Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 6 What should I do?

The next day was Saturday, and in order to train new players, Flint decided to start a training camp.

But unfortunately, Gryffindor made an appointment to book the Quidditch pitch in advance.

This is not difficult for the Slytherins, and Flint asked Snape for a white note.

Then, the teams on both sides were on the bar at the Quidditch training ground.

"Felint!" Gryffindor captain Wood shouted: "This is our training time! We got up early, please go out!"

Flint said slyly: "It's very big here, we won't affect you."

The rest of Gryffindor came, and Harry was among them. The kid was lucky enough to be in Gryffindor too, and he looked nervous.

There were also Hermione and Ron who were training with Harry. They looked surprised when they saw Zhang Hao and Draco in their team uniforms.

There was also a short little boy who took pictures with an old-fashioned camera in his hand.

"Even if there is no impact, I have reserved the entire stadium!" Wood shouted sharply: "The entire stadium is covered by me!"

"Really?" Flint showed his trump card, he took out a note and said: "But I have a note signed by Professor Snape: I, Professor Severus Snape, allow Slytherin The team went to the Quidditch pitch today to train their new players."

After he finished speaking, he launched Zhang Hao and Malfoy to prove that he was not lying.

The Gryffindor players looked at each other, not knowing how to respond.

Wood said helplessly: "We also have new Seekers to train, we have to talk about first come first, right?"

"Oh! First come first?" Flint sneered: "Perhaps you should just give up, don't rush to get angry. You should look at our brooms!"

With a wave of his hand, the Slytherin players flashed their brooms.

All-in-one Nimbus 2001, which is cooler than Harry's previous Nimbus 2000.

Zhang Hao didn't show his custom fire phoenix, he was afraid that Gryffindor would be knocked down.

But someone didn't want to let him go, and George wailed: "Hao! You really bought Nimbus 2001 for the whole team? Then why didn't you show the Fire Phoenix?"

The Gryffindor team has only four Nimbus 2001s, including one contributed by Ron.

A team of seven, and the remaining three players used a sweep series that was all behind Nimbus 2000.

A good broom has a huge impact on the player, and Gryffindor has an absolute disadvantage in the broom.

What's more cruel is that because of George's talkativeness, Draco also stared at Zhang Hao. He said in surprise: "You have a better broom? Then why don't you take it out? Let me see it!"

"Don't you?" Zhang Hao hesitated: "That would be too shocking!"

"Don't be so hypocritical, if you don't take it out, it will hit people even more!" Draco seemed to have become smarter at this time, and he explained patiently: "Think about it, if you are better than them with Nimbus 2001, they will be hit hard. Could it be bigger? You wouldn't want to be a mole, would you?"

As soon as these words came out, the Slytherins all looked at Zhang Hao.

He said helplessly: "Okay! Then let you see and see."

"Yes! Get your broom out now." Draco urged, whispering, "Is there a better broom than Nimbus 2001? Why don't I know?"

In desperation, Zhang Hao finally took out the customized version of the Fire Phoenix.

Once the expensive fire phoenix appeared, it attracted everyone's attention.

That cool shape, neat broom tail like a sculpture, surrounded by the rhythm of the wind...

Every inch of its skin exudes a charming charm!

The Gryffindor players were hit hard. Although they had not seen the phoenix flying into the sky, they could already imagine how powerful it was.

Seeing that the morale of the players was gradually declining, Wood, as the captain, had to come forward. He puffed up and said, "Even if your brooms are better than ours, Quidditch is about technique. We Gryffindors won't give up. Since you must train here, please do it!"

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and left, and there were also mocking words from Slytherin.

If this continues, the two sides will sooner or later have to conflict.

"Wait a moment!"

A voice suddenly suppressed all the ridicule, and everyone couldn't help but look at Zhang Hao.

"Mr. Zhang, what advice do you have?" Wood said with a bad expression: "Could it be that you still want to humiliate us Gryffindor?"

"No! You are wrong, Mr. Wood!" Zhang Hao shook his head and chuckled: "I don't want to humiliate Gryffindor, I just want to humiliate Quidditch!"

Everyone was stunned, and everyone thought that there was something wrong with their ears.

"Oh! what did you say?"

"What madness is he talking about?"

"Shame on Quidditch? What the hell are you trying to do?"

"Hao, I think you should take back what you just said. Don't you?"

"Is this a joke? A Quidditch player who says he wants to humiliate Quidditch?"

No one could understand what Zhang Hao meant, and no one had ever said that.

Most of the students present loved Quidditch, and they would not tolerate anyone tarnishing this 'great' game.

Felint gritted his teeth and roared: "Zhang Hao, can you do whatever you want with strong magic power? If you don't explain it clearly, I will fire you from the team!"

"You don't need to be fired, I have a proposal." Zhang Hao smiled and said, "Maybe you should listen to it."

"Go ahead!" Flint stared at Zhang Hao and said, "What proposal? How are you going to humiliate Quidditch?"

Zhang Hao glanced at the audience and said contemptuously: "I want to challenge Gryffindor and Slytherin two teams, I will challenge you all alone! Just today, in this stadium! I won, Slytherin and Slytherin. Ranffindor men just kiss two by two! I lose, quit the team and admit that Quidditch is the greatest sport in the world."

Everyone was taken aback again, and those who knew Zhang Hao felt incredible.

Ron said incomprehensibly: "God! Is he crazy today? Why does he always say these crazy things?"

Hermione shook her head helplessly, and said bitterly: "There has always been a saying in the Muggle world that there is only a thin line between genius and lunatic. Perhaps, he has always been a lunatic!"

"It's so split!" Harry said timidly, his lips quivering, "I heard that someone in the mental hospital is schizophrenic, and it seems like he is. Usually looks good, but when he is stimulated in some way, it changes greatly. Do you think Hao is mentally ill?"

He looked terrified, uh, maybe he had a misunderstanding of mental illness!

This child, the Muggle world has lived in vain for more than ten years...

Hermione was even more powerless, and she smiled bitterly: "Harry, a mental illness would not do such a thing, he... Forget it, I don't know what to say."

Draco shivered when he heard Harry's explanation, and seeing that someone as knowledgeable as Hermione couldn't explain it, he was suddenly desperate!

Behold! His handsome face was distorted, only to hear him whisper: "I have to sleep with him at night. If he does something unreasonable, what should I do?"

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