Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 50 Surrounding and Killing the Basilisk

Zhang Hao's unreliable plan caused snakes to scream everywhere in Hogwarts.

"Ahem!" George squeezed his throat and said, "Snake language is so hard to speak, I feel like my throat is going to smoke!"

"Wouldn't it be nice if Harry was still here?" Fred said nostalgicly. "If he's here, he can handle these jobs by himself. Sissssssssss!"

Click! Click!

"Look! You found another one, which one is it?" George complained, "Slytherin is really sick. How could he have the patience to build so many pipes?"

"Who knows! Put on your sunglasses quickly, and watch out for the basilisk to stare at you." Fred grabbed a rooster from the cloth cage and tied it to the exit of the pipe.

Hagrid wasn't getting enough of the cocks they'd bought as a drop-in when they captured Hagrid--they'd finally done something.

There are three cloth cages cast with the No Trace Stretching Charm, and there are hundreds of roosters in total, which is enough to seal all the exits.

The roosters can't help squawking when they feel the basilisk approaching, so just put them in these exits, and the basilisk can't come out.

Zhang Hao decided to put the main battlefield in Slytherin's secret room, where the openness is good for dodging, and he can completely let his hands and feet go.

After the castle was properly arranged, he led everyone down the pipeline of the bathroom to the real entrance of the secret room.

Because of preparations, everyone here did not slide down like Harry and Ron in the original book, but they all flew down calmly on flying brooms.

It was pitch black below, and many people cast lighting spells.

"It's far enough!"

"Yes! Are we at the bottom of the lake?"

"A lot of bones, these must be leftovers from the basilisk!"

"It stinks, I think the basilisk must stink, like a weasel in the mud."

"Later, if I am petrified, you must protect me! Don't let me be smashed to pieces. I think someone will be petrified in this battle, right?"

Students are very nervous because they know what they are about to face.

Everyone wears dark glasses, but that doesn't quite stop the Basilisk from staring.

It is understandable for someone to be petrified, as long as the body is well protected, there is no problem.

"Let's go! Go forward!" Zhang Hao served as the conductor, and he said calmly: "If anyone sees the huge body of the basilisk, they can sprinkle a handful of chili powder or pepper or lime powder. You are all ready Okay, is it? But be careful, and sprinkle it when you see it. Don’t sprinkle it on the friendly army, I don’t want to see anyone killed as a traitor!"

Everyone laughed loudly, and the tense atmosphere was swept away.


Pansy screamed and threw a handful of lime powder in one direction.

"There's a basilisk! It's there!"

Everyone followed her directions to look, and they saw a huge monster lying quietly on the ground, motionless.

Snape said with a gloomy face, "It's not a living thing, it seems to be snake skin."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Although they had made up their minds to fight the basilisk to the death, they still couldn't help being frightened when the critical moment came.

There's always an adaptation phase, isn't it?

Everyone slowly approached the snake skin, and they finally saw its whole picture.

This snake skin is green and looks very bright. It is more than six meters long.

Apparently, the basilisk had a larger body than that.

Zhang Hao took the basilisk into his pocket, and then said loudly: "Go ahead, be careful!"

The tunnel is winding and winding, and it is troublesome to walk.

But no amount of trouble can come to an end, and they finally encountered a solid wall.

Carved on the wall are two intertwined snakes with large, sparkling emeralds in their eyes.

Zhang Hao took out the tape recorder and played the snake language again.

The two snakes slowly separated, and the stone wall split from the middle, slowly sliding to the sides and disappearing.

In front of everyone, Zhang Hao picked out the gemstones from the eyes of the two snakes.

Everyone looked at him with weird eyes, which made people feel creepy.

He said confidently: "Don't look at me like that, this gem may be a magic hub, if I remove it, the door won't be able to close! Don't believe me, try it?"

How to try?

Everyone only has the snake language password to open the door, but not the snake language password to close the door...

Gradually, people's eyes changed from strange to contemptuous.

Without blushing, Zhang Hao said calmly, "We're about to enter the real secret room soon, who wants to take the lead?"

Professor McGonagall said angrily: "Of course this kind of thing should be done by our professor. Do you think which student should be sent?"

After she finished speaking, she led the professors into the secret room, followed by the students.

There is a statue in the Chamber of Secrets that reaches the height of the dome, which is exactly the same as the Slytherin statue in the school.

There are also statues of snakes, many, many!

They were made into fountains, with a constant stream of water coming out of the snake's mouth.

Finally, there are pipes extending in all directions, maybe the basilisk is hiding in a certain pipe.

"Let's start!" Zhang Hao said with a smile: "We want to force the basilisk out. It won't appear if no one summons it, so we have to use tricks. Try the thick smoke first, and hope it can stand it."

The students wore smoke masks and took out the wet firewood they had prepared.

Someone is responsible for fanning the flames, and someone is responsible for lighting the fire.

Soon, the holes were filled with thick smoke.


There was a hole before it could be filled with thick smoke, and there was some movement inside.

