Harry Potter and the Dragon Prince

Chapter 131: Mutation Attack

"Miss Granger? What's going on with you?!"

"Mrs. Pince? Ah!" Hermione, who was still distracted, suddenly turned her head and found Mrs. Pince not far away. She was startled, her feet were empty, and she fell off the ladder directly.

Mrs. Astoria and Pince were taken aback, but they had no time to save Hermione, and Mrs. Pince was ready to send Hermione to the infirmary.

But unexpectedly, a purple light flashed past, and Hermione fell steadily to the ground, but it seemed that only Hermione herself noticed that it was the light from the coin.

"I'll call Madam Pomfrey." Astoria also ran outside,

"No, no, I'm fine." Hermione slowly got up from the ground, jumped twice, indicating that there was nothing wrong with her body.

"..." Mrs. Pince and Astoria glanced at Hermione, and subconsciously regarded the light just now as the spell Hermione released when she saved herself.

"But Miss Granger, do you want to explain why you ran to such a high place, if you didn't have time to cast the spell, you fell directly, and your life might even be in danger!"

"I know, it's just that when I was looking for books, I suddenly became curious about the bookshelves, so I took a peek and found that there was no dust at all."

"Of course not, this is the dust-proof magic that comes with the library... Well, let's forget about it this time, but let me find you in the restricted area later, no, if there is trouble in the library again, don't come here in the future. "

"Yes, Mrs. Pince." Hermione also hurriedly lowered her head and bowed. If she didn't come to the library, it would kill her. This is not acceptable.

"Okay, did you find the book? Come here and register."

"Okay." Astoria walked out with the book first, while Hermione glanced at the summer vacation around her, but didn't see the book she was interested in.

It's not that she suddenly doesn't like reading and studying anymore, but that last year, with Lockhart's signature, she read most of the books, except of course some black magic that she didn't want to study illegally.

But just when she was about to leave the book at random, the coin shone again, but this time it wasn't all of it, but the left half.

"Are you guiding me?"

Hermione walked to the left with some doubts, and after passing 3 bookshelves, the light of the coin turned to the right, signaling her to turn right.

"Is there something on the right?"

Hermione continued to turn right, and after walking a few steps, the light on the coin disappeared completely. Hermione looked to the side, and a book that looked very different appeared in her field of vision.

Because in order to keep the bookshelf beautiful, books of similar thickness and size will be placed in a row, but this very large book is placed in a row of the smallest book.

""The Magic Switch of the Human Body", written by Michel Sayev, is it a book about magic control?" Hermione hesitated for two seconds, and took it off the shelf.

There is nothing on the front and back of the book cover, just a black outer cover, and the only title and author are only a vertical column on the spine.

She opened it gently, and found that it was all blank, which reminded her of Voldemort's diary, and she felt flustered for a while.

But when it was peeled off, a hollow hole suddenly appeared on the white page, and a line of words appeared on the white page, put it in.

Hermione understood in an instant, put the coin in, and then she saw something that she couldn't believe even after she came to the wizarding world...


"Harry, get out of the way!"

"Fast and fast!" Wood cast a spell on Harry casually, and Harry felt his feet lighten immediately.

Pounced to the side, just in time to escape the attack of the giant spider.

"Upside down golden hook!"

"Break into pieces!"

The two seniors on the side also shot quickly, and the spell was just half a second away. The moment the giant spider was hoisted, its body was smashed to pieces and hit the giant spider's soft belly directly!

"Huh...it's over, score 6 points!"

"Haha, the seductive and pretty Harry!" Wood also came up and patted Harry's little shoulder.

"I'll do my best too." Harry's hair was mostly wet because of nervousness, but the joy at this moment was not fake.

"Next? Do you want to go deeper? The fog has reached this level, and simple fluorescent flashes are no longer effective."

"By the way, we don't seem to have seen a single other team..." Harry closed his eyes, and there was no other movement except the sound of the wind blowing the leaves.

"Yeah, there were nearly a hundred teams that came in, that is to say, about 400 people. Although the Forbidden Forest is big, it shouldn't be that no team has encountered it."

"Is anyone there?" But at this moment, a familiar voice sounded not far away.

"Huh? Someone's coming...!" Harry and the others immediately stood up and walked over there. After a while, a figure bumped into him, almost touching Harry.

"Sorry, sorry... I didn't see clearly, eh? It's Harry."

"Senior Cedric!?" Harry also saw clearly that the person who bumped into him was Cedric. He said that the two hadn't seen each other since they separated in Dorset.

"Oh, Wood, it turned out to be your team, I thought it was them."

"What? You and your team members got separated? Little boy won't let you lose your way," Koyaf next to him teased. After all, in the fifth grade, the school girl I liked actually liked Cedric, so he gave it back to him. The fact that he sent a good person card made him a little bit worried.

"Okay, Koyaf, every time you tease people." Lita also felt a little embarrassed, after all, Koyaf had such a temper, and he couldn't stop it.

"It's all right, the main reason is that I feel that we should leave here as soon as possible, because there seems to be some special situation with the giant spiders, and I got separated from them because of this, in order to escape."

"Escape? Have you encountered too many giant spiders? It's nothing. Giant spiders are social creatures, and their IQ is not comparable. They will ambush people. Besides, the fog is so thick, it is a good time for them to move around."

"No, it's a mutated acromantula. I don't know how to describe them. Anyway, they are more aggressive, and ordinary spells can't break through their defenses at all."

"So we can only run away, and now I don't know what happened to them..." After saying this, Cedric's face obviously became a little bad.

After all, this team was formed by him. The two seniors and one junior both volunteered to join him, and they were also his good friends. He was a little nervous from the bottom of his heart.

"Drink your saliva and calm down first. Don't worry. With the security protection of the school, just trust Dumbledore's promise."

"Well, but now I want to go back as soon as possible and inform the school that the crimson giant spiders are not something students can deal with. Unless they use black magic that will kill them, they will not be able to penetrate their defenses at all."

"There's more than one of them!?" Hearing this, the people who were calm at first suddenly felt that there was something more around them, and a sense of crisis surged up.

"Well, it's just that I saw three of them. The Forbidden Forest is so big. If there are only three of them, we can't beat them, but we can still run."

"Is it...? Then... what about the five?"

"Huh?" Hearing Harry's trembling voice, Cedric turned his head suddenly, and a red shadow slowly moved towards them.

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