“Oh my God, Wilkes, you actually came back so soon?”

Seeing Wilkes appear at the door, he couldn’t contain the joy in his heart, rushed up and gave Wilkes a hug.

Ron saw Hermione hugging Wilkes, and his heart was very uncomfortable.

“Okay, okay, don’t make it look like life and death? Wouldn’t it be nice if he came back, let’s not disturb Professor Snape here, let’s go back quickly.” ”

Snape glanced at Wilkes on the side and did not speak, but shouted at Harry Potter and Ron. “Don’t think about leaving this matter unresolved, according to Hogwarts school rules, both of you should be expelled.”

Hearing Professor Snape’s words and Harry Potter couldn’t help but gasp.

“Expulsion…! That’s probably too harsh. ”

Hermione tried to interject, but Wilkes tugged at the corner of her coat.

Because Wilkes went directly to the two of them, he would not be fired, and in the end Dumbledore would come out to block it.

Sure enough, just after a while, Duoduo and Professor McGonagall pushed the door and walked in.

Snape pointed the newspaper in his hand to Dumbledore, counting the crimes of Harry and Ron.

“Headmaster, come and see, do you know how much of a sensation the two of them have caused in the human world? They almost exposed our world. ”

“Okay, I know, Professor Snape, calm down, I’ll take care of this.”

“Besides, the two of them are my students, and I’ll handle it.”

Professor McGonagall pushed her glasses and took Harry and Ron away.

Wilkes smiled at Hermione, “Look, I told you, don’t worry, the two of them will be fine.” ”

“You guessed right, but now I’m going back to the dorm room to sort things out, after all, there is a Quidditch game tomorrow morning, and I have to get up early to watch it.”

“Quidditch matches? How is it arranged for the start of school, but it seems to be quite interesting, okay, Hermione, now say good night. ”

Wilkes smiled at Hermione, then gently brushed his hand over Hermione’s head.

With Wilkes’ movements, a hint of red rose on Hermione’s face.

“Night, Wilkes, see you tomorrow!”

Today’s Quidditch match, Will sat with the people of Ravenclaw House, directly around Wilkes Ground wrapped in layers of Ravenclaw female students, Ravenclaw boys are too few, counting Wilkes only three people.

On weekdays, Wilkes hates this kind of activity, and he usually hides when he can.

But today is different, this Quidditch match is related to the next plot development, if Wilkes remembers correctly, this Quidditch match is Mahari’s first court meeting.

The last time he had cured Malfoy, Malfoy had been looking at him with a strange look, and several times he seemed to want to rush up and say something to him, but in the end he didn’t say anything.

Wilkes just finished his business today, so he came here to have fun and watch the game together.

With the Ghost Flying Ball in the sky, the game officially begins.

Although not interested, Wilkes knows a little about the rules of Quidditch, just like modern basketball.

The difference is that there is an additional golden snitch and Bludger on the field, and the Bludger jumps around on the field to interfere with the team’s line of sight. And the most important of them is that the golden snitch, if anyone can catch it, they can directly get a hundred points, which is equivalent to directly winning the game.

In this game, Malfoy had just become Slyzellin’s make-up player and was now going head-to-head with Harry Potter.

For the hot game in front of him, Wilkes did not have the slightest interest. And the only thing that interests him is Galeon and strength.

I saw Malfoy and Harry Potter on the field tossing and turning in the sky, chasing the elusive golden snitch.

I don’t know why, the Bludger on the field seemed to aim at Harry Potter, slamming into him vigorously, seeing that DeMalfoy was about to gain the upper hand and get the golden snitch, but suddenly, Harry Potter swooped over on a broom like Malfoy’s underneath, and the Bludger naturally rushed with Harry.

Successively broke a pair of masts supporting the field, and suddenly, the sound of clicking, clicking wood cracking was endless, and seeing this scene, the surrounding audience all screamed loudly.

The Bludger passed over Harry, who was leaning down, and crashed straight into Malfoy, knocking him off his broom, and Malfoy fell from tens of meters in the sky at once.

“No…” came a worried exclamation from the audience.

At this time, the white-bearded Dumbledore stood up, extended his wand on the head platform, and used a skilled levitation charm, causing Malfoy to fall lightly to the ground.

Although Malfoy didn’t fall, his right leg was broken by a Bludger.

Suddenly, the game ended due to Malfoy’s injury, and the whole scene was in turmoil.

Looking at the commotion in front of him, Wilkes sighed and shook his head, as if leaving this place of right and wrong, but at this moment, a pair of people in green uniforms blocked his way.

“Hello! You’re Wilkes, we’ve heard your name, we’re a Quidditch team in Slychelin, and our make-up player is injured, so can you come off the bench for us. ”

“Well, this,” Wilkes didn’t know how to answer for a moment, he had never played Quidditch, let alone even rode a broomstick.

“Why did you find me to replace you?”

Wilkes thought for a moment and asked.

“I asked them to come to you.”

Behind the group of green-clad players came Malfoy’s silent and indifferent voice. Hearing Malfoy’s voice, the group of team members gave way one after another, only to see Malfoy, one leg in a plaster cast, limping towards Wilkes on crutches.

“Because we don’t have a make-up player on our team, and you Ravenclaws, because there are too many girls and don’t have a suitable team, it’s fair for you to play in a neutral position, and the most important thing is that I’m sure you won’t refuse me, right?” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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