"It would be bad if he was snatched away again. Otherwise, you should take him back to school first and find Teacher Cahall. She will handle it. She is an expert in this field."

"Huh? What about you?"

"I'm going to save Sirius and the others, and there's such a big commotion here, the Ministry of Magic should be arriving soon, and it should be almost the same to solve them."

"Well, you must be careful." Dogan also took the overall situation into consideration, nodded, glanced at the little guy in his arms, and prepared to go back to Hogwarts with Ellie first.

But at this moment, the little guy suddenly widened his eyes, floated up again, and quickly flew towards the altar!

The four of Hema were also taken aback, and followed immediately. After all, there was no need to think about whether to stay or not now. The little guy seemed to have his own thoughts suddenly.

But when several people rushed to the vicinity of the altar, they saw that the group of people in the top blood and Sirius had temporarily formed a wartime alliance.

And the group of giant spiders is pressing towards them step by step, behind is the altar that just left, but at this time the altar has also undergone some special changes!

The altar, which was originally empty, was filled with a red liquid several meters deep, and changed from a basin to a small lake filled with red liquid.

Moreover, the red liquid did not seem to be blood, but a transparent viscous substance, and the corpses inside and the traces of the battle just now disappeared without a trace.

Immediately, even the people on the side of the blood at the top dare not continue to retreat. Who knows what will happen if they fall into the red liquid.

"You guys, come on, you've been baptized, why are you afraid of spiders, we'll help you!" Mobetta glanced at the big men in the crowd.

"Ah? Don't want it, boss?!" The four red-skinned werewolves were also taken aback for a moment, and then looked at dozens of giant spiders, and suddenly felt a chill down their spines.

"Didn't you baptized get the power of inheritance?" Dark 11 also looked at several people displeased!

For this reason, Darkness 11 can't wait to apparate away directly, but the only people who can do it here are him and a dark warlock, and no one else can.

If you leave directly, or take only a few people with you, you will definitely be responsible, but if you don't leave, maybe it will become the other party's dinner.

So he is still hesitating, but if his life is really in danger, he will definitely leave by himself first, after all, his life is gone and everything is gone.

Although he can't complete the task, he has to bear the responsibility, but Mobetta is not the main one responsible. If they are all dead, he is talking to the above, and there are no witnesses, so what he said is true!

But at this moment, the acromantula pushed towards them again, as if it wanted to drive them into the red liquid pool behind.

Sirius and the others also looked at each other, Hagrid immediately took a deep breath, and they rushed forward!

"Thunderbolt explosion! Disapparation!" Suddenly Lupine and Sirius cast two spells at once!

The thunderbolt exploded in the crowd of giant spiders in an instant, they swayed suddenly, and the flames on their bodies became more fierce, but in the next second, Lupine grabbed Hagrid, Sirius grabbed Peter and Greyback, and flashed away. go out.

The place where it appeared was right behind the group of giant spiders, and as soon as Lupine landed on the ground, another curse directly aimed at the buttocks of all the giant spiders in front of him!

"Shocking storm!"

With a swish sound, all the giant spiders that had just been blown up were blown out by a blast of wind. Although this spell has no attack effect, but...

With a burst of wind pressure, all the giant spiders and a few werewolves were thrown directly into the altar pool in front of them!

Dark 11 and the few subordinates beside him were also taken aback,

Then he turned around in a hurry, and cast a few spells on the giant spider that fell in!

But before their spell touched the giant spider, there was a muffled sound in the originally peaceful space, and it was not anywhere else, but it was under this basin, at their feet!

"Withdraw!" An 11 beckoned directly, and directly brought Mobeta to a distance of more than ten meters with a spell, while the other werewolves also ran quickly!

A few werewolves who had just fallen were just about to climb out, but they were thrown into the liquid again by these tremors!

Originally, the eight-legged spider should have come up faster, but at this moment it was soaked in it and became still without moving.

