Lu Ke slipped into the crowd quietly, while Johanna drifted with the crowd.

She was so dazzling that it was impossible to hide it.

As expected, there were already Death Eaters ambushing here, but they were completely unaware of Lu Ke's approach. After all, wizards would never be wary of Muggles.

Wherever Lu Ke went, the Death Eaters fell quietly to the ground, and then Johanna followed and disappeared with them.

At this time, Harry was looking for platform nine and three-quarters.

Then he bumped into the Weasley family.

This is the first fateful encounter between Harry and Ron, but they don't have any premonitions yet.

They had no idea what a tortuous and touching story would happen between them in the future.

Of course, Mrs. Weasley, the super-powerful witch who is at least the headmaster level, the mother of all red-haired people, the only one not afraid of the twins' pranks, and Harry's protector, the mad-ass assassin Mrs. Weasley, kindly told Harry how to enter the platform.

It was such a powerful assist that Harry's affection for Weasley began and never ended.

After entering the platform, you entered the protection of Hogwarts. Now, no Death Eaters can hurt Harry anymore.

Of course, during the entire process, none of the wizards, including Harry, noticed Lu Ke's actions. In their eyes, Lu Ke was just an ordinary Muggle.

Then Lu Ke and Johanna walked to the platform together.

"it's over?"

"it's over."

It was Johanna who gave the final answer, they had done what they had to do.

"Then let's go."

After saying that, Johanna took Lu Ke's arm very naturally and followed him into the platform.

By the time they entered the platform, Johanna had transformed back into a second-year Slytherin girl.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts, Johanna."

Lu Ke stood next to Johanna, looked at the long steam train and sighed.

No one knew what this meant, but Lu Ke knew very well that the savior legend belonging to Harry Potter had finally begun to take place.

He did a lot of things that ordinary kids wish to do but can't.

"Let's go."

Without any luggage, Lu Ke and Johanna walked onto the train together.

Everywhere they passed, Slytherins smiled and said hello.

I don't know why, but Johanna has become extremely attractive now. As for Luke, of course he is still the same as before. He is Slytherin's Quidditch coach and it is impossible not to be unpopular.

The two walked to a cubicle together, and soon the place was filled with Slytherins.

The female prefect is now the prefect of the sixth grade. She still looks the same as before. Two months have not changed much.

"Lu Ke, are your clothes Muggle? They look very suitable for you."

They chatted while watching the houses recede outside the window, and then the train left the city and entered the wilderness.

The train moves forward through valleys and bridges.

Not long after, a girl and a round-faced boy pushed open the compartment door.

"Did any of you see a toad? Neville lost a toad."

Lu Ke smiled helplessly.

This is Hermione.

In first grade, she was such an unexpected little witch.

Even Neville, who is naturally slow, knew to knock on the door before entering the cubicle, and saw that the Slytherins in the cubicle were chatting happily, so he did not disturb them: both Lu Ke and Johanna noticed that they wanted to come in but couldn't. The one who walked away.

But Hermione, faced with several strangers, walked in without even knocking on the door.

No wonder she got into Gryffindor, no wonder Harry and Ron didn't like him at first.

But Johanna smiled at Hermione.

Almost instantly, Lu Ke was sure that Johanna liked Hermione.

It's simply unexplainable, but it is what it is.

"Since you're willing to help him, use the charm. It's much easier than going through all the compartments in the train."

Johanna looked at Hermione. She didn't have to do anything to convince Hermione that she only had good intentions.

Hermione looked excited: "I studied all the textbooks on my own, but there doesn't seem to be a magic spell to find things. Can you teach me?"

Johanna was asking Neville in the latter sentence.

"Neville...Neville Longbottom."

Neville looked nervous, he was always afraid of everything here.

Johanna smiled and waved her wand: "Here comes Neville's toad."

Then nothing happened.

Johanna smiled and shook her head: "Look, luck..."

But Lu Ke interrupted her: "No."

He reached out and caught the flying toad from the air.

"Nice spell, Johanna."

Johanna smiled: "Thank you, Lu Ke."

Lu Ke stood up and handed the toad in his hand to Neville: "Your toad."

Neville looked like he was about to cry. He took the toad carefully and said, "Thank you."

Lu Ke smiled at Neville: "Don't be afraid of Neville, there is nothing in this world worth fearing."

Neville said nothing, just nodded cautiously.

Lu Ke sighed silently.

Hermione showed an extremely interested expression towards Johanna: "How did you do it? No, how did you think of it?"

Johanna smiled, and that smile reminded Lu Ke of Johanna Ogulius.

"Just a little bit of craziness, girls are more likable when they're a little crazier."

These words caused laughter from the Slytherins around him.

Johanna, who frequently took out her ruby ​​sword and slashed people, was definitely not an ordinary crazy person.

"Of course don't go to Ravenclaw just because of this, they're too crazy."

Hermione looked ready to start an academic discussion with Johanna right here, while Neville prepared to leave.

He could tell that the place was full of Slytherins, and Neville didn't like Slytherins.


Lu Ke nodded to him: "Goodbye, Neville."

Then Neville left.

He did not leave any impression on the Slytherins, but while Johanna and Hermione kept talking, the female prefect whispered to Lu Ke about the new "Slytherins" who enrolled this year.

After all, the sorting ceremony has not yet begun, and it is already confirmed that the only ones who will enter Slytherin are the children of the pure-blood families.

"Draco Malfoy."

Lu Ke suddenly remembered what he had forgotten.

Draco Malfoy, a scoundrel born of a scoundrel, a Death Eater son of a Death Eater.

Snape's darling, Slytherin's darling.

A clown-like villain who inexplicably changed his ways in the end.

This is the absolute leader of the Slytherin Death Eaters Club.


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