Harry Potter and the Dragon Prince

Chapter 183: The victory of the monster

However, a piece of the black carapace shattered with a bang, revealing the reddish flesh inside, and the huge eight claws exerted force suddenly, as if they were pulling something very hard.

The little wolf cub was also startled suddenly, as if he felt something was wrong, he flew towards them quickly!

The people from the Ministry of Magic were also taken aback, not knowing whether to defend or what to do?

"Let the little guy come here! He won't attack us!" Dogan also shouted at the Aurors who were defending next to him.

They looked back at the chubby Fudge, and now he was a little distracted. After all, what would happen if the big guy on the other side attacked?

"Hey? What... put that thing over here?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Minister, we need its help. Although it's just a little guy, you just saw that the other party is very afraid of it. Without him, we will be directly attacked. We can't fight against that monster! "

"Okay...I agree!" Fudge glanced at the dozen or so Aurors beside him, as well as the presence of two Hogwarts professors, and suddenly gained some confidence.

With the sudden disappearance of the light mask, the little wolf cub ran directly into Dog'an's arms, and then looked tearful, feeling overwhelmed.


"Uh...you can scream, don't you? I heard it..." Hema also poked the opponent's little paw, and then a burst of electricity shot up directly.

Hema also retreated directly, just in time to dodge, and the two silly guys next to him also came over, looking at the guy piled up in his boss's arms, he also felt very uncomfortable.

"This little guy looks really honest, let uncle hug him!" The bearded Lawn also hugged him directly, but in the next second there was a bang and a flash of lightning, and he was directly knocked out.


"I'm fine... Huh..." Lawn slowly got up from the ground, exhaled black air, his entire face was half black, and his hair and beard directly turned into a hedgehog form.

Root also hurriedly withdrew the evil hand he had just reached out, fearing that he would also be treated unequally by this little guy.

Ellie came over at this time, and easily hugged the little wolf cub, but still did not make any movements, and the Aurors beside him also breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just a relatively short-tempered little guy...much easier to deal with than the big guy opposite, but what is that guy doing?

The next second, Mosag exerted strength again, and a piece of the black carapace on his back fell off again, exposing another large piece of flesh.

"Woo!" The little wolf cub also jumped out of Ellie's arms and yelled towards the opposite side. Although it was weak, the other side obviously heard it.

"Roar! Kill! Power...it's me...!" Mosag also responded to the little wolf cub, and spoke human language, uttering each word in a jerky manner.

There was another loud click, and Mosag slammed his hind paws hard, standing halfway up from the ground, exposing his abdomen.

But a pool of green liquid suddenly splashed out from the damaged part of the black shell on the back, and then two strange bones pierced out of it, and then slowly stretched out!

"what is that?"

"Wings!?" Moody narrowed his only eye. Although it was far away, the ability to see through was still usable.

In the next second, the skeleton stretched out, and then two transparent wings grew out along the skeleton.

"What does she want to do?!" Auror watched Mossag's wings grow out, kicked back with four claws, and his front legs suddenly floated into the air, and instantly let out a low growl!


With a wave of wings,

As the dust and mist mixed and rolled away, the hundreds of meters tall body suddenly flew up directly under the support of four pairs of thin wings.

"Prepare to defend!" Everyone immediately raised their wands, and Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Moody, and Luping were ready to attack with magic spells.

The little wolf cub also floated up and flew towards Hema. His two eyes glanced at Hema's arm, as if hinting at something.

Hema was also taken aback, and put her hand on the other's head and touched it, "Is it comfortable?"

"Hey! Huh..." The little guy also knocked off Hema's hand suddenly, then flew to Hema's hand, clapped his hands, and then pointed to Dogan and the others beside him.

"Did the little wolf cub let you use a wand?" Ellie said casually.

"Hey!" The little wolf cub nodded hastily, and Hema pulled out her wand from her waist for some unknown reason, but the little wolf cub shook his head.

"Isn't it? This is a wand... Hey... You can't be Rune...?"

"Hey!" There was a flash of lightning on the little wolf cub's body, and then he nodded. Hema also shook his hand, and the black magic wand came out from the cuff in an instant.

By the way, he has finally been able to use the tool bird Fawkes less recently, after all, Dumbledore also used it, and he has no jerky anymore.

So I specially asked Dumbledore to make a special space sleeve, which can directly connect the object with this side, and when used, it can fall out directly.

The black wand was instantly grabbed by Hema, and the wizards beside him were also stunned. What is this child doing? Is this a wand?

Looking at the eyes of his colleagues, Dogan also thought of his shock when he saw Hema take out this wand. This big black stick was actually a magic wand.

But she is still very clear about the combat power of this wand, but why does this little guy want a wand?

But as Hema handed over the wand, the little guy shook his head again, then raised his little arm, and pointed to the giant beast that was flying this way.

"Attack her? But I can't beat her down. Although I can use some of the power of the runes, I can't destroy the creatures of the age of gods."

"Hey!" The little wolf cub bumped him lightly, then pointed to himself, the halo on his tail directly separated from his body and floated towards his wand.

"You said you would help me?" Hema asked tentatively.

"Oh!" The little guy also slowly landed on his wand, and the halo just fit on the top of the wand.

With a snap, all the rune engravings on the wand instantly lit up, and the sapphire shone brightly.

The wizards next to him were also stunned for a moment. It seemed that this little guy was going to do something big, and Hema was also the most surprised. At that second, all the runes lit up.

"What do you want to do?" Hema felt the wand in her hand being lifted up, aiming at the sky!

"Hey!" But following the little guy's groan, a child's voice suddenly sounded in Hema's head, "Pour all the magic power into it and shoot her down!"



"Understood, so hoo... everyone, get out of the way, this guy is going to use my wand to make a big move!"

After Fudge heard it, he quickly walked back. The Aurors glanced at Hema, and Moody and Dogan waved their hands to indicate that there was no problem.

Dogan and Allie also withdrew a few meters, and shouted at Hema and the little guy, "Come on!"

And Hema also became short of breath when he saw the increasingly huge body, but he was not too scared, and he was quite confident in this little guy.

Besides, it really doesn't work, he still has a skill that doesn't work!



The two voices collided violently, and Mosag's body swooped down suddenly, and his front paws instantly made a piercing sound, and stabbed at Hema! There are only a few tens of meters left!

"Ahhh!!!" Hema poured all the magic power into the wand at this time, and the huge magic power instantly reached the top through the authority of the rune!

The sapphire at the top burst out a bright colorful streamer, and the halo suddenly became a little bigger, just framed on the top of the sapphire!

In an instant, Hema felt that her magic power had increased dozens of times, and it was still increasing. The wolf cub's magic power from the age of gods instantly poured into the halo!

His rune power was magnified dozens of times in an instant, and the colorful beam of light bounced out like a sharp knife out of its sheath!

It instantly sank into the mouth of Mosag who was sprinting downwards, and the seven-colored light pierced her mouth instantly, and burst out from behind with a sound!

The overflowing light beams also tore off all of her back shell, and the newly grown membrane wings were also torn into pieces!

The huge body was also blown away by the impact of the light, and crashed a hundred meters away like a meteor!

Accompanied by the sweeping smoke and sound waves, the wizards present all became in a state of trance, and Fudge even dazedly wiped his eyes.

"Is this the power of the Age of Gods?!"

Hema stared blankly at her peeled hand, and the little guy squatting on the wand also raised his little paw, announcing his victory!


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