Everyone frowned immediately, but in the next second, with a muffled sound, the ground in the center of the altar was torn apart!

A giant black hook claw as thick as a tree trunk directly pierced the ground, cutting through the red liquid, and then the second one! The ground of the entire altar was completely shattered!

The red liquid poured into the ground in an instant, and the werewolf who just fell screamed and crawled desperately to the ground, but the surrounding red giant spiders started to move one after another.

Surrounded them directly, their sharp claws that can cut through the flesh can only leave a few conspicuous scratches on the giant spider's shell.

Ten seconds later, the three werewolves were bitten to death by more than a dozen giant spiders, but the giant spiders did not continue to attack upwards, but slowly climbed out of the altar and walked to the four corners of the altar. It became a circle around.

"What are they doing here?"

"Why don't we hurry up and find that little thing!" Mobeta glanced at the giant spider slowly crawling on the ground, and suddenly felt a little bad.

"Wait, do you know what that liquid is?"

"Liquid? Red liquid?"

"That's what was left when the wolf cub broke its shell just now. I noticed just now that there is still some divine power in it."

"Divine power?"

"Fenrir's power is the power of the Age of Gods, and their magic power is the magic power of the Age of Gods. Naturally, it is also divine power. Basically, the essence of the inheritance of all the powers of the Age of Gods is to acquire abilities and magic power."

"To put it bluntly, the legacy of a creature from the Age of Gods can transform your body, allowing you to possess the abilities of this creature, and by the way, make your magic power into the magic power of the Age of Gods concentration!"

"...So?" Mobeta was also a little confused, he didn't quite understand what was special about it.

"Really stupid, the magic power of the eggshell has turned into magic power soup, and the corpses inside have been transformed into magic power substances, which means that these red liquids are all magic power!"

"That little wolf cub just now was the materialization of Fenrir's power, and the magic power turned into an eggshell? Then you didn't pick it up just now!" Mobetta's face changed suddenly, and he felt that he had lost a hundred million!

"Didn't I forget that... Now the magic power seems to be absorbed by the monster below... But ordinary creatures cannot absorb and use the magic power of the Age of Gods..."

"By the way, this guy is too big..." Mobeta looked at the claws that were like a big tree in the sky, but still felt a little panicked, can he really run away?

"Let's go?" Sirius felt more and more bad when he listened to the science talk of the two men at the top, and it was the best choice to take these two guys away.

"Hagrid!" But at this time, Hema and Dogan also ran over, and Ellie beside her was walking slowly towards this side on Firenze's back.

Although Firenze was very upset, he didn't say it out. After all, the other party was a little girl, so it was hard for him to say anything. Besides, he might not listen to the other party, and he couldn't beat him...

"Are you still there?!" Ellie jumped off the horse when she saw the top blood members who were in a panic not far away.

"Hey, we didn't attack you at this moment, truce, I just attracted the attack of giant spiders for your people!"

Accompanied by Dark 11's immediate confession, Ellie and Little Loli didn't know what to do, she pursed her lips and walked to Hema's side.

At this moment, Hagrid and the others also noticed a little white wolf cub passing overhead, slowly drifting towards the altar.

"What is this?"

"It's the so-called Fenrir, the source of the Nordic giant wolf's heritage!"

"Uh...was this the wolf cub they were talking about just now? It really is a wolf cub..." Lupine also had no idea that there would be a wolf cub inside the ball of light.

The people at the top of the blood also saw the little guy flying over, but they didn't make a move. After all, they have now discovered that this little guy has self-awareness.

There is no solution to the defense for the time being, it doesn't matter whether to grab or not, after all, for now, the remaining defeated soldiers they have left seem not enough for the opponent to fight.

And just as the little wolf cubs were getting closer, the giant spiders finally moved again, and the huge spiders also stretched out their third and fourth thighs.

Hema also suddenly remembered something, "Damn it, your mother, this is Mosag!!"

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