Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 13 The League of Legends Program

Professor McGonagall took the plan and read it carefully, and her face gradually showed a look of surprise.

Obviously, Zhang Hao's plan gave her a great shock.

"King's Canyon? League of Legends? King's Council? What's in your head?" Professor McGonagall exclaimed, "This game is very interesting, but I can't decide such a big thing by myself. Besides, the students are here Is there any unpredictable danger in using magic in sports?"

She always puts the safety of her students first, and beneath her stern appearance hides a warm and compassionate heart.

"Professor, I can understand your worries about the safety of students, but nothing in this world is absolutely safe." Zhang Hao patiently persuaded: "It is better to keep the danger under your eyes than to let everyone face it alone in the future. Games are actually a rehearsal for the future. When something happens in the future, we won't be caught off guard. Are you right?"

"Let me think about it!" Professor McGonagall fell into deep thought, and after a long time she said, "Let's do it! You and I go to see Dumbledore, I think he will have more careful consideration."

"If Professor Dumbledore can perfect this plan, that would be the best." Zhang Hao nodded and said, "To plan this sport successfully, it requires the efforts of all teachers and students at Hogwarts, which is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. Son."

They came to the headmaster's office together, and Dumbledore seemed to be walking back and forth.

Uh! Zhang Hao remembered that Dumbledore was like this the last time he came.

This old man is like the mayor of Xinxing Village, he is always wandering around when he has nothing to do.

He was unaware of the arrival of Zhang Hao and Professor McGonagall, and still turned around on his own, as if there was something that made it difficult for him to decide.

"Albus?" Professor McGonagall had to interrupt him, and she said softly, "Our little genius has some ideas for you to look at. Are you free?"

"Oh! Minerva? And Mr. Zhang Hao?" Dumbledore finally came to his senses, and he smiled kindly: "Since you're here, let's talk! Although I'm almost in the ground, but a little bit There's still time to squeeze in."

Although his tone is very funny, but the deep meaning contained in his words makes people sad.

"Look at this first!" Professor McGonagall smiled and said softly, "This is Mr. Zhang Hao's plan. I think this sport called League of Legends is worth trying."

She clearly had concerns before, but now she speaks for Zhang Hao.

This lady is considering all aspects of her students, and Zhang Hao's respect for her is more sincere.

Dumbledore watched quickly, but the expression on his face was changing, which meant that the plan had caught his eye.

"League of Legends?" He laughed. "It's an interesting game, maybe we can try it."

Zhang Hao smiled upon hearing this. Although Dumbledore was old and frail, his spirit of adventure did not decline.

"I think so too, but there is a premise that must be guaranteed." Professor McGonagall emphasized again: "The safety of students must be the first."

"Ah! I believe Mr. Zhang Hao must have considered this question." Dumbledore winked at Zhang Hao and asked with a smile, "Right? Our little genius?"

"Of course," Zhang Hao assured, "I will try my best to keep everyone safe."

"Very well, then this matter is left to you." Dumbledore said with satisfaction: "I look forward to your results, it must be wonderful."

Zhang Hao was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "You mean, let me be responsible for this matter?"

"What? Who else is more suitable besides you?" Dumbledore encouraged: "Do it with confidence! We will all support you."

"Albus, this will delay his class." Professor McGonagall said dissatisfiedly: "He's just a student, let a professor be in charge of this!"

"No! Minerva,

What more do you think we can teach him? "Dumbledore waved his hand: "Don't worry! Little things will not affect this child, he is our little genius. "

These professors are exaggerating at every turn, and he is a little embarrassed.

That's how things were decided, but there is still some difficulty in moving the real LOL to Hogwarts.

First, you must find a suitable terrain.

The House of Requirement is definitely not good, because no matter how it changes, it can only become a house with special functions. It is too difficult to make it into a canyon.

Since there is no ready-made terrain, Zhang Hao is ready to build the terrain himself.

It's just a canyon, and it's not impossible to transform it with magic.

But the magic of changing the terrain on a massive scale... no!

Zhang Hao thought about it and decided to create a magic specially used to change the terrain!

That night he began to try in the illusion, it seems that the rougher the magic, the easier it is to create.

The land rises and falls in the fantasy, and soon begins to change shape.

But Zhang Hao's magic power is not enough, he can only change the terrain of ten square meters at a time.

In the plan, the total area of ​​Kings Canyon is one thousand by one thousand, which is one square kilometer.

In this square kilometer, there must be high ground, forest land, small hills, and rivers...

Only ten square meters can be changed each time, which is not very difficult to operate!

Zhang Hao had a headache. After he created flying magic, his magic power probably rose to C level.

He was proud of this for a while, but now it seems that the magic power of a C-level wizard is still not enough!

Perhaps, the terrain construction of King's Canyon requires more people to participate.

Zhang Hao thought of the wizards in the sixth and seventh grades - they were all free labor!

The illusion is broken, and a new day begins.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the little wizards are wearing very thick clothes.

This morning happened to be a transfiguration class, and Zhang Hao asked Professor McGonagall for a leave of absence-he was going to investigate the terrain around the school.

The Hogwarts site is very large, and to the west is the vast Forbidden Forest. Old Deng will definitely not allow the Forbidden Forest to become a canyon.

To the east is the Black Lake. No matter how talented Zhang Hao is, he can't build a canyon on the Black Lake.

To the south is the path leading to the village of Hogsmeade, and the Hogwarts train station is nearby.

Obviously, there is no way to start here.

As for the north side, the Quidditch pitch is in this direction.

Zhang Hao focused on inspecting the back of the stadium, where there is a large undeveloped safe area.

Building a canyon here shouldn't have a bad effect, he thought.

As a result, the location of the Canyon of Kings was hastily determined.

Zhang Hao applied to create a LOL club when he returned to school. He planned to recruit troops in the name of the club.

Think about it, wild monsters, big dragons, small dragons, magic crystals, defense towers...

There are so many elements that cannot be done by one person!

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