Suddenly, as soon as his words fell, the mouse in the corner that was still “chirping” was actually Peter Pettigrew, and immediately froze in place.

Animagus’s little pettigrew Peter, his two small eyes, bulged sharply, staring at Wilkes, and a flash of horror flashed under his eyes.

Was he discovered?

Peter Pettigrew was a little incredulous, when he was chased by Wilkes before, although he still didn’t understand what he meant by chasing himself, he didn’t pay attention to it.

But the scene in front of him caught him off guard.

For a while, in the empty classroom, Peter Pettigrew and Wilkes, one person and one mouse, confronted each other, falling into silence.

For a long time, Peter Pettigrew finally recognized the fact, Wilkes was not laughing at all, he stared at Wilkes’s pair without the slightest emotion, staring at his eyes indifferently, without the slightest fluke.

He actually recognized him!


Almost instantly, when Peter Pettigrew figured it out, he almost immediately chose to act, and suddenly fled along the corner of the wall, the speed was so fast that he was close to the exit in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Wilkes disdained, if he could be escaped by Peter in this way, then he would not need to learn magic in the future, it was better to take a piece of tofu and kill himself.

He raised his wand, directly indifferently towards the exit, swiped it hard, and then, with a “touch”, the door closed with a sound.

Pettigrew Peter, with a pang of weakness and despair in his heart, stopped in front of the closed doorway, which was the only exit.


At this time, there was a burst of unhurried footsteps behind him, like a drum stick hitting the drum surface, beating on his heart with a sound.

“I can’t let you go, I still need you to do something for me, Pettigrew Peter.”

As Wilkes’ voice came from behind again, Peter Pettigrew suddenly felt light, and actually began to levitate and float behind him.


His two sharp claws, constantly pulling forward, looking at the exit that was close at hand, but had been closed, there was an inexplicable panic in his heart, Wilkes came to him, definitely not to play with him.


The next moment, when Peter Pettigrew turned his head to look back, he was only a flower, dizzy, and then seemed to be soaked in a hot spring, warm and comfortable.

“Out of the Soul!”

This was the last thing he heard in his ears. He completely fell into sluggishness, hovering weakly in front of Wilkes.

Wilkes casually swiped his wand, hovered Pettigrew Peter, after hovering in front of him, looked at him indifferently, and at the same time, there was some surprise in his heart.

“This Animagus, really worthy of being a top-level transfiguration, whether it is on the outside or inside, it is no different from a real mouse.” He said secretly in his heart.

Animagus’s transfiguration, Wilkes did not think about learning it in advance, but I have to say that the difficulty of this spell is at the same level as the Patronus Charm, and it is not something that can be cast at a glance.

And Animagus is not the kind of person who can keep practicing and trying to learn.

Every time the Animagus transforms, there is a very dangerous and irreversible danger, just like the phantom transfiguration, there may be a danger of disintegration, and it is the same.

Throughout the wizarding world, there are almost every examples of wizards who try to cast Animagus and eventually never return.

In fact, from this point of view, Peter Pettigrew was indeed underestimated by everyone in the original work.

When he was a student, he was able to cast Animagus, and in the original book, he and Crouch Jr. joined forces to capture the top Aurors, Alasto Moody, and so on…

These seemingly casual facts prove that he is not only timid, cowardly and useless.

Looking at Peter Pettigrew who had been controlled by himself, Wilkes couldn’t help but be a little funny, even so, he was just a levitation spell, a soul reaper curse, and completely controlled him.

“After living in the Weasley house for more than ten years, it is impossible not to know where the Marauder’s Map is, as long as you steal it, and by the way…”

His eyes flashed, and the first time he saw Peter Pettigrew before, he had a plan in his heart.

Wilkes didn’t know much about the Weasley twins, and didn’t yet know where they put the Marauder’s Map, and it would be a bit of a hassle to do it themselves.

This is a coolie sent to the door, not in vain.

At the same time, Wilkes, who had already had a plan, stared at Peter Pettigrew, who was hovering in front of him and had been completely taken by his soul, and suddenly thought of something.

“In the original book, one of the makers of the Marauder’s map is Peter Pettigrew, so how did they make the Marauder’s map, such a cheating thing?”

The more he thought about it, the more puzzled he felt, it stands to reason that this is not something that ordinary wizards can do, let alone students in their four student years.

The Marauder’s Map seems to be just a parchment map showing the directions of everyone within a certain range, but the things involved in this cannot be summarized simply with magic spells or transformation charms.

Even if it was Voldemort when he was a student, Wilkes did not think that he could make a magic prop that was better than this.

With just the four of them, are they better than Voldemort?

“In that case…” Thinking about it, Wilkes’s eyes radiated a dangerous light, staring greedily at Peter Pettigrew in front of him, who had no resistance, indifferently raised his wand, the tip of the wand was against the top of his mouse’s head, and said indifferently:

“Just let me see your memory.”

(ps: still owe ten more)_

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