Afterwards, Hema and the others chatted with the unicorn elders for a few more words, and then prepared to leave here. After all, this is the territory of the centaur. If so many unicorns suddenly appeared, they would regard them as an invasion.

But before the unicorn team left the range of the centaurs, a group of centaurs surrounded them directly, blocking the way of the unicorns and Hema.

One of them, the Hema, is still very familiar to them, Firenze. Although the opponent did not serve as the main force in the battle in the Forbidden Forest last time, he has been helping from the side.

At the beginning, he helped Hagrid lead Sirius and the others to break through, and later helped defend against the continuous attacks of the werewolves, but in the end he secretly left by himself before thanking him. It may be because of the appearance of people from the Ministry of Magic. The centaurs should be the people who hate the Ministry of Magic the most, and of course Mr. Minister of Magic.

However, the centaur group itself is more difficult to deal with than the unicorns. They are more arrogant and very aggressive. To put it bluntly, they have a bad temper.

"Momorodo, why did you bring so many unicorns and humans into our centaur territory!" the leading black centaur shouted at the second elder unicorn. "Lenkamo, we were just tricked into coming here by this guy, and we are about to leave. He is a dark wizard." The second elder, Momorodo, also casually pointed at the buried 3 who was tied on horseback.

At this time, he had already passed out, with wounds all over his body, and Miss Unicorn who was carrying him was also very unhappy.

"But this has nothing to do with you bringing humans into our territory!"

"So what do you want?" The second elder was not in a good temper either, and he breathed out immediately, and the momentum of the whole horse rose.

Dozens of unicorns behind also raised their front feet one after another, and the two unicorns protected Hema and the others behind, ready to fight. The centaur on the opposite side didn't expect the unicorn to be so stubborn. After all, unicorns are usually very friendly. To put it bluntly, they are cowardly. It doesn't matter if they are a little bit angry, but today it has changed!

The horsemen were also a little at a loss. After all, they were not evil magical creatures, and they couldn't do harm to unicorns. Instead, they would be cursed and lose the power to observe the starry sky.

And there are only a dozen of them in total, and there are 60 to 70 unicorns on the opposite side. No matter how you fight, it will be good if you don't get wiped out by the group.

"Ahem... But you have to give us a detailed explanation." The black horse man also coughed a few times, and Firenze also noticed Hema at this time, and blinked indistinctly.

"Jacko, have a good chat with Mr. Black Horse, let's go first." The second elder said to the unicorn next to him, and then walked straight past.

Hema and the others followed suit, and the horsemen did not stop them, but let them pass, leaving only two small unicorns behind.

"Fighting the centaurs is not a good thing. At least for us unicorns, their bows and arrows are very restrictive for us, and they also have healing magic. Fortunately, there are fewer centaurs who came out to patrol today."

The second elder also said something to Hema and the others. In fact, it was a little panicked just now, but it breathed a sigh of relief when it saw only a dozen centaurs.

At this time, Ellie has already laid down on a unicorn, enjoying the warmth of the other's body. Although she is also a vampire, she is still a cute girl after all, and the unicorn did not say that she would not be allowed to stay on it.

And the little guy is curiously scurrying around on top of the unicorn, but the unicorn won't look at it, feeling like it's a trivial matter for him to take a look at it.

Not to mention that the Second Elder knew that this was the heir to the generation of gods who defeated Mosag. Naturally, he should not be provoked. In addition, he was also the savior of their clan.

"Little guy, come down, how can you run on top of others?"

"Hey." The little guy flew into Dog'an's arms slowly, lay down slowly, and then glanced at Ellie next to him with his little eyes.

"Alas! What do you mean!"


Second Elder, do you all know about Mosag? "

"Well, the Forbidden Forest is full of dangers for you humans. After all, the creatures here have their own territories and their own habits. Some are gentler like us, and some are more powerful. It's just plain killing."

"But for us, species can be regarded as neighbors, but they can be divided into good neighbors and bad neighbors."

"Mosag is a bad neighbor, or the Acromantula race is an evil dark creature, which can be said to be the race we hate the most."

"But Mosag didn't become like this just now, did he?"

"Well, it was a year ago that she seemed to devour the inheritance that didn't belong to it, resulting in a mutation and becoming more like a monster. Under Aragog's control, the fairly honest acromantula began to attack Attack on Hogwarts."

