Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 43 Annihilation of the whole army

When Zhang Hao returned to Hogwarts, he felt that the atmosphere was not quite right.

When the students met him, they always looked at him with strange eyes, and even avoided him when they walked.

aha! This look was all too familiar to him, they had looked at Harry that way before.

Something big must have happened, needless to say he knew about it.

He grabbed a Gryffindor student and asked viciously: "Boy! Tell me, what happened? Why are they looking at me like this? And you? You seem to be avoiding me?"

Caught Gryffindor is a freshman and he almost pissed himself!

"No...don't...please don't kill me!" The new student stammered, "It's none of my business, I'm not a Mudblood!"

"How dare you say the word Mudblood?" Zhang Hao said coldly, "You don't know what it means? Are you discriminating against someone?"

He hadn't heard the word for a long time, and no one, even in Slytherin House, dared say it to his face.

Everyone knew that he had cursed Pansy with that word when he was a kid.

In the days to come, even if he himself didn't care, no one dared to say the word 'Mudblood'.

Now, he was surprised to hear the word 'Mudblood' from a Gryffindor.

"No! I mean I'm a mixed race, you shouldn't kill me as the heir!" Xinsheng said in a panic, "Please, don't kill me!"

"Me as the heir? Do you think I'm the heir of Slytherin?" Zhang Hao asked suspiciously, "What's going on? Answer my question quickly!"

He felt that the situation was not good, why did he somehow become the heir?

This is not a sign at all!

"It's not me!" Xinsheng forced Xinsheng to stabilize, and carefully explained: "Everyone thinks so, they think you tricked those people into the bathroom and let the basilisk petrify them."

"They? Who are they?" Zhang Hao asked in surprise: "Could it be that the basilisk came out again? Who are the victims?"

It seems that there are many victims this time!

"Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger...and Draco Malfoy and Daphne Greengrass." The freshman said a series of names in one breath before explaining Said: "They are usually with you, and you were not there when they had an accident, so some people suspect that you are the heir."

Zhang Hao was silent, he couldn't believe it!

"Can I go?" Xinsheng pleaded again: "Don't kill me, okay?"

"Don't kill you?" Zhang Hao threatened sinisterly, "You'd better use your brain when you speak in the future, otherwise the zombies will eat your brain!"

He left the paralyzed new student behind and went straight to the hospital.

The professors are probably in the hospital at this time, as well as the friends who were petrified.

It seems that the crime did not take long, but there were a lot of victims and the panic caused was greater than the previous few times, so it became known to everyone.

There are still many people wandering around the hospital, and they all seem to be inquiring.

When they saw Zhang Hao, their eyes were also a little strange.

At this time, the door of the ward just opened and the professors came out.

"Oh! Where did you go?" Professor McGonagall said when he saw Zhang Hao, "Why aren't you with them? I thought something happened to you too."

There was concern in her eyes, but no doubt at all.

"I'm sorry, Professor." Zhang Hao lied, "Recently, I have some insights, so I went to the Room of Requirement to do magic experiments. You know, when doing magic experiments, no interference is allowed.


"You are so courageous!" Snape said with a straight face, "Could it be that you are going to create new magic again? What a genius we are!"

He seems to be well-intentioned, but he speaks in a strange way, and anyone who hears it will feel uncomfortable.

"Snape, can you be kind?" Professor McGonagall scolded, "He's your student, so there's no need to be so mean."

"Yes, there's no need to be so mean." Snape said in a low voice, "Maybe I should let him die in a magical experiment. There are not many wizards who died in such accidents, and he is not one more."

Zhang Hao is a little helpless, when will he get to the point? Is Catch My Lies fun?

Professor McGonagall wanted to say something, but was stopped by Dumbledore.

"Okay! Minerva, we shouldn't dwell on this issue." He looked at Zhang Hao and asked, "Mr. Zhang, do you know something? Or do you have any guesses about what happened to Harry and the others?"

"I'm sorry, Professor." Zhang Hao pondered: "I want to understand the situation first. After all, I just came back and I don't know anything yet!"

Dumbledore nodded, then looked at Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall said softly: "Someone found them in the bathroom on the second floor. There were traces of spellcasting at the scene - some facilities were damaged by magic, and the floor was full of water stains. They all wore the sunglasses you provided when they were victimized, that's why Just petrified. Can't imagine how horrible things would be without those sunglasses..."

A group of people returned to the ward while talking, and Zhang Hao finally saw the friends who were petrified.

The sunglasses on their faces have been removed, and everyone has weird expressions.

The Ron guy seemed to be grinning, but there was horror in his eyes. It felt like he was joking with someone, and suddenly saw something very scary. This kind of expression is exactly the kind that is about to change but fails.

Draco was even more exaggerated, his left middle finger was protruding, and his right hand was pinching the orchid finger—he seemed to want to take out his wand to fight, but he was so scared that he cramped!

And Harry, he didn't know what to say, his mouth was wide open and his tongue was lolling to the side-this expression was like a hanged ghost. His wand was already out, but he didn't know if he let the magic go.

Daphne... the poor girl is already crying with fright! There were tears in Shui Lingling's big eyes—these tears were also petrified, looking like crystals.

Hermione was holding a book in her hand, her hair was disheveled, and she was hunched over, as if avoiding an attack. Holding the wand tightly in his hand, it looks like he just finished casting a spell and is preparing for the next cast.

"Mr. Zhang, can you tell me, do they want to deal with the basilisk?" Dumbledore asked seriously, "It's very close to a certain crime scene, and they encountered the snake while they were prepared. Strange, it makes me have to guess like this."

Zhang Hao thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't think they will take the initiative to find the basilisk, because after we left from you last time, we decided not to interfere in this matter. If they have plans, they will definitely tell me in advance. I think it should be a coincidence."

The professors all began to lower their heads and think, only Lockhart looked like he was doing nothing—now he became very quiet whenever he saw Zhang Hao, and he was so obedient that it was unbelievable.

"You mean, it was a coincidence that they encountered the basilisk?" Snape asked suspiciously: "They encountered the basilisk in the bathroom? The two sides started a sudden fight?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out, right? Their expressions can also prove it, you can take a closer look." Zhang Hao spread his hands and said: "Although only one person was victimized each time in the past, it does not mean that the basilisk only Can deal with one person."

With such big eyeballs, you can't only see one person.

Even if you need to look at each other to kill, it can call names one by one.

It was enough to petrify everyone before the little ones escaped.

Oh! Relatively speaking, being petrified is a relatively good end.

It is really miserable to be bitten to death!

Soon, the professors also thought of this, and everyone had a happy look on their faces.

"Hagrid hasn't bought a cock yet?" Dumbledore asked, "It's been a few days, Hogsmeade is not far from here, can't you buy a few cocks?"

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