Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 1 New Semester Begins

At King's Cross Station, Zhang Hao boarded the Hogwarts train again.

Draco and Daphne found him, they were sitting in the same box.

Like Hermione, Daphne has grown a lot.

The freckles on her face are a little less than last year, and maybe they will disappear completely in two years.

Her obsession with snacks also seems to have diminished a little, at least not all the time.

"Hao, my sister also came to school this year." Daphne said with a "weird" expression: "I don't want snacks this year, give her all the snacks!"

"Huh?" Zhang Hao said in surprise, "Are you serious? Daphne?"

He suspects that this is a kind of temptation, the girl's mind is always so complicated... not to mention that she still has a 'weird' smile on her face.

"No! I'm serious," Daphne said firmly: "Don't give me snacks this year, I have to study magic and strive to become a qualified witch."

She said this with a sense of ritual, and anyone who saw it would think she was serious.

"Cut!" Draco said disdainfully. "Can you give up snacks? Then Weasley won't have that disgusting red hair!"

He seemed to remember something, and added: "And Potter, he won't have that disgusting scar!"

Zhang Hao said helplessly: "Draco, do you really hate Harry and Ron so much? Feel your chest and think about it!"

"No! I'm not hating! I'm hating!" Draco growled. "Those two bastards didn't do as well as I did in the exam last term, but they didn't keep their bet - they owe me ten Chocolate Frogs! Oh! If I'm not mistaken, it should be fifteen, and the extra will count as interest."

"Draco, don't eat it in front of me," Daphne said unhappily, "I'm afraid I can't help it!"

"Isn't it just a few chocolate frogs?" Zhang Hao scolded: "You hate them so much for a few chocolate frogs? It's too ungracious, right?"

"Cut! What do you know?" Draco said gloomily: "You don't understand the grievances between us."

"Yes!" Zhang Hao said indifferently: "I'll just watch you fall in love and kill each other."

"Who is in love? You are in love!" Draco cursed, then turned his head to look out the window.

His face was flushed red...

The Hogwarts Express had reached a long bridge, and the scenery outside became more and more beautiful.

Continuous mountains, lush forests, sparkling rivers...

Seeing these scenery, no matter how irritable people are, they will calm down.

Draco was thinking silently, Zhang Hao and Daphne chatted in a low voice in order not to disturb him.

The little girl and Zhang Hao were very close, and there was a milky fragrance in her breath, and Zhang Hao was a little confused.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow passed by the window.

"Oh! What is that?" Draco exclaimed in horror. "I just saw a big guy fly past the window. It's horrible!"

When Zhang Hao heard the words, he was afraid to look at the window, and he saw a flying car passing by in a flash. The car wobbled and flew very unsteadily.

Seeing this scene, he was relieved.

"It's Ron's car," he said lazily. "It looks like some people are in trouble."

"You mean Harry and Ron?" Daphne said thoughtfully. "I haven't seen them since I got on the train, as if they weren't on the train."

"Aha! If it's them, that'd be interesting." Draco laughed. "You think they'll get kicked out of school if they do? But I don't think they're that stupid, right? "

He didn't think Harry and Ron would do it, he didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

"Probably disappointed you,

Ron and Harry were the only ones in the Weasley family who could do that. Oh, and probably Fred and George too. "Zhang Hao shrugged: "But I saw Fred and George on the train, so..."

Draco and Daphne looked at each other and asked in unison, "You mean, do they really drive to school?"

Zhang Hao remained silent, he glanced out the window again, the speeding car had long since disappeared.

Draco pouted and said, "This joke is not funny at all, really!"

Zhang Hao could clearly see that a trace of worry flashed in the child's eyes.

Obviously, in the past year, the grievances and grievances have been unclear, and Draco, Harry, and Ron have actually developed some feelings.

If Draco had a choice, he might not have wished for Harry and Ron to be fired, as he said.

Because of Harry and Ron, the atmosphere in the private room was a lot dull.

Draco occasionally cursed at the two idiots, and his words were full of hatred.

Finally, when it was dark, the Hogwarts train reached its destination.

The students put on their robes and walked straight into the auditorium.

Draco glanced around, and sure enough he didn't see Harry and Ron.

"You're right!" Draco said in a muffled voice. "You're so smart, it seems that Potter and Weasley are going to have bad luck!"

As it turned out, they didn't even participate in the sorting ceremony.

Zhang Hao saw several very cute little girls at the sorting ceremony, Daphne's sister Astoria Greengrass, Mad Goldilocks Luna Lovegood, and the little princess of the Weasley family, Ginny Weasley Sly...

Professor McGonagall called out these names, and when they sat on the chair, Zhang Hao remembered them.

He guessed that they would come to him in the future, just like Hermione and Pansy.

"Is Niya cute?" Daphne asked with a smile, "Hao! Do you like Niya?"

"I like it!" Zhang Hao said smoothly, "Niya is really cute, like a little princess."

He didn't realize that Daphne's face was getting gloomy...

Twelve or thirteen-year-old girl, ignorant of love.

They may not understand what love is, but possessiveness makes them instinctively hate certain words or actions.

Just like now, what Zhang Hao said was actually fine, but Daphne just felt unhappy.

Too bad some guy doesn't know!

More importantly, Astoria actually walked right here.

As Slytherin, Zhang Hao happened to be sitting at the front.

It was a well-established fact that no one in Slytherin Academy was his opponent except Snape.

So he became the leading man of Slytherin, no one disagreed.

Even the big villain Quirrell deserves it, who dares to have an opinion?

"Niya!" Seeing that Astoria was about to sit next to Zhang Hao, Daphne subconsciously called out, "Come here and sit beside me!"

"No!" Zhang Hao said with a smile: "Let Niya sit next to me, I have some snacks for her here. That's what you said!"

Astoria's eyes lit up when she heard Snack, and instantly threw her sister out of the sky.

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