Hardcore crisis

Chapter 481 Treatment

"Ya Shuaizi...is dead?"

In the command hall of the Yuanhang, there were so many stunned people that it was hard to believe what they were seeing.

Niye and Lvshui, who had returned to the spacecraft, were also extremely shocked. Faced with this fact that was beyond their imagination, it was difficult for them to believe it for a while.

"So... is he really Senru?" Lu Shui swallowed.

"Doesn't he know the abilities of the Moon Clan? Maybe..."

As Niye talked, even he didn't believe what he said. If the Moon Clan had such ability, how could they be suppressed by the "Mu Alliance" in their own star system and unable to leave their home star.

"Is it true that, as he said, he is not a Senru human, but a civilized race from the extragalactic galaxy?"

Lu Shui's heart suddenly moved.

"Extragalactic galaxy? How is this possible?"

Niye objected: "Maybe he can come here through an accidental subspace, but will the civilized race in the extragalactic galaxy look exactly like us Senru people?"

"He is not a human being."

Just when Niye and Lv Shui were arguing, the captain on the other side suddenly spoke.

As soon as she opened her mouth, the two people's eyes immediately turned to her.

"This is an analysis and test report... From the things he entered and touched, there was no grease or fingerprints left."

The captain's eyes flashed with something strange: "That's not the point. The point is that he has no heartbeat. No, it should be said that he doesn't have any internal organs."


Niye and Lv Shui looked at the image data transmitted from the captain in shock. Under the secretly captured ionizing rays, the other party's body did not have the internal organs and other organs that a human should have, but was completely integrated. , like a dead thing.

"So, he is not a human being, and he is not a living being in the sense we understand."

The captain captured the key point succinctly: "To a certain extent, he is a kind of cosmic vacuum life that is even stranger than a subaton."

Although it has a human-like appearance, it is difficult to say clearly what kind of life it is like a demon wearing human-like skin.

Niye felt a chill in his heart, "Captain, what should we do?"

Ya Shai Zi, who possesses the core, is an enemy that the "Mu Alliance" group army with regular military strength must treat with caution. However, just one person on the other side destroyed Ya Shai Zi. If he wanted to harm the Yuanhang, they had no resistance at all. Power.

"Continue to repair the damaged parts and wait to enter the subspace."

The captain pondered for a long time and stared at the big screen: "If he comes back, there is no need to arrest him anymore. Let him move freely."

Let him move freely?

Niye's body was shocked: "Captain, how can this be done? This is really too dangerous!"

"No need to say more."

The captain ignored Niye's objection and turned to look at Lv Shui, who was stunned on the side: "It's up to you to receive him and treat him as a guest. Whatever he wants to do and what requests he has, as long as they are not too excessive, You can satisfy him with all your might.”

"Captain, do you want to..."

But Lu Shui immediately understood the meaning of the captain's words, which was to ask her to invite that person and follow them back together.

"I understand, Captain, I promise to complete the mission."

When Lu Yuan reorganized his body with particles again, he was surprised to find that the clothes he had taken off when he left were still left in place.

The clothes gifted from Gray are very convenient to wear. As Lu Yuan put them on, he lamented that the teleportation of particle reorganization was certainly convenient, but every time it could only be reorganized, the clothes he was carrying would inevitably be lost, and he could not bring other items with him. Things leave together, which has to be said to be a flaw.

It seems that when the body decomposed, what was transmitted through time and space was only his body information, and did not involve other items he carried.

After putting on his clothes, Lu Yuan turned his head and looked out the porthole again. After the death of the sub-core that he had destroyed, he was no longer able to control its body. A large number of pink meat balls disintegrated into countless foam-like flesh in the vacuum. The grains quickly lost their vitality and disappeared without a trace. If you hadn't seen this scene with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that just a few minutes ago, there was a monster hundreds of kilometers long wandering in the universe.

But it is a bit regretful that although he successfully killed Yashaizi and proved that it is not too difficult to deal with Yashaizi of this level with his current strength, he still did not figure out the core of Yashaizi after all. Looks exactly like the unknown monster in the South Pacific submarine base?

Lu Yuan couldn't help but guess whether the unknown monster in the undersea base was also the core of Ya Shuaizi?

Otherwise, would there be such a coincidence in this world?

Without getting the answer to the question, Lu Yuan could not easily go back, so he returned to the Yuanhang again, trying to find the answer among these dense people.

Since the "Mu Alliance" has been fighting Yashaizi for a long time, they must have a lot of information about Yashaizi, and maybe they have the truth.


Lu Yuan had just put on his clothes and turned his head to look thoughtfully, when he saw Lv Shui walking towards him.

Ten minutes later, Lu Yuan curiously sat down in a room that was obviously used for entertaining. He watched Lu Shui reach out and scratch the table, and a cup of steaming drink rose from under the table.

"Oh, so your captain agreed?"

Lu Yuan sniffed it and felt that although the drink didn't look very good on the outside, it smelled delicious.

This is normal. If Senru people have the same organs and physiological tissues as humans, then they must have similar feelings towards food. It is impossible to say that humans don't like eating shit, but Senru people like to eat shit.

Well, humans may actually like to eat poop, after all, there is such a thing as cat poop coffee.

Lu Yuan shook his head slightly to dispel the boring thoughts in his mind.

"Yes, our captain agreed to your request."

Lv Shui sat across the table and looked directly at Lu Yuan with stern eyes: "But please know that the information about Ya Shuizi is the core secret of the Mu Alliance. The captain does not have the highest authority. She We can only give you information that is within your authority."

"Oh, so if I want to get this information, I have to follow you to the capital area?"

Lu Yuan frowned.

"Yes, only in our dense capital area can we have the most detailed information about Yasuizi in the entire Mu Alliance. If you want to get this part of the information, you can only follow us to the capital area."

"It's so troublesome."

Lu Yuan sighed.

It has been almost thirty days since I left the earth. Would it be too much of a waste of time if I headed to that metropolitan area here again?

"From here, I'm asking, how long does it take to get to that capital area from here?"

After thinking for a while, Lu Yuan asked immediately.

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