Hardcore crisis

Chapter 491 Conversation

What surprised Lu Yuan was that the congressman didn't seem to care at all, or that he didn't have the human habit of covering up scandals, and actually explained it in a normal tone in front of him, an outsider.

Senruren is the strongest overlord of the "Mu Alliance", and its military strength is well deserved to be number one due to its long-term battles with Yasuizi.

What is the concept of first?

That is to say, all the civilized races of the "Mu Alliance" from the second to the last hundred, combined, are not as good as the Senru people in terms of military strength. This is even more exaggerated than the U.S. military strength on Earth. The United States at least has China and Russia to confront and balance each other. However, the Senru people have no civilized race that can compare with it in terms of military strength. The total chance of victory is They are all so insignificant that they can be ignored.

Over time, gradually, some Senru people began to disagree with the alliance. Since the Senru people are stronger than all subsequent civilized races combined, why do they still allow a political system like the Alliance to exist?

In major events of the "Mu Alliance", due to the influence of early policies, regardless of the strength of the civilized race, as long as you are a member of the "Mu Alliance", you have the right to vote. No matter how powerful the Senru people are, they actually have the same voting rights as the weakest civilization. This makes some Senru people dissatisfied.

Because of this power, some Senru people have gradually developed a mentality of arrogance and contempt for other civilized races, and they strongly strive to give Senru people special status and political voting rights in the alliance.

"To put it bluntly, if it weren't for Senruren's weapons and military power, the Yashaizi would have broken through the front lines and devoured other civilized races. Some weak civilizations may not even be able to deal with a single Yashaizi."

Councilor Yuan sighed: "But in front of Senruren's army, tens of thousands of such submissives can be wiped out in a standard number of days."

Even after hearing what Burei said, Lu Yuan's eyes were still a little twitchy at this moment.

Even though Xu Yacaizi could not threaten him, if there were tens of thousands of Yacaizi, even if they did not resist and let him kill them, he would probably be exhausted and not be able to kill them all, but this was only the number that Senru Ren could kill in one day.

With such strength, it is no wonder that Senruren dislikes the existence of the "Mu Alliance". No matter how good the original intention of any political alliance is in the early days, if the strength of one of its members increases without limit, all other countries combined will be If it is unable to compete with other members, then requiring it to share rights equally with other members will inevitably cause various problems and dissatisfaction.

"That Burley is one of the ten heads of the emergency response department in the metropolitan area. He has the power to arrest and investigate suspicious persons. His excessive power has always made the emergency department the lowest-rated department in the metropolitan area. The speaker has already said I have heard about it, but for some reasons, the emergency department has never been able to contain it..."

Representative Yuan said apologetically to Lu Yuan: "I am really sorry this time. I will definitely impeach Burley to the Speaker and make him bear the responsibility this time."

Can a Burley really take charge of this matter?

Judging from what he said, there should be some kind of deputy speaker standing behind him, right?

Lu Yuan was thoughtful, and of course he would not take the congressman's words seriously.

Although he sincerely explained some of the inside story of Senru and the "Mu Alliance" along the way, his words contained a vague warning. In a way, he recognized Lu Yuan's ability to deal with Ya Shuaizi, but he He also vaguely warned him that a mere submissive was nothing, as Senruren could kill more than tens of thousands of submissives in a day.

But Sen Ruren's confidence should be more than that.

Lu Yuan suddenly became vigilant. The warm insect that could swallow his body unconsciously was part of the opponent's method, but he didn't know if it was all the opponent's method.

Senruren didn't recognize his full strength, so how could he know all of Senruren's confidence?

An area more than a billion kilometers away.

An encrypted quantum communication exchange begins.

"It's interesting. Did this 'person' who claimed to be from other extragalactic galaxies really solve a core sub-attenuator alone?"

"The authenticity of the information has been verified, and it occurred just five standard hours ago."

"It looks like the ability of the Moon Clan, but the Moon Clan is not that strong."

"So he really isn't Senruren? Tsk tsk, he looks exactly like Senruren."

"The structure of his body is still unclear, but he does not have any internal organs or cell tissue all over his body."

"So...he is another form of super life?"

The person who said this said this in a very excited tone.

"That's right. Judging from the information obtained now, he has certain research value. If possible, I request to capture him."

"This is not of certain research value, is it? He killed an inferior son alone."

"Killing one Yazaizi is nothing. Anyone in the 'Gray Force' on the front line has the ability to kill a stronger Yazaizi alone." This voice did not take it seriously.

"Hey, no matter how strong the debugger of the 'Gray Force' is, he still uses the 'advanced soldier' ​​equipment we gave him. This person didn't bring anything with him and was able to kill with his physical strength alone."

"His body structure has simply exceeded the biological category. Even if we capture him, I'm afraid we won't be able to use it on debuggers, right?"

A voice interrupted.

"Perhaps we can start another topic on studying super life forms?"

"Haha, your method of asking for funds is too cheap. We don't have the funds and energy to carry out another project now. The 'White Force' has captured another super life that exists with high-frequency electromagnetic waves this time, which is enough for us. , do you still want to be troublesome?"

"But this is a super life after all. It's a pity to let him go like this."

"It's not good to be too greedy. Just like No. 5 said, we have captured more than 127 super beings, and the research groups we have carried out on this matter are close to 50. Although this person is a bit interesting, he seems to be someone we can communicate with. Normal intelligent life, if there are no accidents, we don't need to cause trouble."

"...Wait a minute...Tsk, tsk, that idiot Deputy Speaker has already sent people to arrest that being, but it seems he failed."


"Yes, we used warm insects and genetic weapons, but neither of them had any effect on that super life form."

"It's understandable that genetic weapons will fail. Why can't we deal with warm insects?"

"That super life seems to have the ability to recover freely. It seems a bit troublesome."

It said trouble, but judging from the tone, its owner didn't really think it was a trouble.

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