Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 19 For the Greater Good

When leaving the principal's office, Zhang Hao was in a good mood.

Since Dumbledore said that the problem is not a big one, let's take it as a problem!

Use joy to offset fear. Let's try this method.

Dementors are ants when they are alive, how much more waves can they make when they are dead?

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao couldn't help but feel amused, a person who died once would still lose his composure, how weak it is!

Look at the protagonists in some of their novels, no matter what they go through, they can collapse before the mountains and remain unchanged.

In comparison, Zhang Hao felt like a younger brother!

He thought open-mindedly: "My younger brother is my younger brother. How lucky I am to have so many great brothers!"

Oh! Forgive him for being so worthless! That's what he is!


The wizards in the castle gradually became active, and all the wizards who met Zhang Hao felt terrified.

His pair of pitch-black eyeballs are really shocking!

"What happened to him? Was it made by magic? Those eyes are so strange!"

"Yeah! I heard that he has been conducting magic experiments. Is there something wrong with some experiments?"

"Will performing magic experiments produce such terrible consequences? I will never dare to conduct magic experiments in my life!"

"Huh? Am I the only one who thinks he looks better? Before, this guy was like a sun, and I didn't dare to confess my love!"

"You can go now, he looks very individual!"


It didn't take long for various speculations related to Zhang Hao to spread on the campus.

"Hao! Is what they said true?" Daphne asked worriedly, "Why don't you stop conducting those horrible experiments? I've already said that dementors are not fun."

She has said this more than ten times, the little girl is always so sentimental.

"Yo Ho! Look at your current appearance... you are the scariest dark wizard without makeup!" Draco mocked, "Tell me, how can I become like you? I will learn from you... Wow! You've never looked more like a Slytherin than you do now, tsk tsk! Looks great!"

This child really hasn't been on the house for three days!

Zhang Hao stared at him blankly, making him tremble with fright.

The child was already timid, so frightened by Zhang Hao, his whole body exuded fear.

This made Zhang Hao feel very uncomfortable - fear was like a delicious food to him, and he couldn't help but want to take a sip.

But he dare not!

The two black pearls on the face have not disappeared yet!

"Draco! Don't talk nonsense... This situation is obviously abnormal." Harry scolded: "We should find a way to help him return to normal!"

"Ha! Potter? You're the good guy? I'm the big villain?" Draco said angrily, "Do you need to be in a hurry? Look at this bastard—he's not in a hurry at all, maybe he likes this What about the shape?"

"Even so, you shouldn't gloat." Of course Ron stood by Harry's side, and he said righteously: "Draco! Is this how you treat your friends?"

San Jiyou was talking, but they started arguing again.

Zhang Hao thought to himself: "Do you know why I'm not in a hurry? It's because you sand sculptures make fun every day!"

Secondary two teenagers have a lot of fun, and Hogwarts is not short of happiness.

If happiness can really cure Zhang Hao's demonic disease, then he only needs to be patient.

He will not tell everyone this idea, so some friends may be distraught.

"Why don't you go to see the professor?" Hermione said worriedly, "Or Madam Pomfrey, it's also a good idea. There is no record of your symptoms in the books I've read. I think you should pay attention to it."

She glanced at the three friends who were still arguing, and shook her head feebly.

At critical moments, some people are really useless!

Pan Xi said with a straight face: "You are not going to talk about it, why did it happen?"

Hearing this question, everyone looked at Zhang Hao, and even the three friends stopped their quarrel.

"Uh! Actually it's nothing, it's just that something went wrong in the experiment." Zhang Hao said calmly, "Thank you for your concern, I'm really touched!"

"It's really insincere!" Draco said disdainfully, "Is there a touch of emotion on your face?"

They chatted for a while and stopped worrying about it. After all, there was no good way to talk about it, and it was useless to hold on to it.

Some worries are only suitable to be kept in the heart, if you keep saying it, it will appear hypocritical.

Fortunately for Zhang Hao, none of these little friends are hypocritical, otherwise he would be bored to death.

The research on dementors was basically over, and Zhang Hao also captured several dementors outside the castle.

