Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 12 Peter Pedillo Appears

Ron looked at Banban, who was trembling in his hands, and said anxiously, "But what does this mean? Maybe it's just that Banban is special, right?"

"It's not special, it's very special!" Hermione said seriously, "If it's really a mouse, then it's the most special mouse in the world. But is it really a mouse?"

"Ron! Open its front paws and count, I think you should know that it is missing a toe." Zhang Hao said indifferently: "Twelve years ago, it was rumored that Peter Pettigrew died and there was only one toe left." fingers, but no one has seen the rest of his body. No matter what kind of magic explosion, a person will not be destroyed to this extent. According to my investigation, when he was in Hogwarts, Peter Pettigrew had completed Animagus. And his Animagus form is just a mouse. So many coincidences can only prove one thing—Peter Pettigrew is not dead at all! He is in your hands This mouse!"

By this time, Harry's breathing had become very heavy. He can be stupid sometimes, but that's only sometimes—at least for now he's smart.

He has already realized that the facts that people knew back then may not be the real facts.

If Peter Pettigrew really isn't dead, why hasn't he been shown? And turn into a mouse to hide?

The reasons for this are intriguing, especially for Harry.

"Impossible!" Ron almost threw Banban out with a shake of his hand. He said in horror, "You mean, the pet that Percy and I have always had is an adult man?"

His stomach is already rolling, how disgusting it is to use a man as a pet!

Even if this man turned into a mouse, it would be unacceptable.

Zhang Hao took out his wand from his pocket, stared at the big mouse in Ron's hand, and asked coldly: "At this point, do you still pretend to be dead? Do you want me to personally force you to show up?"

He pointed his wand at Scabbers, and his whole body exuded a dangerous aura.



Banban bit Ron's finger and rushed towards the door.

This is the auditorium. For a mouse, as long as it rushes out of the gate, it is basically escaped!

But how could Zhang Hao let him escape, he snorted coldly, and reprimanded: "Zoerke is like Ondre Kusen (painting the ground as a prison)!"

Banban, who was sprinting towards the door, suddenly stopped. It was like a ball of plasticine thrown on the transparent wall, stuck to it and could not fall off.

Zhang Hao and his friends chased after it, surrounded it, and pointed all seven wands at it.

This is the result of Zhang Hao's training. He told everyone that they must be cautious when facing a goal that is indistinguishable from friend or foe. In the face of obviously suspicious targets, we must try our best to ensure the first move.

"Don't play dead!" Harry shouted. "Are you Peter Pettigrew? If so, get back to human form quickly."

Zhang Hao said with a smile: "Since he has been caught, there is no hurry to interrogate him. Draco, you go and find the professors, we can't decide this matter."

"Why should I go?" Draco said reluctantly, "I think Daphne can go!"

"No!" Daphne said unhappily, "I don't!"

"Draco, go!" Zhang Hao said helplessly: "This is a credit, are you going to be a bystander all the time? In our group, everyone must have a certain sense of presence, otherwise you have to Reduced to a trick!"

Draco was silent for a moment, and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? Although I don't know what a trick is, but I know it's not a good word when I hear it - I don't want to be a trick!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, it seemed that he was really afraid of becoming a trick by accident.

Zhang Hao looked at the mouse lying dead on the ground, and said lazily: "You pretended to be dead twelve years ago, and now you still pretend to be dead? It's a great hobby. You like resurrecting the dead, and I just like bringing people back to life." Die. Do you think I dare kill a mouse?"

Ron was about to speak,

But was pulled by Harry.

Finally, the mice on the ground were unable to resist the pressure and gradually changed.

In a very short time, he transformed into a short adult, the Weasley family's pet rat Scabbers, into Peter Pettigrew, the hero of the year.

"Merlin's underwear!" Ron said disgustedly: "It's really a hit! Ugh!"

Peter Pettigrew shook his body and stood up slowly.

He wasn't very tall standing up, not even much taller than Harry and Hermione.

He had small watery eyes, and his hair was thin and dull, and almost all gray.

His nose and face are pointed, like a mouse face.

His skin was dirty and smelled like rats.

Apparently, he's dealt with real rats a lot over the years.

"It seems that you haven't had a good life these years," Zhang Hao sneered, "It's not good to be a traitor, is it?"

"No! I didn't betray, kid! You don't know anything, you can't say that!" Peter said excitedly, "I didn't betray anyone, really! I was hiding from Sirius Black, he's out, and Come and kill me!"

He turned his head and said to Harry again: "Harry! I'm your father's good friend. I'm sorry for them...I'm sorry for you...I didn't protect them well. It's all my fault...I don't have the face to see you, I can only approach you this way."

