“Wei… Wilkes. Hermione was completely red from the base of her ear to her face, and she stepped out of the compartment in small steps, pinching her blouse with her hands that didn’t know how to place.

“Just sent … Did something happen? ”

With his eyes narrowed, staring at Hermione coming out of the cubicle, Wilkes was silent for a moment before letting go.

It should be that I didn’t see it.

Wilkes hid his left hand at his side without moving, intending to study this ability and the mark on the back of his hand when he had time.

Then, he did not hide his strange look at all, and even said with some admiration: “Have you never felt the unusual riot outside?” ”

But after speaking, Wilkes was stunned, looking at Hermione’s twisting appearance, and suddenly thought of the scene he had just seen.

In an instant, the embarrassed and ambiguous aura instantly froze.

Hermione didn’t even notice that the bathroom door was in a mess at the moment.

Ablated stone doors and vaulted roofs, cracked stone walls that look almost “concave” from the outside, and the remains of severed limbs and rotten flesh can be seen everywhere on the floor outside the washroom.

If it weren’t for some complete parts, I wouldn’t recognize it, this used to be a troll!

There was also dark green mucus, which constantly oozed from the rotten flesh and began to expand on the ground.

As for the entire corridor outside, there were traces of magical attacks everywhere, as if they had been trampled by war.

“Oh! Oh my God! At this moment, a female exclamation echoed in the corridor outside the bathroom.

Wilkes came back slightly from the embarrassment, and guessed in his heart that it was almost the same, and at this time, the professors outside should have arrived.

“That… That, let’s explain to you later, it should be that the professors are coming, let’s go out first. Wilkes said a little embarrassed, and walked over to Hermione.

Hermione twisted and lowered her head not daring to look up at Wilkes, but just nodded.

After asking for permission, Wilkes took Hermione’s small hand with his right hand and walked towards the door of the bathroom that had melted.

“This… This is! Hermione looked shocked when she realized that the stone door to the bathroom was long gone, and she saw the scene outside through the doorway.

“Wilkes!” Hermione subconsciously squeezed Wilkes with both hands, followed him carefully on the ground covered with dark green slime, and walked out of the bathroom.

As soon as he came out of the bathroom, Wilkes saw five or six people with suspicion, shock, doubt, and solemn eyes, standing at the door of the bathroom, in front of the pile of broken limbs.

Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Snape, Professor Quirrell….

Most of them are professor-level, and among them is the doctor of Hogwarts, Madam Poppy Pomfrey.

Wilkes was surprised that everything Dumbledore did was thoughtful and thoughtful.

“Oh! Miss Hermione Granger, and this… Mr. Wilkes, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation. Seeing Wilkes and Hermione coming out of the bathroom, Professor McGonagall first questioned them with a serious look.

While questioning, he stepped forward to check whether they were injured with even more worry, as if he had been injured.

Hermione unconsciously took a few small steps back and curled up behind Wilkes, like an injured fawn.

“Professor McGonagall, thank you for your concern, we are not hurt.” Wilkes first thanked Professor McGonagall for his concern, then looked at the others.

At this moment, the other professors did not speak, and Dumbledore only lowered his head, looking at Wilkes through the half-framed glasses.

The other professors were not like Professor McGonagall, and their eyes showed some suspicion and puzzlement.

Professor McGonagall was also on the sidelines, looking at them with embarrassed faces, praying that this matter had nothing to do with them.

“Good evening, professors.” Wilkes first spoke calmly, and then his right hand was lightly raised sideways, pointing to the ground and surroundings, and his face gradually became gloomy.

“I didn’t expect to encounter this kind of danger at Hogwarts, trolls, or a group of trolls, if I hadn’t happened to pass by, I’m afraid Hermione would have died a long time ago.”

Wilkes Wicked sued first:

“I hope the school gives us an explanation, otherwise it will affect the reputation of Hogwarts, and it will not be responsible for the students studying at Hogwarts!”

Wilkes’s face was not pretending at all, really a little angry, even with disdain, if it was a troll in the original book, even if it was Hogwarts, it was not solid.

But this attracted a group of trolls, and they didn’t even find the slightest, which is a fatal mistake!

If it wasn’t for him, or if Hermione happened to come here, he also came here in advance for Hermione, I don’t know what kind of serious casualties and panic it will cause.

Of course, he wasn’t a saint, he was basically just worried about Hermione’s safety alone, and he didn’t care how many other people died.

With a torch-like gaze and disdainful indifference, Wilkes stared straight at Dumbledore, waiting for his answer.

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