However, Wilkes did not keep looking at the Shadow Bear’s eating appearance, but raised his wand and released more than a dozen protective charms and the “Enemy Trap” spell.

The “enemy trap” can form a protective barrier, hiding the nearby environment, and Wilkes can detect it if someone approaches.

“Next, it’s about getting a good look at this new ability.” Wilkes looked down, raised his arm, and stared at the back of his left hand, which was now tied up with a white bandage, which was his main purpose tonight.

Of course, he was not injured, just to hide the mark.

Wilkes gently removed the bandage, and suddenly, a cyan fluorescent light emanated from between the bandage gaps, and when the long bandages were removed, a mark was finally revealed.

Circular in shape, it consists of three gradually smaller rings, forming the imprint of reincarnation, accompanied by warm cyan fluorescence.

In the Forbidden Forest at night, it looks particularly dazzling.

With his right hand stroking the back of his left hand, which was nothing unusual on the surface, Wilkes stretched out his left hand and used that ability again:

“Son of Death, put!”


In an instant, a torrent of fluorescence shot out from the back of Wilkes’ left hand, gradually forming seven huge figures in front of him.

It’s the same as the first time I saw it, Troll Soul.

“Roar, roar, roar!!” Seven giant troll souls

As soon as they appeared, they all roared lowly, but they all seemed to be very slow.

Some stood dumbfounded, some looked around, and even one was stupidly picking his huge nostrils.

Although his appearance was not pretty, Wilkes nodded, very satisfied.

Even wild trolls are dull and simple, but with their huge strength and strong magic resistance, it is difficult for them to have opponents.

Not to mention that now, they are still in control of themselves!

Wilkes believed that under his control, their combat effectiveness was at least a few chips stronger, and they were a pretty good meat shield.

The shadow bear, who was eating happily on the side, buried his head and ate food, was also attracted by the troll’s soul, but only stayed for a while, and then continued to bury his head and “eat”.

Wilkes then learned about the troll’s soul, and stepped forward to fumble a few times, looking surprised:

“A very condensed soul does not know what kind of ability the ‘Child of Death’ is, so that the soul becomes almost as if it has substance.”

In the wizarding world, although it is not uncommon for souls to stay in the world, such as the ghosts of various houses at Hogwarts.

Whether it is the soul of an animal or the soul of a wizard after death, they can leave their own imprint in this world in advance during their lifetime, and after death, they can choose whether to continue to “walk” or choose to return to this world and exist in the form of ghosts in the places where they have lived and walked.

But this kind of soul, very different from the soul in front of Wilkes, the ghosts have no substance and cannot perform physical acts.

“Just don’t know about the troll soul… Well? Wilkes suddenly frowned when he wanted to learn more about the troll’s soul step by step.

Secretly perceived, and found that it was the “enemy trap” set by him that was triggered.

How is this possible?

Wilkes’ face was full of quirkiness.

Originally, it was only out of caution that Wilkes set up the Protection Charm and the Alert Charm, but in fact, he didn’t feel that he would encounter anything in the Forbidden Forest in the middle of the night.

It won’t come out the first time and be discovered, right?

Wilkes frowned and walked slowly to the outermost periphery of the protective barrier of the “Enemy Trap”, cautiously watching around to see who had triggered his spell.


It was like a breeze blowing through the Forbidden Forest, and the sound of rustling leaves in the air, but Wilkes was not at all relaxed, but frowned even more.

Because, now there is no wind at all.

In the direction where the voice came, Wilkes, with his extraordinary vision, only saw shadows flashing.

Wilkes looked down and thought for a moment, and suddenly realized, his brows stretched.

If it is “them”, it is not difficult to understand.

“Fluorescent flashing!” Wilkes casually threw out a light mass at the tip of his wand, slowly passing through the shrouded range of the “enemy trap”, deflecting into the distant mid-air.


Suddenly, when the light mass floated hundreds of meters away, it suddenly bloomed with a gentle, but widespread, light.

“Click! Click! ”


“Click! Click!! ”


In an instant, as if the entire Forbidden Forest had been set on fire, countless crisp collision sounds kept coming out on the ground, all gathered under the white light mass floating in the sky, as if they wanted to tear it apart.

I saw that at this moment, within a radius of hundreds of meters, there were all over the place, as big as a horse pulling a cart, with eight eyes, eight legs, black and hairy behemoths.

“Eight-eyed giant spider!” Wilkes’ eyebrows furrowed, and sure enough, it was exactly what he had guessed.

He said that it was impossible for him to be so unlucky, but the first time he sneaked into the Forbidden Forest, he was discovered.

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