Herma then planned to go to Professor Sprout, and then to Hufflepuff's lounge. Of course, other methods could be used, such as the Polyjuice Potion used by Miss Hermione in the original book.

Of course, it's better to go in openly, but he is a Slytherin, so if he wants to go in, he may have to seek the consent of the prefects and the headmaster.

Moreover, it was not a trivial matter concerning the heirs and treasures of the academy. He had to be careful in his actions. If there were any special circumstances, he would not be able to explain them to the school.

But he couldn't go now, he had to go to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class now, and it was still a big class, but after the class, Hema suddenly felt a lot quieter.

Looking forward, Snape stood there, looking at the students below with an unhappy expression, his brows seemed to be frowning together. Of course, the main target was Harry next to Ron.

Hema found a random place to sit down, and Snape walked off the podium, raised his wand and waved to the side!

Bang bang bang, all the windows were closed, and the whole space fell into darkness and silence, and then returned to the podium. This rhythm reminded Hema of an edited video he watched before crossing, which was the perfect stuck point.

"Today, this class will be taught by me."

"Where's Mr. Lupine?" Harry raised his hand suddenly, causing Snape's originally stable mood to split apart instantly.

"I'm here for my class. Lupine naturally has his own business. Harry Potter, you interrupted the teacher's speech. Could it be that Professor Lupine taught you?!"

"Not a professor!"

"Then go to class quietly, and Gryffindor will deduct 5 points!"

"By the way, why does our dean hate Harry Potter so much?"

"It must be because of Harry's appearance, nosy but foolhardy, self-proclaimed hero."

Whispering started again, but with the tap of Snape's wand on the table, the classroom fell silent again.

"Today there are students from two houses, Slytherin and Gryffindor, so the progress should be different, so today we will talk about werewolves."

"But professor, we have just finished learning about Boggart, Red Hat, and Grindelwald. Are werewolves too early for us?"

Hermione suddenly raised her hand and said to Snape, but Snape obviously waved his hand and glared at Hermione.

"I think for a student, the first thing you learn is to respect the teacher in class and don't interrupt them! Another 5 points will be deducted from Gryffindor."

"Also, Miss Know-It-All said it was too early. I think it's too late for you. Creatures like Boggarts and red hats are things you should be able to handle alone in the first grade!"

"But..." Hermione also frowned and planned to continue to say something, but Lavender and Thomas tugged at her sleeves next to her.

For the sake of collective honor and college points, Hermione still suppressed the words in her mouth, and of course her little eyes were still full of anger.

"Everyone, turn to page 394! NOW!"

Many people in the class secretly exchanged glances in pain, some muttered a few words quietly, but opened the book.

"Can any of you tell me how to distinguish a werewolf from a real wolf? Or what kind of thing is a werewolf?"

Following Snape's words, the students below were all puppets, motionless and silent. Of course, Hermione still raised her hands as usual.

Hema also subconsciously raised her hand, but quickly put it down again. After all, he didn't want to show any publicity, especially in front of Snape.

It's useless.

In terms of major and important matters, he should help himself. After all, there is old Dengtou there, and there is a potion trade between the two of them, so there is no need to gain favorability from the class.

"Sure enough, I knew that Lupine didn't even teach you such a simple thing!" Snape showed a mocking smile, which made Harry even angrier, and directly raised his hand.

But Snape obviously didn't want to call Harry. Although he could taunt the other party if he got the wrong answer, but if he got the right answer, would he get extra points or not? Forget it anyway.

Seeing Snape's narrow-minded thinking, Hema almost laughed, but in the next second, a hand suddenly reached out to Hema's back and patted him.

Hema looked to the right to see Ron winking at him as a small note slid onto his desk between two rows of Lytherin students.

Ron boy, what do you want me to do? Could it be about Hermione? That's not right... Ron, this kid doesn't have any talent for love.

‘Hema, can you help me find Scabbers? He didn't know when he ran away. I haven't seen it for the past two days. I suspect that it was eaten by Hermione's cat. '

After reading it, Hema was stunned for a moment... How could Pettigrew die? He must have heard the news of Sirius' invasion and hid himself.

But Hema suddenly thought of another point, this class was replaced by Snape, so what did Professor Lupine do? It's impossible to become a werewolf, right?

Although it is said that after being infected, the werewolf cannot completely turn back into an ordinary person, but it can be restrained by some means, and he should have obtained this method during the summer vacation.

Yes, it was with Mr. Newt Scamander, on the night of the full moon, he didn't turn into a werewolf, but appeared in front of them in good spirits the next day.

So there are other arrangements, such as being arranged by the old Dengtou to capture Sirius, or he took the initiative to go, who knows?

In class, after Snape scanned around, he slapped the table hard, and after ignoring Hermione and Harry who raised their hands, they looked at Ron.

"Ron Weasley, answer."

"Huh?" Ron was also taken aback. He never thought that he would be questioned by Snape. Although he always claimed that he was not afraid of this big bat, he was a little nervous to be stared at.

Snape looked at Ron's tense face, and his mood was a bit calmer. This guy must not be able to answer.

But Lavender Brown next to Ron suddenly raised his hand, "Professor, we haven't learned the chapter on werewolves yet, so it's not too much to ask."

"No, this is a matter of common sense, even students in grades 1 and 2 should know it!"

"Uh...that werewolf is a human who turns into a werewolf at the full moon, but a werewolf is different from a normal human wolf."

"Because werewolves are caused by wolf disease, and wolf disease is a magical disease, when they are essentially normal, they are still human beings."

"In addition, wolf disease spreads continuously through infection. If a werewolf bites you, you will be infected. Of course, under normal circumstances, you will be killed by the werewolf before you are infected."

After hearing Ron's word for word, everyone was stunned, including Snape, who was in a bad mood.

"Ron, that's great!" Lavender was also the first to speak, and then applauded, and the other Gryffindor students also applauded.

Snape frowned tightly, and looked at Ron in disbelief. This kid suddenly became enlightened? No way…

"Quiet! Mr. Ron Weasley's answer is correct. It's very beautiful. I hope you can still answer such beautiful questions in future questions... 1 point for Gryffindor."

"Hey?" The lion cubs below were also surprised, not because they were happy because of Snape's extra points, but because of the extra points, who are you fooling!

But the comparison is also a bonus, and they didn't say much, they just didn't give Snape a good look, and of course Snape didn't care about it.

But Hema was the most surprised that Ron could answer. He seemed to pay a little attention here.

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