Wilkes let out a long breath and relaxed his body and mind, and the devil net that was still tightly bound to him was released in an instant.

Wilkes’s body fell solidly to the ground, and he shook off the soil on his body, Wilkes had seen the characteristics of the devil’s net in “Herbology” earlier.

The more you struggle, the tighter the devil’s net binds, and if you relax, you will break free.


There was a scream ahead, and Wilkes, hearing that it was Hermione’s voice, quickly moved his feet and chased the past.

In a very deep house, all the keys flying above were all the keys, each with elf-like wings, and now Harry was riding on the broom below and flying above the sky, looking for the key to the front door.

But because Harry’s speed on the broom was really unacceptable, the huge key was close at hand, but he couldn’t grasp it.

Wilkes shook his head and raised his staff.


In order to better prevent Harry from discovering Wilkes’ presence, Wilkes suppressed the light of his wand to a minimum.


A dark beam of light shot out and directly hit the biggest key flying above.

The speed of this key’s flight, if it seemed to others secretly, must be extremely fast, but in Wilkes’ eyes, it was vulnerable.

The speed of his beam was almost many times faster than the speed of flight.

Hermione’s eyes were quick, and she grabbed the key when she saw it slip off.

Ron couldn’t help but cheer for Harry. “Well done, Harry.”

Harry looked a little confused, obviously he didn’t touch the key at all, but the key fell to the ground by itself?!

Wilkes watched helplessly in the dark.

After opening the door, the next room is the chessboard room, and the whole room is full of stone chess.

Although Ron was not good at magic, he was the only one of the three of them who was proficient in chess, and he placed Hermione and Harry on either side of the chess piece, manipulating the forward movement.

Whenever the opposite side confronts us, the losing one will be directly destroyed by the other side, so they are now playing the real magician chess.

“Black chess goes D5, rook goes E4… Okay, that’s all for me, Harry, and don’t forget the General. ”

Ron moved forward while directing the stone statue he was riding underneath, and the stone statue on the opposite side directly destroyed the remaining stone statue of Rasheng, and Ron fell to the ground and fainted.

Harry took advantage of this time to directly generalize and crack this magic chess game.

“Hermione, Ron will leave it to you, will continue to move on.”

Hermione listened to Harry’s words, nodded, and left the place with one shoulder propped up.

Just as Harry was about to continue walking, only one voice was heard breaking the silence.

“The legs will stop.”

With this sound, Harry only felt that he was restrained all of a sudden, and fell to the ground at the end, and the ground was scattered with the debris of stone chess, and Harry’s head suddenly hit the stone and fainted directly.

Wilkes, who was in the shadows, slowly walked out and looked at Harry’s face with a hint of triumph.

“It’s time to dispose of you next.”

Wilkes raised his wand in his hand, and an illusory light emanated from the tip of the wand, pulling Harry’s memory.

“Modified Memory”

Wilkes is going to modify Harry’s memory, according to the original plot development, after Harry enters the underground secret room, he will meet Professor Quirrell…

Wisps of memories floated out of Harry’s brain, and along with the memories on Wilkes’ spell, they were reattached back to Harry’s brain.

Harry was originally unconscious, but now his body is also trembling, and the memories implanted by Wilkes flashed quickly in Harry’s brain, gradually portrayed in Harry’s heart.

Wilkes tampered with Harry’s memory, turning the memory in his brain into Wilkes, and finally turned the tide in the Chamber of Secrets and directly defeated Voldemort.

After doing this, Wilkes held his hands in the air, directly tore the void, and at the moment of opening, the void spit out a stream of fire, Wilkes looked at the small fire dragon struggling inside, and then glanced at Harry who fainted on the ground, and shook his head.

“It seems that you are still lying here, if I throw you into the void, presumably this little fire dragon will swallow you alive.”

Wilkes waved his hand casually as he spoke, closed the void, removed the mask around his waist, and put it on his face.

He would meet Voldemort in a moment, and Wilkes didn’t want to reveal his identity so quickly.

In the dark secret room, all that could be seen was the huge mirror in the middle, and a man in a robe was facing the mirror, and when he heard the footsteps behind him, he hurriedly turned around.

Professor Quirrell looked at the masked and black-robed man in front of him and frowned.

“What are you? How could it be here. ”

“Who I am, you don’t deserve to know.”

Although Wilkes wore a mask and could not see his expression, a hint of disdain could be felt in the tone of his speech.

Professor Quirrell listened like thunder, and then a voice came from the hollow stone room.

“I know you, mysterious boy, how did you show up here? Is it also for the Philosopher’s Stone? ”

As soon as this voice came out, Wilkes knew that it was Voldemort, and at this time, he only saw Professor Quirrell slowly take down the cloth around his head, and a human face appeared on the back of his head, strange, it was Voldemort.

Wilkes sneered at this point. “Voldemort, what are you here for? I naturally have what the end is, but you should be clear about my means, and you can’t take away what I target! ”

“Master, what are you doing with so much nonsense with him, kill him.”

Quirrell raised his staff as he spoke, and waved it in Wilkes’ direction.

“Drill the bones”

Intermediate surgeons can feel extreme pain, causing great pain, and possibly madness.

The powerful beam of light struck directly in Wilkes’ direction, and Wilkes looked expressionless.


As soon as Wilkes’s words fell, Wilkes’s figure flashed and disappeared in place, while Professor Quirrell’s spell fell directly and hit the stone steps.


A blast sounded, Professor Quirrell was a little alarmed, and hurriedly turned around, looking for Wilkes, only to find that Wilkes seemed to have disappeared.

“He’s on your head, idiot.”

Professor Quirrell quickly looked up, but found a strong light coming at her, which directly made her unable to open her eyes. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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