Harry Potter and the Dragon Prince

Chapter 23: Charms and the Journal

"Today we are going to learn the levitation spell, but it seems that some students are already very proficient." Professor Flitwick glanced at Hema.

"Then please ask classmate Hema Aibo to demonstrate this spell to us first."

Hema nodded slightly, and took out her magic wand with normal unicorn tail hair, "Wingardim Leviosa!"

With the flash of the tip of Hema's wand, the feathers on the desk slowly floated up, and then slowly fell to the original place.

"Beautiful spell, 5 points for Slytherin!" Professor Flitwick smiled kindly, obviously he found another excellent little wizard besides Miss Hermione.

And this talent is even better than all the wizards he has seen before, and even that existence didn't have such power back then, so this point is more for Hema than adding a Slytherin.

Seeing Hema's performance, the other young wizards below also tried to do it themselves, but it didn't seem to be successful. Only two Slytherin students could lift up a little bit.

"Everyone should control the magic spell and their own magic power, instead of letting the magic spell restrict your spirit and motivation."

So the class started to try again and again, but fortunately, there were many failures, but there was no blasting ghost like Seamus.

On Hema's side, he kept asking Professor Flitwick about some knowledge about spells. Although many Hema didn't understand, at least he was a person who lived for twenty years, and he still had a good chat with the professor. happy.

And at this moment, a feather in the crowd slowly flew up and slowly floated towards Flitwick.

All the students also looked over in unison, after all, this is the second little wizard who succeeded in the spell!

"Oh ~ Miss Ginny Weasley, that's great! Three points for Gryffindor." Seeing the fiery red hair, everyone applauded.

This was in stark contrast to Hema's reaction just now, although several Slytherins applauded him just now.

In other words, Miss Ginny's talent for spells has always been very good, or the women in the Weasley family are quite strong, but he hasn't spoken to Mrs. Weasley yet.

But when Hema glanced at Ginny again, she found a black notebook placed on a stack of books next to her.

Hema was also a little surprised that Ginny picked up the diary... Is this the end of the world line? But it's not right... Forget it, Lao Dengtou will arrange it anyway, so I don't care about it.

Why did Hema trust Dumbledore unconditionally? The reason is simple. In the original book, the basilisk was so noisy that no one was killed or injured. In the end, it was Harry who solved the Horcrux and the basilisk.

You said that the setting of the protagonist's halo is one aspect, and on the other hand, when the Chamber of Secrets is announced to be opened, Dumbledore has already started to pave the way, and this time, Old Deng has all the information.

As many people said, when Dumbledore was alive, Hogwarts was the safest place in the wizarding world, which Hema agreed with very much.

Of course, it is enough for him to be a little more careful. After all, petrification is fine. If someone is really dead, he can't bear the responsibility.

The two classes ended in a short while, and Hema didn't bother about Ginny's affairs, but Professor Flitwick stopped him and handed him a note with the professor's signature and the books he needed .

"If there is anything you don't understand, you can come to me."

Hema was immediately moved by Flitwick's words, after all, he never took the initiative to mention the matter of going to the restricted area.

It's just that last time he borrowed a textbook from Professor Flitwick's last year's 2nd grade, that is, this year's 3rd grade student, and the other party remembered such a trivial matter.

"Professor Flitwick! Thank you very much!" Hema bowed and walked out of the classroom cheerfully.

Flitwick looked at Hema's back and nodded in relief,

This is actually a hardworking and talented child, what a dark wizard, what successor to the Chamber of Secrets, he just believes in his own eyes!

Hema walked towards the library excitedly, but after thinking about Astoria's absence from class, she turned around and planned to go back to the common room first.

As soon as he entered the common room, Hema noticed Astoria lying on the sofa and holding a broom.

"Dear Miss Greengrass, why didn't you go to class just now?"

"I went to Madam Pomfrey's to get the medicine. Malfoy put this on me just now, and said it was for you. Besides, don't call me dear."

"Then I'll call you Astoria sauce?"

"What sauce?" Astoria tilted his head and killed Hema, making Hema's heart beat faster again. Why is this child so cute!

"It's just a nickname. Let me see what the hell the Malfoy family is doing."

After picking up the broom, Hema put the broom body aside, and opened a letter on it first, although Hema had already guessed the general meaning of the old boy Lucius.

I glanced at it for a while, and the content is that I hope he can make friends with Draco. Why are the Ebo and Malfoy families both pure-blooded families? Don't worry about it, wait for him to enter Hogwarts and so on. .

Anyway, I just want to make friends with him, and the reason is very simple, that is, his talent and deeds made this old Death Eater interested in him.

These overtures are also an investment. Voldemort has not yet been resurrected, but he still bears the fate of the Death Eater, and he also wants to get rid of it completely.

So some young, powerful little wizards are also the objects of his wooing and digging, not only as a help, but also as a way for him to break free from control.

But Hema didn't have a particularly big reaction to this. After all, the Malfoy family was rich and powerful, but in front of Voldemort and those really crazy dark wizards, they still seemed to be down at the first blow.

So one's own strength is the foundation. Once this point is achieved, one will not be bound by anyone. It is good to be one's own boss, and one has to depend on others.

Of course, there is another point, that is, the old boy Lucius, knowing the problem with the book, sent it to Hogwarts just to disturb Hogwarts and push Dumbledore down.

But old Deng is the one who you say is the top, and Fuji is a tough guy, just be your minister and it's over, and you will do things all day long.

Seeing Hema's changing expression, Astoria couldn't help laughing, but thinking that it was Malfoy's letter, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

After all, compared with the Greengrass family, the traditional style of the Malfoy family, which is also a pure-blood family, is not so gentle and decent.

"Hema, is there a problem?"

"No, even if you get close to me, the Malfoy family will have a hard time~ By the way, what's wrong with your body, can you let me know? I'm quite worried about you."

Hema's eyes widened, and she held Astoria's cool little hand. The other party was taken aback suddenly, and with a blushing face, she sneakily pulled it out.

Hema didn't get used to it anymore, after all, she was still a child, so take her time, the current Astoria probably doesn't even have an accurate concept of what love is.

In addition, he was really worried about Astoria's body. After all, from the original book, the angel died in his 30s after marrying Draco.

So Hema doesn't say that he can save the world, defeat Voldemort, and clear away the darkness, but it is still a goal of his life for him to help this girl survive.


"Don't want to say?" Hema looked at the little face that suddenly fell silent.

"No, I'm hungry now, let's talk about it next time."

"Haha, let's go eat then!"

"It's not time to eat yet..."

"...Who said it's not time to eat, you'll know in a while!"

Hema smiled slightly, and pulled Astoria up from the sofa. Feeling the warmth, Astoria surprisingly didn't let go.

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