Hardcore crisis

Chapter 504 Return to Earth


Lu Yuan didn't pay too much attention to these innocent crew members. He first looked for traces of Xingyin. He glanced around the central control room and immediately found Xingyin leaning on his right, floating in the air with his eyes closed. Life or death.

The spacecraft that was destroyed by the subagen lost power and could no longer spin to generate artificial gravity. The girl's body was floating in the air, and her arms were swallowed by a group of pink flesh cells, which looked like a fire. The pink tumors were still squirming, and just looking at them made people feel extremely sick and disgusted.

Lu Yuan stretched out his hand to grab it, and the girl's body floating in the distance came towards him, and was absorbed by him in an instant.

There can be no delay.

Seeing that the sarcoma continued to spread up the arm and was about to reach at least the girl's shoulder, Lu Yuan touched it with his hand, and Xingyin's left arm was immediately severed from the shoulder.

Before the blood could spurt out, Lu Yuan flicked his palm again, and the broken blood vessels and muscles were rolled back and pressed, and they were quickly closed, so that not even a drop of blood flew out from the area where there was supposed to be a large area of ​​bleeding.

Only the arm that was severed by Lu Yuan floated a few meters away and was completely devoured by flesh cells, leaving only a miniature flesh cell to replace the original arm.

The spacecraft had completely lost pressure and oxygen inside. Lu Yuan raised one hand, and he forcibly pulled out the shock-absorbing cabin in the distance. He pressed the girl directly into it, closed the cabin door, and returned to the original route.

As soon as he emerged from the broken exit of the spaceship, Lu Yuan saw in his sight the flesh cells ejected from the core of the sub-substance densely surrounding him. He couldn't help but his face turned cold. He pinched the index finger and thumb of his left hand and squeezed the rapidly squeezing high-heat ions. The beam suddenly moved up, down, left and right, sweeping away every flesh cell that came close.

Not giving more flesh cells and sub-substances a chance to surround him, Lu Yuan took in the shock-absorbing capsule and flew towards the deep space farther away from the gaseous planet.

Senruren is afraid that he will be in trouble this time.

Although the location of the prison star is not within the core range of the colonial star field under Senruren's jurisdiction, it is also at the rear of the front line. With so many subspaces coming out of the subspace at once, Senruren's frontline may be forced As we evacuate later, if one of them is not resolved properly, Senruren's losses may be greater than imagined.

However, it is none of Lu Yuan's business what loss Senru will suffer. He is too busy taking care of himself now, for fear that Yashazi will discover the location of the wormhole, causing the solar system to fall under Yashazi's attack. Lu Yuan didn't want to care about Senruren's life and death, but he had to be responsible for mankind.

The interior of the volcanic crater that had been gone for four months was still exactly the same as when he left, as if nothing had changed.

On the time scale of the planet, tens of thousands of years are not much different from the time it takes for a human to yawn, let alone only four months, especially in a dry geological environment like Mars, where there is no erosion by running water and strong winds. , there is no strong geological movement, maybe tens of thousands of years later, this place will feel like yesterday when he left it.

Without staying here too long, Lu Yuan raised his head and glanced at the spear with many legs of unknown life, which was inserted into the stone wall, and then flew into the sky, with one hand pointing downwards and thinking.

The high-energy and high-heat big explosion was confined around the wormhole. The ultra-high energy burst immediately made the wormhole unable to remain stable, and it collapsed and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing that the wormhole disappeared, Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and flew towards the low-Earth orbit of Mars while carrying the heavy shock-absorbing cabin.

Drawing a trajectory line in the thin atmosphere of Mars, Lu Yuan quickly brought the shock-absorbing capsule to low-Earth orbit. His eyes were dark and he began to capture the earth.

With experience, he could capture the traces of the earth much faster. It only took him five minutes to capture the traces of the earth, and he directly took the shock-absorbing capsule and started to prepare for acceleration.

This time, with the burden of the shock-absorbing cabin, Lu Yuan could not reorganize the particles and teleport, so he had to try to accelerate and bring the shock-absorbing cabin back together.

Looking at the display on the shock-absorbing cabin, the girl's heartbeat is still normal, but she is still in a coma and has not yet woken up. The amount of time the oxygen can continue to be used after the power is cut off... converted to earth time, it is 256 hours, which should be enough. .

He silently calculated a route to the earth in his mind. He did not need to transfer by Homan or rely on the gravity of the planet to eject. With the cheating power of the "singularity force field", he could accelerate without limit.

So... let's get started.

Of course, you can't directly fly dozens of times the speed of sound with a shock-absorbing cabin. Lu Yuan slowly accelerated at an acceleration of more than 100 meters per second. After more than 24 hours, his speed increased to more than 8,000 kilometers per second, which took just over two hours. In less than 10 seconds, he brought the shock-absorbing capsule to the vicinity of the earth's orbit.

It took a total of 28 hours to find the Earth, and Lu Yuan flew from Mars to outside the Earth's atmosphere.

If he hadn't carried a shock-absorbing capsule, he would have to slow down in advance. Otherwise, even if he couldn't use teleportation, he would still be able to complete the interstellar flight between fire and land within 5 hours.

On a series of small islands in the Pacific Ocean, the islands that deviate from the route are almost never visited by people. The dense virgin forests are basically their style and characteristics. From time to time, seagulls fly across the sky and make mating calls.

But just when the seagulls were playing as usual, a seagull suddenly felt something was wrong. He raised his head and screamed. He was horrified to see a big hole suddenly blasted out of the dark clouds in the sky. A black shadow penetrated the sky and the earth before it reached the sea. The oscillating shock wave has already set off huge waves.


When it was still tens of meters above the sea, the black shadow suddenly stagnated in the air, allowing the huge waves on the sea to hit in all directions.

A big hole was opened in the thick dark clouds, and the golden sunlight shone directly from the hole, hitting the black shadow's body, revealing Lu Yuan's face.

After more than four months, Lu Yuan returned to the familiar earth again, but Lu Yuan had the illusion of returning to the world after being isolated from the world for a thousand years.

Shaking his head, this was probably too far away from home, and he had experienced some big things that were unimaginable before.

After all, as an earthling who has come into contact with extraterrestrial civilization, even for just four months, it is something that even humans cannot believe.


There was lightning and thunder, and a huge storm was coming.

Lu Yuan glanced at the countless lightnings in the distant sky where the dark clouds met the sea surface. With a random wave of his left hand, the singularity force field was invisible and activated. In the sky dozens of kilometers away, the thick dark clouds seemed to have been slapped hard by a banana fan. , the unstoppable terrifying force instantly set off an unparalleled air wave, driving the dark clouds to sweep high into the sky.

In less than half a minute, there was no trace of a huge storm that was about to cover hundreds of kilometers of sea surface.

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