Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 34 The Dragon Pit Decisive Battle

It was still in the grass on the road, and the five members of the alliance squatted in the grass, carefully observing the wind and grass outside.

"I don't know when Baron Nash will appear, Zhang Hao is too bad!" Penello complained: "Why didn't he clearly announce the refresh time of Baron Nash? If we do this, we won't be able to use the advantages we have gained!"

"Perhaps he just wants to watch the evenly matched battles, which would be more exciting." Harry said gloomily, "Let me tell you! In fact, we are the guinea pigs he selected. I even suspect that he manipulated the lottery. Otherwise, what It happened that Draco and I were there? Daphne, Zhang Qiu, Fred, everyone seems to be more or less close to him."

Everyone thought about it, and Neville said in a muffled voice, "What about Senior Penello? And Flint—as far as I know, the relationship between Flint and Zhang Hao is not good."

"I guess that kid Zhang Hao likes Penelope, it's possible, right?" Fred joked, "As for the others, who knows? Anyway, I think what Harry said makes sense, and Zhang Hao must be playing in the dark." .To tell you the truth, George and I tried to cheat and it didn’t work, or we’d all be playing.”

Everyone was speechless for a while, it was just a game, and there were so many shady scenes!

Can you still have fun?

Miss Penello's eyes were strange, it seemed that Fred's joke had some influence on her.

Suddenly, there was a sound of 'crashing' from the river not far away.

"Be careful!" Zhang Qiu said vigilantly: "Someone is coming, it may be from the parliament."

Sure enough, the next moment, the heroes of the council appeared on the line of troops.

They scanned their surroundings vigilantly, and finally set their eyes on the grass.

"Old rules?" Draco smiled cruelly: "I guess they must be hiding here, there is no other grass besides here!"

The others didn't speak. In fact, they turned around in a big circle, and almost all the grass that could be burned was burned up!

If an Alliance hero is hiding in the grass, it's here!

Before the heroes of the alliance understood what Draco was talking about, they saw a thick fire snake floating in the distance.

"Oops!" Harry yelled, "This bastard, how dare he set fire to the grass!"

They had no choice but to put a protective spell on themselves and rush out.

Flint stared at Penelope and yelled, "Stippie (fainting out)!"

"Stomp thing (faintly)!"

Two spells crashed on the road, but Penello was hit anyway!

She was hit by at least three spells at this moment, and the amulet couldn't be completely resisted.

The Alliance also launched a counterattack. Harry was the best at the Disarming Charm, and he directly knocked Daphne's wand away!

Oh! What a bad result!

Because Daphne didn't intend to cast a spell...

Fortunately, Zhang Qiu also knocked out Justin Fenris, and the numbers on both sides were even again.


Neville had created a magical accident in which he tried to cast the Stunning Charm, but a syllable was mispronounced.

Shoots a giant pumpkin from his wand that explodes in the crowd!

The few people in front of the parliament were splashed with pumpkin juice—they felt a lot heavier, and it was difficult for them to even walk.

"Neville!" Draco growled, "You're breaking the rules! You can't use magic beyond textbooks!"

"I... I didn't do it on purpose!" Neville explained in a panic, "You know, I often have accidents when I use magic."

"This accident is really good!" Fred praised: "I really want my magic to have such an effect, but I haven't been able to do it."

The battle continues!

Both sides kept shooting various spells, Daphne and Neville were a little at a loss, they all hid at the end of the line - one lost his wand, the other didn't know what magic to use,

It really does strike a good balance!

But the alliance still fell into a disadvantage. After all, there were Cedric Diggory and Marcus Flint on the parliament. They were both senior students, and their fighting power was far beyond that of ordinary junior students.

Just the two of them have completely suppressed the alliance heroes.

After chasing and fleeing, the alliance left two more 'corpses' before withdrawing to their own tower.

The survivors were Zhang Qiu and Fred. After Harry and Neville were passively padded, they were unfortunately knocked out!

In the stands, Ron smiled and said, "Harry is so unlucky, he was abandoned by his teammates! Neville is also."

"It's normal. If you try to rescue them forcibly when you can't, you might get yourself involved." Zhang Hao said calmly, "From this point of view, Fred and Zhang Qiu did the right thing."

"Yes!" Hermione nodded and said, "If you want to succeed, you must have the spirit of willingness to sacrifice."

The defensive towers kept throwing huge snowballs, and the heroes of the council did not dare to advance rashly, and could only leave in resentment in the end.

There were four of them left, and they went to Shanglu Longkeng together.

Baron Nash hasn't refreshed yet, so they can only wait anxiously.

"Asshole! If Baron Nash doesn't come out again, the dead on the Alliance side will be resurrected." Flint cursed, "What the hell is Zhang Hao doing? Why isn't Baron Nash refreshed?"

"Why don't we ambush here?" Draco said, "Since the alliance is coming, isn't it the best choice to ambush them?"

"But, where are we going to ambush?" Daphne asked blankly: "The grass has been burned!"

Everyone looked at Draco, his face was already white-this is really a huge irony, what a cocoon!

"Since we can't hide, let's fight them right here," said Cedric Diggory. "We're not afraid of them, are we?"

The others thought for a moment and agreed to the proposal.

"Then it's settled, signal Fenris to assemble as soon as possible."

A red magic mark rose into the sky, exploding into a hydra pattern - this is the rally mark.

However, instead of Justin Fenris, they waited for the Alliance hero.

Penelope stood gracefully, and said enchantingly: "Flint, are you waiting for Justin Fenris? I have good news for you, he will be absent from this decisive battle!"

Flint's expression changed, he frowned and said, "You stopped him?"

"Do you need to ask?" Fred laughed and said, "Five beat one, it's so easy!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Draco was impatient for a long time, and he roared again: "Let's fight! Stomp (fainted)!"

He lost his big move as soon as he came up, and he was really a good teammate.

"Neville, you deal with Daphne!" Harry yelled, "Don't let her cast any magic."

Neville nodded repeatedly, and then said to Daphne, "I don't use magic, so don't you participate, okay?"

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