Each professor at Hogwarts has its own residence, of which Professor Quirrell’s residence is a dark room on the fourth floor.

But where exactly, Wilkes hadn’t been there, so he searched for a long time before finally finding it.

After casting the Illusion Charm, he stood in front of a wooden door and looked at the sign that said: Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor’s Lounge

“Quirrell even chose such a remote place to live, let me find it.” Wilkes couldn’t help but complain, looking around, if it wasn’t for him, he just happened to glance at this room, and he really didn’t find that there was a room here.

After he complained, his expression never lost his vigilance, after all, coming to find Voldemort in the evening was a very dangerous thing in itself.

Although Voldemort is now very weak.

“I don’t know if Voldemort can still play tricks after the continuous destruction of Horcruxes.” Wilkes sneered secretly and tried to push the door.

Unsurprisingly, the door was locked.

He was too lazy to ink, and directly began to bang on the wooden door, and suddenly, there was a “bang” sound in the corridor.

“This… So late, it’s… Who is it?! ”

Immediately, before Wilkes could take a few shots, Quirrell’s stammering voice came from inside the room.

Without mincing, Wilkes whispered, “It’s me, Wilkes.” ”


Immediately, as soon as Wilkes’ name was heard, the door opened, and Quirrell, who looked surprised, poked his head out and measured the person standing at the door.

“Wilkes?!” After determining that it was really Wilkes outside the door, Quirrell’s eyes lit up with expectation, and he immediately looked around, then grabbed Wilkes’s shoulder and whispered: “Come in!” ”


The next moment, the door slammed shut.

As soon as he entered the room, Wilkes was silent on the surface, but secretly took out his wand, not daring to be careless, and looked at Quirrell who had just closed the door and turned to stare at him, his eyes narrowed.

“Since you’ve come looking for me, then something…” Quirrell stared at Wilkes, his eyes revealing undisguised longing, and roared, “Found it?!” ”

As soon as he saw Wilkes, Quirrell might usually tug with him, but he didn’t have much patience anymore and asked the most important questions directly.

According to common sense, the black market in Stern Lake has already been opened, and if nothing else, he should have traded by now, Newt Motra rat.

“Gee.” Looking at Quirrell, who was already impatient at this time, Wilkes laughed, his eyes narrowed, and secretly said in his heart: “It seems that Voldemort’s situation is no longer ideal.” ”

However, the more Voldemort’s situation became, the more relieved he became, but on the surface, he still had to do it.

“Since I came to find you, I naturally found it.” Wilkes pretended to be disdainful, took out a cage from the ring on his left hand, threw it at Quirrell, and said indifferently: “This thing, but it wasted a lot of my effort.” ”

Hearing this, Quirrell’s face was ecstatic, he took the cage, held his breath excitedly, and looked at the cage in his hand, which was containing a strange creature.

A creature with a red body and tumor-like hair on its back, resembling a house mouse.

Exactly the Newt Motra rat.

But at this time, Quirrell, who was full of surprise, his face suddenly changed, as if he heard some order, silently put away the cage, and turned his head to look at Wilkes cautiously.

Wilkes frowned.

“Well, the thing is right, I don’t know if Voldemort is still satisfied with this transaction.” He looked at Quirrell, disagreed, and said indifferently.

The only thing that can make Quirrell change color is Voldemort, who is pinned on the back of his head and survives.

“That’s right, Lord Voldemort is also satisfied, but Lord Voldemort wants to ask you, for the Philosopher’s Stone…” Quirrell looked at Wilkes with jealousy in his eyes, and said in a low voice: “I don’t know if you are interested, and Lord Voldemort…”


Wilkes interrupted Quirrell directly, and said without the slightest interest: “Since there is nothing else, then I will leave.” ”

Saying that, he walked to the door in front of Quirrell, who looked confused, and left here without being moved by the Philosopher’s Stone.

The deal is over, Wilkes doesn’t want to waste time here, as for Voldemort, hehe, even a Philosopher’s Stone has to cooperate with others, this is already weak to the point of weakness.

Was this still the Voldemort he knew?

You know, I’ll wait for Wilkes, but I’ll have to destroy one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes.

“I don’t know if Voldemort can get through it, don’t burp directly, then it will be interesting.”

Wilkes chuckled inwardly.

“Wait!” At this time, when Wilkes had already reached the door, Quirrell’s voice suddenly came from behind, and then said gloomyly:

“That’s the Philosopher’s Stone!”

(ps:………………..) _

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