid of the silver wheel suspended in the sky. It was not so much a confrontation. Said he was petrified.


Several beams of blue laser beams formed, and a holographic life-size three-dimensional image unfolded out of thin air in front of Lu Yuan and others.


Lu Yuan's eyes flickered. Even though he had roughly learned something from Gray beforehand, when he actually saw an extraterrestrial being that was almost the same as a human being, standing in front of him wearing strange clothes, he still felt something in his heart. A sense of absurdity.

Judging from the appearance alone, the three-dimensional image in front of me is a man whose age is about thirty-five to forty years old. He has small braided hair, a strange symbol engraved on his forehead, blue eyes, and purple lips. , apart from that, there is actually no other difference in facial features from humans.

Is this the same "Senru" civilization as humans?

No one else knew what was strange in Lu Yuan's heart at this moment. The holographic image that descended from the sky glanced at everyone present with an indifferent expression, and uttered a higher-pitched "Mu Alliance" with a slightly different accent. language.

"No. 1254864, 1254867, 1254878, 1254899..."

He said the numbers of Gray and others present, and suddenly cast a strange look at Lu Yuan.

"Who are you? Why is there no information about you in the database?"

He frowned and looked at Lu Yuan again. His voice stopped coming out and he could only see his lips moving slightly, as if he was talking to someone else.

After only a few seconds, he turned his gaze back to Lu Yuan and his expression became cold.

"Who are you? It has been confirmed that the database does not have your information. Are you an unidentified person in the alliance?"

Lu Yuan ignored the man's question and turned to look at the sky.


As if Lu Yuan's attitude angered the man in the three-dimensional image, he said a few more words. The silver wheel suddenly landed downwards, and the door slid open. Several soldiers wearing the same uniforms? They were not holding weapons common to humans. Instead, they had more than a dozen black balls floating around them, and they quickly walked over.

"Undocumented person, you have violated the Alliance's Birth Identity Registration Act and smuggled into the heavy prison planet. You will now be arrested in accordance with the law."

The leader waved his hand, and the black ball suspended next to him immediately flew over slowly.

Lu Yuan watched curiously as the black ball came to his side. When normal human eyesight could not react, it suddenly turned into two black lines and spread out, directly hooking his left and right wrists, and then suddenly contracted together. His hands were tied.

What kind of high-tech material is this?

Even though Lu Yuan was well-informed, this was the first time he saw such "handcuffs". He looked down at his bound hands, and with a slight exertion, he felt a rubber-like elasticity pulling back.

It was a slight force on him, but this force was enough to break an ordinary hemp rope, but the black "handcuffs" only received a little force and showed no signs of damage at all.


Lu Yuan's strength increased again, which was enough to break the stainless steel handcuffs, but he could only see the "black rubber" pulling outwards, which was far from breaking.

"I'm afraid ordinary humans can't destroy it."

Resisting the idea of ​​​​increasing strength, Lu Yuan thought to himself.

Looking at the material, it seems that ordinary humans are not only unable to destroy it with their own strength, but also probably cannot damage it even with tools such as pliers and knives.

"Sen Ruren" was startled, and the blue light in his eyes flashed rapidly, and the characters of the rules disappeared in a flash. He glared at Lu Yuan: "You are really strong, I didn't expect you to be the debugger." Identity, so you not only violated the Identity Class Act, but also found a black market to test your genes?"

The "Black Eraser" obviously has a data link with these "Senruren". Lu Yuan can get data fed back to them with just a little force.

When Gray and others behind him saw that Lu Yuan had been arrested, they already lay on the ground one by one and did not dare to resist. Fortunately, these "Senru" law enforcers did not show much interest in them and escorted Lu Yuan to the Silver Round Wheel. Go.

Lu Yuan had no intention of resisting, and allowed himself to be escorted up by these "Senruren", and he began to look at him with a pair of curious eyes.

Even if two civilizations are separated by an unknown number of light-years, they have the same body shape as human beings, and they will have similar similarities in certain technologies.

When we boarded this alien spacecraft, it was only over ten meters in diameter. It looked like a convenient spacecraft for these "human beings" to enter the planet's surface, and the internal space could only accommodate about ten people.

Lu Yuan, who was escorted into the spacecraft, did not see any operating platform or complicated circuits. What was exposed outside was only a broad platform and ten chairs-like equipment.

Lu Yuan was forced to sit on this device. His chest, neck, and legs were tightly restrained by something similar to a seat belt. It was difficult for him to even move a little, let alone get up.

"Are you planning to take me back?"

Heavily pressed on the chair by the acceleration of the spacecraft, Lu Yuan looked through the completely transparent portholes and saw the silver wheel rapidly entering the atmosphere. It took only two minutes to fly to the satellite's low-Earth orbit. .

Looking into the deep outer space from his position, he happened to be able to see a ship with a length of more than 20 kilometers, with dozens of annular structural cabins at a core point, supported by spokes, just like an astonishingly long ship. The horizontal axis is like dozens of bicycle rings, arranged in a line with each other.

Such a huge spacecraft is extremely rare even in human space movies. The diameter of those annular structural cabins is close to one thousand meters, and they slowly rotate around the horizontal axis, resulting in a complex "forest-like" adaptation. Artificial gravity.

For a moment, Lu Yuan's heart moved.

I want to hijack this spaceship back to Earth.

Even if his plan succeeds flawlessly, it will take less than ten years for humans to build a spacecraft of this level. The main premise of this decade is that he provides technical support and uses telekinesis to directly send rockets and spacecraft structural cabins into space, eliminating the launch window time and countless money spent on the ground again and again.

Otherwise, if you push it back another hundred years, you won't be able to build a spacecraft of this level.

The silver round wheel found its direction, and its powerful power prevented the spacecraft from having to use the energy generated by the planet's gravity for Hohmann transfer, and flew directly towards the huge spaceship.

"There's actually an ecosystem created inside?"

Lu Yuan looked along the porthole. When the round wheel flew into the annular structural cabin, he was shocked to find that in addition to the sealed structural cabin outside, deep inside the spacecraft, there was a completely transparent surface, a vibrant green building. , purple and orange circular structure ecosystem.

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