Although they have lost their use value, Zhang Hao doesn't want to let them go. He paid a lot of money to get these experimental products. How could he let them return to Azkaban?

Once Voldemort rises again, he will definitely go to Azkaban to rescue the old men as soon as possible.

With the dementor's sloppy personality, he will definitely fall into the arms of the Dark Lord immediately.

Therefore, it is best to catch and kill guys like dementors as soon as they can, and there is no need for any sympathy.

Now that the study of dementors is over, Zhang Hao is going to continue with the spell experiments.

Flamestrike and Thunderstorm are already in the works, and may be available in a few weeks.

At that time, as long as he finds time to practice the awakening potion, Zhang Hao can become an A-level wizard in one fell swoop, and there are few people in Hogwarts who are his opponents.

In this way, the time flashed to October.

The little wizards looked at Zhang Hao more and more strangely, and many people started to walk around him again.

Their behavior made Zhang Hao shake his head secretly. If he wanted to hurt them, even if they left the castle, he would not be spared.

"Hao! Lavender's rabbit is dead!" Hermione said worriedly: "Many people have begun to believe Trelawney's prophecy, and they suspect that you will become the Dark Lord."

Lavender is a Gryffindor girl who shares a dorm with Hermione.

In the first divination class, Professor Trelawney predicted that Lavender's worst fear would happen in October.

No one paid any heed to the prophecy at the time, but a few days into October, Lavender's worst fears actually happened.

That's right!

Lavender had been worrying about her rabbit dying, and that was her worst fear.

"Professor Trelawney's prophecy is so accurate!" Ron exclaimed, "Their family is amazing... almost every descendant is a master of prophecy."

There were many who harbored this thought, so it didn't take long for other prophecies to come to mind.

The most impressive of those prophecies is undoubtedly the one related to Zhang Hao:

"The darkness that overwhelms the sun...it is more frightening than death...it is constant and desperation...you never know when it will dissipate..."

This prophecy has been spread throughout the academy, and almost everyone can remember this prophecy.

Combined with Zhang Hao's recent changes, people are even more worried!

Witnessing the growth of a Dark Lord - is there anything more terrifying than that?

Zhang Hao was also helpless, he was recognized as the Dark Lord before he did anything? Is there anything worse than this?

Harry pulled Ron and said in a low voice, "But not all languages ​​can be fulfilled, right?"

"But the prophecies of the Trelawney family rarely come true, and the entire wizarding world knows about it." Pansy raised his chin and said, "What's wrong with becoming the Dark Lord? Being the Dark Lord is all wizards in Slytherin." Noblest pursuit, Draco dreamed of being the Dark Lord, didn't he?"

"That's right! I really want to be the Dark Lord in my dreams," Draco said angrily, "It's a pity that the prophecy wasn't about me. I wonder if Trelawney made a mistake about the prophecy."

"Cut! Childish! What's so good about being the Dark Lord?" Ron said disdainfully: "That's right! The name Dark Lord sounds really good, but what's the use of it? The Dark Lords of all generations have no good end, Grindel Wor is still in the tower of Nurmengard. You think you can be stronger than him? Draco?"

Draco snorted, but said nothing.

No matter how arrogant he was, he would never dare to say that he could be stronger than Grindelwald. What Ron said was true. There was never a shortage of dark wizards in the magic world, but few could become the Dark Lord.

And those who were crowned kings really didn't end well.

"Grindelwald?" Harry asked puzzled, "Who is that?"

The child's knowledge of the magic world is still as lacking as ever.

"That is a Dark Lord who is greater than Voldemort, and Voldemort is nothing compared to him." Zhang Hao said leisurely: "Voldemort became the Dark Lord only for his own self-interest, while Grindelwald is for a greater benefit. "

From a standpoint, Zhang Hao thinks he is no different from Grindelwald.

They all want to establish a new order dominated by wizards and assisted by muggles. The fusion of technology and magic will produce stronger productivity.

This is beneficial to the entire human race, which is the greater good.

"Greater interests? You use the word great to describe a Dark Lord?" Harry said in confusion, "Hao! Did I get it wrong?"

If another person said that, he might have been angry. His parents were both killed by Voldemort, and he has an almost innate hatred of the word Dark Lord.