"Well, so that's why you're considering whether to carry on the inheritance... because it also comes with risks." Hema also understood, no wonder Mosag became like that, and the inheritance must be matched in place.

"Of course, I don't know much about inheritance. The only thing I can be sure of is that advanced inheritance is very dangerous for every creature, because you may not be able to inherit perfectly, but will be controlled by power."



But at this moment, the unicorn leading the way let out a scream, the second elder also flashed past, and Hema and Dogan also rushed over immediately.

"What's wrong!?"

"Huh... disappeared?"

"What's missing?"

"The soul is gone?" the unicorn said in the language of unicorns, but Hema and the others couldn't understand, but they roughly understood what it meant.

They looked up towards the canopy of the tree, and found that it was still empty, the inheritance crystal hadn't returned, and Aisha had disappeared.

"Where's Aisha?"

"Aisha is missing, what's going on? Did she escape with the inheritance?" a unicorn shouted in horror.

"No, no, Aisha won't, she is the most talented unicorn in our unicorn tribe, absolutely not!" The shorter unicorn who picked them up here with Aisha just now also retorted.

The second elder closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about something, then suddenly raised his head and roared in a few seconds! The noisy unicorns around also slowly quieted down.

"Three, what do you think is the situation, Aisha shouldn't be the kind to take away the essence for a so-called inheritance, but she really didn't come back..."

"Wait a minute, I have a way to know if she's back." Ellie suddenly jumped off the unicorn's back and raised her wand.

"Yes, there is a magic spell that can temporarily trace back whether there are traces of people in this place, and it is also a compulsory subject for us Aurors."

"Mine is different. I can locate an accurate unit, but I need a part of Aisha, such as hair."

"Yes, Ellie's tail hair, we unicorns like to leave a tail hair of our own every year, Kechar!"

The skinny unicorn galloped quickly towards the back of the old tree. Hema also knew the name of this little guy. Is it Miss Aisha's child? Or siblings?

Ten seconds later, Kechar came here with a tail hair in his mouth, and then gently put it in Ellie's hand.

Ellie didn't hesitate, and directly chanted the spell. With the trembling of the tail hair, a group of light red mist sprayed out from above, and then condensed together in the air, and began to fly around.

"What's the situation?" Dog'an didn't understand the function of this spell either. After all, it wasn't the inherited magic of the blood clan, but Ellie's own accumulated spell.

So I really can't underestimate this girl. Although her combat power is mediocre, her proficiency in knowing things and spells is quite high.

"Just wait a moment, this cloud of mist is looking for Aisha's trace, here it comes!"

I saw the red ball suddenly falling down, landed not far from the spring, and then slowly spread on the ground, turning into two shapes.

One looked like a unicorn, and the other was a creature a little bigger than a unicorn. The red smoke made it unclear, but everyone understood it instantly.

"It's the giant eight-eyed spider!"

Seeing the 8 thighs in the smoke, and then wrestling with the unicorn, everyone immediately understood what was going on.

"It turned out to be acromantia... Why did they attack Aisha, could it be!?"

"Perhaps, that guy Mosag is not dead yet."

The unicorns also trembled subconsciously, after all, they have experienced the horror of Mosag.

"But we have a little guy here, what are we afraid of doing!" Ellie also called out to the little guy who was taking a bath in the spring,


Seeing this, all the unicorns also breathed a sigh of relief. With this one around, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Ai Li, can you still track where they are?" Dogan glanced at Ai Li.

"No, this spell can only restore the most recent situation, and cannot track what happened later, unless you change places and know where they went, you can use this spell again."

"Then leave it to me, there is no trace!" Dogan also walked to the place where the smoke was just now, and cast a spell with the tail hair.

In an instant, a stream of light burst out from the tail hair, turned into a purple light butterfly, and then flew towards the forest on the left.

"Second Elder?"

"You, and a few of you follow me, and the others stay here, don't let any creature get close!"


The second elder also jumped directly to Hema's side, and Kechar also ran to Ellie's side and pushed her lightly.

"Sit up, I'm still very confident in our speed." "Yeah."

So the three of them got on their horses and quickly followed the butterfly into the dark forest!

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