Harry looked at Zhang Hao, he seemed to believe Peter's words.

Young people are always naive, and his ability to distinguish lies is not very reliable.

"Sirius wants to kill you, why wait until now?" Zhang Hao ignored Harry, he taunted: "If he really did the tragedy twelve years ago, then he could have killed you at that time. He could have chopped you up One finger, why can't you kill you? Tell me, which Death Eater doesn't use the Killing Curse to kill people? Using the Killing Curse to kill people but only chop off a finger is something new!"

Having said that, Harry finally became confused. He really didn't know who to trust - on one side was the great hero conferred by the Ministry of Magic, and on the other was his most trusted classmate, whoever said something was right, and he couldn't tell the difference at all.

Just at this time, the professors finally arrived.

"What's going on? Mr. Zhang?" Professor McGonagall was very nervous. She stepped into the auditorium before Dumbledore, and asked nervously: "Put down the wand first... Oh! This is... Albus! You Come and see... There is someone here that you must meet!"

She apparently recognized Peter Pettigrew, and a dead person came back to life, which is also a very shocking thing for a Hogwarts professor.

Dumbledore looked carefully with his glasses, wondering if he recognized Peter, he remained silent, as if he was thinking about something.

In contrast, Professor Lupine's reaction was much more intense.

"Peter? Are you still alive?" He said excitedly, "Where have you been hiding for the past twelve years? Why didn't you show up in front of us?"

All eyes were on Peter, they all wanted to know the answer to this question.

"I... I'm afraid that the followers of the Death Eaters will find me troublesome, and they will think that I have indirectly killed the mysterious man." He said in horror: "If I wander around openly, there will definitely be remnants of the Death Eaters. kill me."

The professors nodded secretly, this reason seems reasonable.

"You're so stupid!" Professor McGonagall said pitifully, "There are so many of us here, which Death Eater would go out of his way to kill you?"

"It's great that you didn't die, but can you tell me what happened that day?" Lupine said gently, "It was Sirius who brought the mysterious man to find James and Lily?"

"That's right, he still wants to kill me." Peter said with a lingering fear, "Maybe because you guys are coming soon, he was forced to blow up the whole street... Fortunately, he still didn't run away."

"Okay! It's good that you are still alive. I believe many people will celebrate it." Professor McGonagall said with a smile: "This is a happy event!"

Other professors also showed relaxed smiles, as if the matter was about to be settled.

But, can Zhang Hao let the matter end like this?

"Professor! You may have said that a little too early!" He said quietly, "Aren't you surprised why we pointed our wand at him?"

"That's right! Why are you pointing your wand at Peter?" Professor McGonagall asked inexplicably, "Did he do something wrong?"

"Professor McGonagall, it's not the children's fault!" Peter was very cunning, he said first: "They mistaken me for a Death Eater, I won't blame them..."

"Aren't you a Death Eater?" Zhang Hao interrupted roughly, "Do you dare to stretch out your arm for everyone to see? Professor, you should know that even if Voldemort disappears, the black devil on the arm of a Death Eater The mark is still there. It's just faded, and it's not as easy to spot, right?"

Peter was sweating profusely, and he said timidly, "I... how could I be a Death Eater..."

His appearance made people who were already suspicious even more suspicious.

The expressions of the professors became serious, and Lupine approached Peter slowly. He said solemnly, "Can I see your arm? Prove your innocence! It's easy, isn't it?"

Peter couldn't help taking a step back, and then immediately stood back to his original position. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Remus, don't you believe me?"

Lu Ping did not speak, but glanced at Zhang Hao. He had already felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know anything.

"Hehe! If he is not a Death Eater, it means that Sirius is a Death Eater—there must be a Death Eater among them, right?" Zhang Hao looked at Dumbledore and asked with a smile: "Professor? Does Sirius have the Dark Mark on him? You should have checked, didn't you?"

Dumbledore was silent for a long time, and finally he was no longer indifferent at this time.

"Son! You're right, Sirius doesn't have the Dark Mark on him." He said helplessly, "We've always been puzzled by this matter, and now it seems that the answer is almost solved."

He turned to look at Peter, and said kindly: "Can you lift up your sleeves and have a look? If you are innocent, we will give you justice."

"Professor, I think Veritaserum is more effective." Zhang Hao said maliciously: "If I am wrong, I can compensate Mr. Pedilou. Believe me, if an innocent person knows how much my compensation is Great, he'll take as much Veritaserum as he wants!"

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