The students guarding the entrance of the cave immediately became nervous. They squinted their eyes and observed the entrance of the cave through their sunglasses from the corner of their eyes.


What came out were only some mice, not the imaginary basilisk.

They breathed a sigh of relief, even if they were mentally prepared, they didn't want to encounter the basilisk prematurely.

But just when they were about to relax, a huge head suddenly popped out of the hole.


The shrill neigh startled them, the basilisk appeared so suddenly!

"Ah! The basilisk has appeared!"

"Help! Mom!"

"My God! It's big! Can we beat it?"

"Sprinkle lime!" Zhang Haoyuan reminded: "Don't look into its eyes!"

But it was too late. Among the people closest to him, there was an unlucky guy who had a face-to-face encounter with the basilisk.

He was petrified in an instant!

"Sea Mo has been petrified! Who will save him!"

Fortunately, Zhang Hao reacted quickly. He used the floating spell to rescue Seamo as quickly as possible.

"Qin! Go blind its eyes!" He shouted, "Throw out the prepared beef and mutton!"

It now appears that it would be unreliable to expect students to sprinkle lime powder into the eyes of the basilisk, they simply do not have this level of operation.

The basilisk rushed into the crowd unscrupulously, and many people threw pepper and quicklime in their hands in a panic.

The air became very cloudy, and the eyes of the basilisk were blocked by layers, making it difficult to see.

"What a good idea!" Snape praised. "Maybe there are a little flaws, but it's not a big problem."

With one wave of his wand, he raised a gust of wind.

This strong wind circled the basilisk, rolling lime powder and pepper paste on the basilisk's big face.

The basilisk could no longer see through it, but it was still rampaging, opening and closing its big mouth frantically, biting whatever it encountered.

It also seemed to have a problem with its sense of smell, and the pepper was making its nostrils very uncomfortable.

Coupled with the interference of blood-stained beef and mutton, it can't tell whether the one in front is a student or a piece of meat.

In this case, under the protection of the professors, no one was injured except the unlucky Seamus.

Zhang Hao roared again: "Everyone lower their voices and lower their sense of existence!"

The students gradually calmed down, they followed Zhang Hao's words, and were surprised to find that the basilisk could not pose a threat to them at all.

According to the plan, Professor McGonagall used the transformation technique to conjure up huge cages—the material was the stone slabs on the ground.

The basilisk keeps interfering, and she becomes a cage that keeps being crashed.

Zhang Hao had an idea, and said to the students: "Put those crushed stones into beef and mutton, and wrap them with beef and mutton! There is also quicklime, wrap them up and send them to the basilisk's belly."

With its weak sense of smell, the basilisk has been crazily devouring the pieces of meat on the ground.

It never imagined that someone would insidiously add seasoning to the meat.

"That's a great idea!" Professor Flitwick praised, "The basilisk doesn't seem to be chewing, it's going to eat stones!"

As it turned out, the basilisk kept eating pieces of meat into its stomach, and then it became heavier and heavier, and its movements became slower and slower.

As a result, it makes less and less impact.

Professor McGonagall finally built the cage, the basilisk was bound in the cage, and his eyes were still blinded by Jean - with the help of Snape, this step became very simple.

The basilisk wanted to rush out, but its belly was stretched like a ball, and it didn't have the strength to break through the cage at all.

Zhang Hao also insidiously cast a magic spell on a stone in its mouth, and the stone became bigger rapidly, making the basilisk stretch its mouth from ear to ear.

"The beast is still fighting!" He said with satisfaction: "Professors, now it's time to cook it slowly! Students, you have a very good magic target. Aim at its bloody mouth and use your most powerful Spell it against it!"

"Great! I've been waiting for this day for a long time, let me come first, please? Make Phikas steal Thales (all petrified)!"

Using the petrification spell on the basilisk is really Shi Lezhi!

"I'll try it too! Redekto (broken to pieces)!"

"Stomp thing (faintly)!"

"Expaliamas (Axe)!"


All kinds of spells, hitting the basilisk like fireworks - it is impossible for the student to get every spell on target.

As a result, some of the spells bounced back, and the professors had to waste some energy trying to break them.

"What a bunch of idiots!" Snape cursed impatiently, "Don't you know that the basilisk's skin bounces back? How many times do I have to say that?"

While he was cursing, he had to save people at the same time... He was so busy!

Seeing everyone's joyous play, Zhang Hao also said ruthlessly: "The Wrath of the Goddess of Dawn—Sun Flare!"

The thick beam of light directly penetrated the basilisk's mouth, which was opened by the stone, and the stone was burned!

The beam of light was as powerful as a bamboo, burning through the upper jaw of the basilisk, the brain of the basilisk, and the outer skin that had lost its magical protection...


The monster that had roamed Hogwarts for hundreds of years finally lost its vital signs with a shrill scream.

There was thunderous applause in the secret room, and all the students cheered.

In this battle, they achieved a brilliant victory!

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