Time flows slowly like a white horse, but time is precious to Wilkes.

Because of the preparation for this Potions class exam, Wilkes really put a lot of effort into it.

Although Wilkes’ knowledge of potions is still far from good, Wilkes is still somewhat sure of finishing in the top three among the group of first-year students.

When the results were announced, Wilkes only glanced far in the crowd and saw his name written on the first place.

“I really didn’t expect his results to be so good.”

“Yes, Ravenclaw, this is the gathering place of all the top students at Hogwarts, so wouldn’t it mean that he was the first place in the entire house if he took the Ravenclaw exam.”

People around looked at the list and talked about it, before this, not too many people had heard of the name Wilkes, but from this time, everyone remembered the name forever.

Wilkes didn’t care what the others thought, he just wanted to find Snape as soon as possible.

Wilkes did not forget that under his various “coercion and temptations”, Snape finally agreed to teach himself Potions.

Although the system has given itself all kinds of anti-heavenly abilities, there is no way to use the system to master the theoretical knowledge in many wizarding worlds, so if you want to get a lot of knowledge about something, you still have to rely on Snape, the half-blood prince.

When it was a little dark, most of the students waited in the common room for their evening meal, or else, soaked in the library like Hermione.

Wilkes wore a dark black cloak and walked quietly through the corridors of Hogwarts.

Suddenly, a figure seemed to be bumped into by Wilkes. Wilkes subconsciously held his breath and was ready to attack, but found that the figure actually passed straight through his body.

“Wow, how’s that, didn’t you startle me.”

Wilkes looked up and saw a girl in Hogwarts uniform sitting on the railing of the stairs in front of him, with a pair of glasses on her round face, and a hint of sadness in her eyes.

It turned out to be Myrtle, this Myrtle is one of the many wandering spirits in this Hogwarts castle, and has a good personal relationship with Harry Potter, but the reason for her death is very pitiful, because she saw the eyes of the snake demon in the women’s bathroom, so she was cursed by death at that moment.

Seeing that it was the ghosts of Myrtle, Wilkes completely let down his guard, because these ghosts had no way to cause substantial harm to humans, and these ghosts were floating around the entire academy.

“Anyway, your sudden, really startled me, but now I don’t have time to chat with you, if you want to chat, then another day.”

Wilkes nodded at Myrtle with a polite smile and turned to leave.

“Hey! Boy, I’m not looking for you, I’m just here to tell you that something very bad is going to happen here, at Hogwarts. ”

Listening to Myrtle’s words, Wilket stopped and looked at Myrtle with a searching gaze, “I don’t know what you mean?” ”

Myrtle sat on the railing with her hands on her cheeks, her legs swaying back and forth involuntarily, her empty eyes full of fear.

“I don’t know, but I do know that I feel the same fear I felt when I died.”

Listening to this, Wilkes raised his eyebrows slightly, could it be said that the snake demon that Voldemort hid in the Chamber of Secrets was going to move ahead of time? It’s really strange, according to the timeline of Harry Potter’s plot development, it should not be that time yet, is it because his appearance disrupted all this.

“But why are you telling me about this?”

Wilkes looked up at Myrtle and asked with some surprise.

I saw Myrtle on the railing, stirring her fingers, and an imperceptible light flew on her face, “I don’t know why, but as a spirit body, I can feel that you are very powerful, and even there is something in your body that scares me very much, very afraid…”

As soon as the words fell, Myrtle’s body gradually became transparent and disappeared in place.

“Huh? Wilkes had to shrug helplessly, if there was really something in him that made these ghosts so afraid, it was probably the fear that the system gave him to descend and devour his soul.

This time, Wilkes really can’t even want to be a good person, and these abilities given to Wilkes by the system are all biased towards black magic attributes, and it seems that he is about to become a complete dark wizard in the eyes of others.

Forget it, no matter what terrible things happen to him, the soldiers will come to cover the water, not to mention the snake demon, even if the current Voldemort appears in front of him, Wilkes has the confidence to fight with one.

Wilkes knocked politely on the door of Snape’s office, but waited at the door for a long time without getting a response.

Could it be that Snape wasn’t there? But this time… It shouldn’t be.

Wilkes suddenly remembered the new ability he had just inherited yesterday, and the space was torn.

Space tearing seems to be able to travel through the void in addition to hidden objects, so can you go through the wall?

Thinking of this, Wilkes couldn’t help but move in his heart,

Wilkes slowly closed his eyes, under the power of this void, until a trace of blue light slowly appeared in his palm. He tentatively slipped his hand into the wall, and sure enough, the hard granite was now air-like to Wilkes.

“Actually… It can really go through the wall. ”

Although this ability is simple, but the use is too great, Wilkes wrapped all parts of his body with the power of the void, stretching into the wall at once, and was surprised to prob.

“What are you doing here?”

Suddenly, Snape’s cold voice sounded in his ears, and Wilkes couldn’t help but be startled, and hurriedly turned around to block the blue glowing void power on his arm with his body.

“Oh, it’s nothing, Professor Snape, I was about to come here to find you, but seeing that you weren’t there, so I was waiting for you here.”

Wilkes felt a little weak when he said this, because he wasn’t sure if his actions had been seen by Snape.

Snape glanced at Wilkes suspiciously, but didn’t say anything more. _

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