Wilkes was helpless, if this was in the world of Harry Potter, maybe he would converge a little.

After all, there is a Ministry of Magic in the wizarding world, and he will not make trouble for himself.

It was different here, and it seemed that Wilkes had not yet discovered that there had been any magical intrusion in this illusion, or that there had been a threat to his existence.

“Don’t move! Hands up! Immediately after the sound of the iron door being kicked open, a loud roar interrupted his thoughts.

I saw that the first person to step on the rooftop was a middle-aged man, holding a black pistol in both hands, his eyes were bulging, and he didn’t dare to stare carelessly, a back standing on the edge of the roof at this moment.

Exactly Wilkes.

Immediately, in just a few seconds, countless special service personnel wearing police uniforms or special team uniforms, all armed with firearms, formed a semi-circular encirclement with serious expressions.

And the goal, naturally, is also Wilkes.

“Raise your hands, turn around slowly now, don’t move, otherwise we have the right to attack, please don’t challenge what I say!”

The middle-aged man who spoke up first seemed to be the person in charge of this operation, and the second voice was also him yelling.

In order to verify what he said, all the personnel surrounded on the rooftop at this time, the guns were all loaded, and there was a “click” sound.

And it also gives them some confidence.

Looking at the surrounded, wearing a black cloak and a black strange pattern power suit, from the side, Wilkes was still wearing a mask.

If someone sees this dress in normal times, they may think that he is not cos.

But now, even if it was just close to Wilkes, everyone couldn’t help but hold their breath, sweat running down their cheeks.

People who have not seen him suddenly surrounded by pitch black and smoky and flying straight into the sky can’t imagine what kind of existence this is.

This completely breaks the worldview of ordinary people.

No, or it is more appropriate to use “crush”.

In an instant, the atmosphere on the rooftop became extremely depressing.

On the other side, unlike their vigilance, sensing the police officers who were surrounding them behind them, or someone else, Wilkes just turned around and glanced at them.


Immediately, the police officer who had looked directly at him unconsciously took a step back, stopped breathing more, and his pupils dilated.

Seeing this, Wilkes shook his head, and did not want them to waste their strength, and said casually: “Although it is in the fantasy realm, I don’t have this quirk of bullying ordinary people, goodbye, don’t try to find me again, I also have a limit to patience.” ”

Then, in full view of everyone, he only opened his arms and fell downstairs freely.

But in an instant, when everyone reacted, they had subconsciously all put down the guns in their hands, and looked up at the pitch-black phantom flying away in the sky in front of them.

Even the person in charge of this operation, the middle-aged man, watched this scene and remained silent.

Only the fear that flashed in the depths of everyone’s eyes foreshadowed the uncalm in their hearts.

That pitch-black phantom is the back of Wilkes, who chose to avoid the battle, use the black magic phantom, and leave dashingly.

“He really…” Looking up at the sky, someone finally couldn’t help but mutter, “Is it a human…”

Fly away without any equipment.

No matter how many times you watch it, there are still people who can’t accept it.

Downcast, lost, desperate… With the process of trying to intercept Wilkes again and again, the hearts of everyone present were filled with all kinds of negative emotions.

No one thinks that they can catch him just by relying on them, and that is not realistic at all.

Everyone knew it in their hearts, but no one made a sound, just silently looked at each other, closed the team, and then waited for the next intelligence and continued to act.

On the rooftop, the person in charge of this operation, the middle-aged man, actually understood this better than the others, but he was helpless.

His face was full of irritation, he hammered a fist on the wall, and roared unwillingly: “There can be no large-scale support, large-caliber firearms cannot be used in the city, it cannot cause panic among the crowd, it can’t…”

Counting the demands and orders given to him by the “top”, he was full of grief and indignation.

“I will only make demands, but I never thought that this time I was not facing an ordinary terrorist attack…”

His forehead was bruised, his eyes looked at the direction where the back in the distance left again, and he felt powerless again, and muttered:

“He didn’t make a move this time, but how can I catch a force that can stop dozens of people at a glance, turn around and fly away.”

It seems to recall a previous scene when he led another team to arrest Wilkes.

In the end, it was just a look, and everyone in the entire army fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

If he hadn’t been far back enough at that time, he hadn’t walked in the front like this time, perhaps he would have been lying in the hospital ward like the people before.

Everything goes without saying …

No one knew an ability called “Fear Falling”, but that scene brought fear to everyone.

The more he thought about it, the more sad and indignant he became, and finally anger welled up in his heart, and he made up his mind to request the use of armed forces!

Ordinary troops, there is simply no chance of victory.

At this point, he did not hesitate to turn around, walked into the iron gate of the roof and left the rooftop, and continued his grief and indignation to no avail.


Once again, Wilkes did not choose to shoot, just left from afar, he was not stunned, there was no need to waste feelings with ordinary people.

It wasn’t until he flew between the sky, passing a place, that he stopped again and was stunned. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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