Harry Potter and the Dragon Prince

Chapter 261: Barty Crouch

After changing back to her own clothes, Miss Dogan finally calmed down a bit, but the proprietress secretly said to her, "Why didn't you let this gentleman look at the back of this dress."

"Let's talk about it later..." Dog'an blushed again. Although the front of the dress looked quite formal, there was a very large hollow on the back.

Although it looks good, it's really not suitable for wearing out, otherwise, how would those subordinates and colleagues think of me!

"Do you just want to try one?" Hema was also a little unhappy when she saw that Dogan had changed back into her own clothes. Are you still waiting for you to show me?

"I'll talk about it later. You don't want to try a windbreaker. There are many styles here. Let Ms. Dalix choose for you."

"Well, there just happen to be a couple of new styles coming in."

"Isn't that good? I'm obviously here to help you."

"You try it first, I bought that dress."

"Okay." Hema nodded helplessly, and the proprietress picked up the wand and waved it, and several magic birds flew out from one end of the wand, flew to the high place of the wall, grabbed two pieces of clothes and flew away slowly. down.

"Come on, try these two."

"Can the proprietress tell the number just by looking at it?" Hema took the clothes, and just put them on, and instantly felt a little powerful.

"Well, this is just experience. Magic is not easy to do, and experience is the best thing to use."

"Well, Miss Carat, how about this one?"

"That's right, it's pretty good-looking, but the color is a bit old-fashioned... You can look in the mirror and feel it for yourself."

"Not bad, don't you look mature?" Hema looked at herself in the mirror. Although she was only 1.7 meters tall, her figure was still well-proportioned.

The gray-yellow windbreaker made him look a bit mature, like a little adult, but there was no way to completely hide the immaturity on his face. This time, Hema thought that she was only 13 years old.

It’s just that with this age, I often think about things beyond this age. In my last life, I grew 177 when I was 20. Now I’m 170. Hey~

"Then try the black one."


Putting it on in black, Hema's skin looked much fairer. With black hair and black eyes, she looked a bit handsome, with a very serious feeling, like a dark wizard.

"This one looks good!" Dog'an said from the side, although the grey-yellow one is also good, but the black one looks better, and it is similar to her windbreaker, so it matches well.

After trying on the windbreaker, Hema and Dogan each tried on a few clothes. Among them, Hema liked two coats, but they couldn't usually wear them, so they only bought one in the end.

Under Hema's coercion and the proprietress' enthusiasm, Dog'an tried on more than a dozen clothes, and finally found that they were all good, and bought half of them with a wave of Hema's big hand.

The reason why he didn't buy all of them is also very simple, that is, Mr. Hema suddenly felt that his wallet was almost bottomed out.

"That's it, let's talk about it next time." Dogan frowned as he looked at the preppy plaid skirt on his body, feeling that Hema was spending too much money.

"Okay, then come again next time."


The two settled the bill with the enthusiastic proprietress, and walked out of this seemingly 'small shop' amidst laughter.

"It cost you money, Mr. Hema."

"It's okay, Miss Carat, the potion ingredients you bought for me are worth almost 300 Galleons. I didn't expect you to be a rich woman."

"I'm not a rich woman, Ellie is a rich woman, she spends a lot of money, and last time she spent almost 1,000 Galleons on a piece of jewelry.


"By the way, when do you think you can go home and have a look?"

"This? Wait a minute, anyway, the two of them are not in a hurry, Ellie is still with me, by the way, I remember, during the winter vacation, you have to take her out to play."

"Oh! It seems that I promised her, so I will take it with me. Anyway, I will go alone."

"I want to go too, but I have another mission recently. I will be sent to Albania to find a lost treasure. Obviously the information is not complete. There is no need to send so many Aurors out."

"Albania?!" Hema's eyes widened suddenly upon hearing this name. Isn't the Albanian forest the place where Voldemort hides? What exactly is going on?

"Who is traveling with you?"

"It's Root and Beard... I was also led astray by you. The two of them, Lawn, and a few Aurors, but they are all people I know well, so there shouldn't be any danger."

"Oh, but I don't think so. There are still lurkers in the magic of the top blood. Although it is impossible to convey the news to the outside, there may not be other ways."

"You said our actions were controlled by them? But what is there in Albania? Ambush, just to ambush us ordinary wizards, it doesn't make any sense."

"It's true to say that, but I said that Voldemort is also in Albania now..." Hema raised her eyes and looked at Dogan.

"Huh?! Are you telling the truth?"

"I'm not sure about anything else, but some time ago, Voldemort was in the Albanian forest. I'm not sure now, but he must be outside. That's why Greyback left England. I've already told you about it. .”

"Well, wait for you to discuss this matter with Dumbledore before I decide whether to report to the Ministry of Magic. After all, there are many issues involved."


"Director Dogan?"

But just when the two were about to continue talking, a deep and thick male voice came from behind the two.

Dogan also turned around immediately. After all, few people called her like that, and more people called her Miss Dogan.

Hema also tilted her head to look, and found a tall middle-aged man standing there, wearing a formal suit, with gray hair combed meticulously, and looking very serious, he looked like an official.

"Mr. Crouch, hello!" Dogan's greeting also let Hema know the identity of the other party, Barty Crouch, a character who is very important to the development of Harry Potter, and of course his Son Barty Crouch Jr.

Barty Crouch is the former director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic, a real powerful figure, because the Department of Magical Law Enforcement is the first department of the Ministry of Magic. In the original book, Harry seems to be the minister of this department.

Under this department, there are many familiar branches, such as the Department of Prohibited Misuse of Magic, Auror Command, Department of Prohibited Misuse of Muggle Items, etc.

Moreover, this Mr. Barty Crouch is also very capable personally, and he is meticulous in his work. He was once the person who was most supported by everyone to become the Minister of Magic.

But he was cheated to death by his own son. Without his knowledge, Barty Crouch Jr. became a Death Eater, and his old father had to send his son to prison.

But because his wife and his heart softened, he finally let his critically ill wife enter Azkabandai to die instead of Barty Jr.

And imprisoned Batty Jr., and hid him with a cloak of invisibility, and sent an elf to watch over his son, and spent so many years slowly.

However, because of his son, it was impossible for him to become the Minister of Magic. Later, he was transferred from the Department of Magic Law Enforcement to the Department of International Magic Exchange and Cooperation.

"Aibo, this is Mr. Barty Crouch." After chatting with Crouch for a few words, Dogan also gave Hema a tug and introduced him.

"Hello, Mr. Crouch."

"Hello, Mr. Aibo." Crouch didn't ask more about the relationship between Hema and Doggan, but just nodded and shook hands with Hema.

"Director Dogan, have you gotten used to it in the past six months since you came to the UK?"

"Well, not bad, at least fell asleep."

"Haha, that's good, or that old gentleman will kill me." Crouch also joked surprisingly.

"That one is very kind."

"If he didn't give me a little way out when I talked to him last time, just kidding, then I'll tell you first, and there are other things."

"Well, goodbye, Mr. Crouch."

"Goodbye, Mr. Crouch."

"Goodbye, Mr. Aibo, Director Dogan."

After speaking, he walked into the crowd, but in the next second, a special magic power suddenly passed in front of him, and it was not just magic power, but also air flow...

"What's wrong?"

"Carat, how many people do you think were standing next to us just now?"

"Huh? What do you mean? Don't scare me?"

"No, I'm serious. Just now in front of me on the right, there seems to be a person standing, wearing an invisibility cloak. His magic power has just fluctuated. Who do you think it is~"

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