"Oh! I never thought that this guy would be enlightened one day." Draco pointed to Zhang Hao, and said to Daphne: "Look, he said that Grindelwald became the Dark Lord for the greater good? The so-called greater What is the benefit? Can you explain it?"

"He does what he says!" Daphne hugged Zhang Hao's arm and said to Draco angrily, "Do you think you are smarter than him?"

The little girl is like an old hen guarding her cubs, she looks quite interesting.

"The greater benefit is to enable everyone to live a stable and happy life." Zhang Hao said seriously: "When wizards talk about Muggles, they are always full of superiority. But no wizard knows that if Muggles want to destroy the world, even if all the wizards put together cannot stop it. Muggle technology is getting more and more advanced day by day, sooner or later they will discover the wizarding world, and they will have more powerful weapons than magic. If we don't take the initiative to find a way to communicate with Sooner or later, there will be conflicts with them. At that time, what kind of situation do you think wizards will encounter?"

Everyone was silent, they never thought about it.

"The gap between us is really too big! I haven't even learned all the magic, and you have thought so far." Hermione said decadently: "This is the gap in vision and structure. I dare say that there is no one in the magic world better than you." Think further."

She comes from a Muggle family, and her knowledge of Muggles and wizards is second only to Zhang Hao. So she was the first to accept Zhang Hao's idea without any doubts.

"Come on! I don't believe it!" Draco couldn't accept this statement, he doubted: "Muggles are stronger than wizards? This statement is really ridiculous!"

"Yeah! How can Muggles be stronger than wizards?" Ron also said incomprehensibly: "They don't have any magic power, so what do they use to destroy the world?"

Daphne and Pansy were also puzzled, and they waited quietly for Zhang Hao to explain.

The attitude of these pure-blood wizards towards the Muggle world is deeply ingrained and cannot be reversed in a short time.

"If the Muggles are really allowed to destroy, they can indeed destroy the world." Harry said heavily: "Ummel Rickon created a weapon called an atomic bomb in 1945, which can kill the world with one single blow." Millions of people! Ingland also developed this weapon in 1952, if the Muggle Prime Minister decides to use the atomic bomb on the wizarding world, I am afraid that many wizards will not be able to survive."

All the pure-blood wizards present were shocked!

Can an atomic bomb kill millions of people? All the wizards in the entire magic world are not enough to kill!

"It's not that exaggerated!" Zhang Hao said with a smile: "There is a prerequisite for an atomic bomb to kill millions of people, and there must be so many people in the killing range."

Speaking of this, his tone suddenly became very serious: "Up to now, it is meaningless how many people an atomic bomb can kill. Because the existing nuclear weapons in the world are enough to destroy everything—and any existing magic cannot do it That. So, we can't ignore the power of Muggles, who are stronger than wizards in some ways."

"It's scary!" Ron said with his eyes widened, "Muggles are really dangerous!"

Draco was speechless, he was terrified again!

This topic was quickly exposed. After all, these things are still far away from everyone, and there is no benefit in talking too much.

"Hao! How are you feeling?" Hermione suddenly asked with concern, "Are your eyes really okay?"

Zhang Hao shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be a serious problem. I don't feel any discomfort. And the blackness in my eyeballs seems to have faded a bit, and it will disappear completely in a few days."

Daphne heard this and stared at his eyeballs carefully.

After a while, she said happily: "The color has indeed faded a lot, and the pupils can be vaguely distinguished!"

The others were also very happy to hear the news, only Draco was a little disappointed, he wished that Zhang Hao would always be like this.

A few days later, the blackness in Zhang Hao's eyes almost completely disappeared.

He felt that his magic power had increased again, and this increase in magic power was obviously abnormal, because he hadn't created any magic recently.

So, these magical powers come very strangely.

He speculated that it had something to do with the heart of the dementor. Perhaps all the fear accumulated before had been transformed into magic power.

These are his additional magical powers, and there is no other explanation.

In order to confirm this guess, he sucked the eyeballs into black again.

Thus, the wizards in the castle discovered that Zhang Hao, who had just returned to normal, was black again!

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